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A multi-channel retail model in the party supplies industry with 
retail stores, catalog and the Internet



iParty Corp.

1457 VFW Parkway

West Roxbury, MA 02132

Sal Perisano

Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Walter Banks
, Co-Publisher 

February 2001


Mr. Perisano was the co-founder of The Big Party, a national chain of 51 party superstores. Mr. Perisano has 25 years of management experience in merchandising and retailing. In 1981, he co-founded Videosmith, which became Boston's dominant video retailer. In 1989 Videosmith was sold to a publicly traded company called Xtra-vision PLC, which owned 250 stores throughout the U.K. and Ireland. Mr. Perisano stayed on as director and was later named Chief Executive of the parent company, which was subsequently acquired by Blockbuster Video. Mr. Perisano holds a B.A. from Boston College and an M.A. from Harvard University.

About iParty

IParty Corp.’s Website, iParty.com

From children's birthday parties to weddings, from Super Bowl parties to Halloween, iParty uses the Internet to make it easy and convenient for consumers to plan and give fabulous parties. iParty is the ultimate resource for party givers to exchange ideas about parties, select themes, make comprehensive plans, and purchase all of the goods and services for a successful event.

Planning and executing a successful party requires creativity, organization, time, and travel - usually multiple trips, first to view goods and services, then to pick-up orders. iParty's mission is to provide you, the party giver, with a simple, seamless transaction process so that you can accomplish all of the following in an easy, uncomplicated manner in one place, 24 hours per day:

  • get advice from experts
  • exchange information with other party givers
  • select an exciting theme
  • shop for all the goods and services you need
  • pay for everything at once at the check-out counter
  • return to check your order status
  • obtain fast, reliable customer service

We believe that iParty is unique. We know of no other company, on-line or conventional, that offers the comprehensive array of content, services and goods that iParty will provide through a single gateway. Even if the individual elements that comprise iParty were available separately on the Internet or elsewhere, the party giver would have to visit dozens of sites and make dozens of phone calls to replicate what can be done at iParty in one transaction.

CEOCFOinterviews - Mr.Perisano, please give us a brief history of iParty? 

Mr.Perisano: "The company was incorporated in l998. When I joined it early in l999, it was already a public entity.  After it was incorporated, a reverse merger into a public shell was effected and the company picked up a bulletin board listing. Very soon thereafter, we proceeded to raise about twenty nine million dollars. At the end of l999, we applied for a listing on the American Stock Exchange.  We were actually the first company listed on the American Stock Exchange in the year 2000. In l999, we spent most of our time building our site, having engaged a company to assist us in that effort. We opened the site for business in October of l999 and clipped the last part of the Halloween season.  Shortly thereafter we concluded that we should proceed with, at least, one other channel - a catalog.  We published our first catalog in April of 2000.  We believed that in this category, if not in all of the commerce, our company would be better able to proceed if it had some terrestrial reality that was linked to its virtual business.  That opportunity came up in the summer of 2000, when we had a chance to purchase assets of a retail chain of stores, that I left two years before.  We began a competitive bid process to acquire the assets of what was then known as The Big Party, which was founded in l992 by my wife Dorice Dionne and me. We grew it to 51 stores and in the middle of l998 we made an arrangement with our board of directors to leave the company. As part of our deal, we made a “carve out” in our non-compete agreement to be able to pursue Internet and direct marketing in this industry. This industry, by the way is a 12 billion a year industry, and 99% of it is retail. 

CEOCFOinterviews - Is your future in retail?

Mr.Perisano: "Yes. The biggest revenue producer this year will be retail."

CEOCFOinterviews – Will it be the same three years from now?

Mr.Perrisano: "I think that it will equalize more as we build our direct business. I believe there is a tremendous potential here in optimizing the direct business, which is being conducted through the catalog, through telephone orders and through the Internet. We have not released any numbers, but we have progressively increased our business every quarter since we started the company. As a matter of fact all of our numbers indicate very healthy trends since we launched our Internet and Catalog businesses. Our challenge is to now leverage the over head of our brick and mortar company so that we do not experience the traditional “burn” that cripples pure play dot com companies. We believe we are doing this.  We re-named the 33 stores that we purchased when we acquired the assets of the Big Party (we took 33 out of 54) to, iParty.  In l999, they had revenues of about 50 million dollars, and we are fairly confident that we can grow on that base."

CEOCFOinterviews – Do you plan to make any further acquisitions?

Mr.Perisano: "Yes, we are always on the lookout for businesses which we think will enhance our model - a multi-channel retail model in the party supplies industry with retail stores, catalog and the Internet. If we see any opportunities in either of those three areas we would be very interested in pursuing it."

CEOCFOinterviews - How do you market the iParty name?

Mr.Perisano: "We have a budget that would have us spend a fair amount of money promoting the retail stores. Currently we promote them through radio and through newspaper inserts. We plan to publish inserts quite frequently throughout the year into approximately 18 different major Sunday newspapers."

CEOCFOinterviews – What is your advertising strategy?

Mr.Perisano: "We use the circulars that are inserted into newspapers. We advertise seasonally attractive product. For instance, Super Bowl parties, followed quickly by Valentine parties, which would be followed quickly by St. Patrick's Day parties and so forth. We also solicit names, addresses, and mail addresses from people in the stores. That is a terrific way to build up our database, which we then use to re-market to our existing customers. We also purchase lists for purposes of mailing out our catalogue and other sales brochures."

CEOCFOinterviews - Which states are your stores currently located?

MrPerisano: " We have 30 stores in five New England states, Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Hampshire. There are 3 stores in Tampa Bay, Florida. They are all company owned. 

CEOCFOinterviews - Do you have any plans for expansion 

Mr.Perisano: "It is quite possible that we will do that. The business currently at hand for us is to clearly establish a path to profitability, which we believe we are currently on.  We are also working towards integrating the stores with the catalogue and the website in such a way as to afford our consumer the opportunity to conveniently order goods through three channels."

CEOCFOinterview - Do you have a worldwide market through your catalogue and your website?

Mr.Perisano: "It is pretty much a national business. We do some business internationally, but that is minimal. The market that we have comes mostly from our 48 states."

CEOCFOinterviews – Are you considering a strategy to reach a worldwide market?

Mr.Perisano: "Yes, we are considering a strategy to reach a worldwide market, and we would to like to do it in the future as another avenue of growth.  Partnering is something that we would be interested in doing internationally.  We are experimenting a little bit right now, and do have some interest from companies in other countries that would like to partner with us.  "

CEOCFOinterviews - How do you maintain a competitive edge?

Mr.Perisano: "There is a fashion component to our inventory.  It has to be fresh and it has to be forward looking.  There is also a huge children's component to what we do. Our typical customer is a woman with two children, between the ages of 25 to 45 years old, usually having several parties to plan each year, whether for birthdays, graduation, Halloween or some other seasonal occasion. Our competitive edge is clearly in the product offering and the way in which it is made available.  In each of our channels, whether the stores, the catalogue or the Internet, we focus on the classic retailing strategy of suggestive selling, so that we offer the consumer an idea and a way to expand upon that idea. We clearly understand that our customer is in a competition with the woman across the street who had such a creative birthday party for her child. And we also understand that she is in some competition with herself - to exceed the effort that she put forward last year for the child.  In understanding this, the competitive edge that we have is to make it possible for this consumer to feel as creative as she can possibly be, and as successful as she can possibly be by shopping in our channels.  Therefore, on the Internet we give her lots of information and tips as to how have the most fun at the party. In the store, through the adjacencies that we offer in juxtaposing the categories and the product in each category, we offer her many other possibilities.  There is just so much we can suggest and supply to make any party a great fun and unique experience."

CEOCFOinterviews - Do you have the cash and the credit to continue with your growth strategy?-

Mr.Perisano: "Absolutely. We recently closed down our operation in New York where we had started the Internet company. We are leveraging the overhead that we had in the retail stores headquarters for the purpose of incorporating all of the channels under one roof. This way we can have one management team rather than two or three separate management teams. We are also using the stores to drive a fair amount of business to the Internet, and the existing technology in the stores and in the stores' headquarters. We are leveraging that technology to be used on the Internet as well. Two of the biggest expenses that cause a pure-play Internet company to burn cash, are marketing and technology. In our case we have arrested both those expenses on the Internet site. We were able to dodge the dot.com bullet and what is more, we re-invented the company as a multi-channel retailer. We have plenty of cash to fund our operation, and beyond that, we secured a line of credit through Wells-Fargo Bank. This revolving line of credit is collateralized by the inventory of the stores. Now that we are no longer a virtual company that type of funding is available to us. The year l999 was a great year for raising money, and the year 2000 was a great year for sobriety. The year 2001 is here for us to execute our new model which is a combination of the old and new economies under one roof, offering something that is very, very basic, a party-goods product which has been around since all of us were little kids."

CEOCFOinterviews - What is your burn rate?

Mr.Perisano: "At the end of third quarter last year we had 7.5 million in cash and we were burning about a million dollars a month. We will be burning a fraction of that this year. With our path that we carved toward profitability we hope to generate cash in not too distant future."

CEOFCOinterviews - Is there a thought that would like to leave with potential investors and your current shareholders?

Mr.Perisano: "My vision of this company is that we will emerge as the only multi-channel retailer in our category. A very robust category that is now consolidating after a period of rapid expansion in the mid nineties.  Reaching this goal would have us as the only party business that is clicking on three different channels: stores, catalogue and the Internet. This is an industry, which continues to grow 6-10 % a year, and where the consumer is just now getting on line.  Therefore, it looks pretty well for our future"

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