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Capturing Time and
Attendance Data Accurately

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Software & Programming

Time America, Inc.
A Vitrix Company


51 West Third Street, Suite 310
Tempe, AZ 85281
Phone: 480-296-0400
Contact: kyrim@timeamerica.com

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Thomas S. Bednarik

President and
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Diane Reynolds, Co-Publisher

September 2001

Bio of CEO

Thomas Bednarik has served as President, Chief Executive Officer of the Company and as a Director since February 2000. Mr. Bednarik brings more than 28 years of executive and sales management experience in the information technology industry. He has served in various executive management roles, including CEO, President, and Vice President, with firms such as Idea Corporation, Decision Data, Alcatel Information Systems, and ITT Corporation.

About Viritix, Inc.

Vitrix, Inc., a holding company, recently merged its subsidiary Vitrix Incorporated with Time America, Inc.  The company currently operates under the name of Time America, Inc.

Ceocfointerviews: I know it is a B-to-B business that you have, but my readers may not know everything.  If you can, please explain what this company is doing.

Mr. Bednarik: Time America is a software development company that provides proprietary time and attendance software solutions.  A sale may also include various data collection devices and professional services, such as implementation and training.  The software that we develop is generically called Time and Attendance Software or Workforce Management Software.  Basically the software allows the user to gather employee data such as when he or she clocks in or out, benefit accruals, electronic timesheets, etc.  Along with the software, Time America sells data collection devices that take the place of mechanical time clocks. The data collection devices include magnetic or barcode badge readers, biometric hand readers, and Web-enabled devices.  An employees’ time can be recorded and provided to his or her supervisor for approval and then inputted into a payroll system.  Our clients look at our product as the front end of a payroll system, where the time and attendance data is gathered and applied against a rules engine in our software, which gathers punches and applies logic based on specific company rules.  For instance, if someone punches in early, the rules engine would decide how to handle that time based on that particular company’s policy.  Once the data is run through the program, it can be exported to a variety of payroll processors and Human Resources packages.  The purpose of our product offering is to capture accurate time and attendance data and record it in a timely fashion.

Ceocfointerviews: That can save companies millions of dollars every year depending on how it’s utilized.

Mr. Bednarik: It can be a significant number, which is substantiated by the fact the average Return On Investment for our solution is less than six months.

Ceocfointerviews: Are you targeting all size companies?

Mr. Bednarik: With the recent merger with Time America, we now offer products that address companies of all sizes.

Ceocfointerviews: Are you doing this on a global basis?

Mr. Bednarik: Time America does sell products outside of the United States, however, because of localization issues, the software is limited to only English speaking countries.  Therefore, the majority of our business is coming from the United States. 

Ceocfointerviews: Can this be converted into other languages so you can increase your sales?

Mr. Bednarik: Our complete product line will be able to be converted to different languages within a couple of years.  Today, only one of our products, our client-server solution, HourTrack, has the capability to be easily converted into a different language.  We really haven’t focused on this area since we have such a large opportunity within the United States.

Ceocfointerviews: You mentioned that you develop the software and hardware.   Is this done within your own company or is this outsourced?

Mr. Bednarik: Time America develops the time and attendance software and then adds the data collection device, such as a badge reader or biometric device.  For the most part these devices are manufactured by other companies, but in some cases, customized to our specifications.  However, we do write all the application firmware that controls the data collection devices.

Ceocfointerviews: Obviously some companies have different needs and is basically "time" orientated.  How do you deal with the customer to satisfy their needs?

Mr. Bednarik: Our standard products usually fulfill the needs of a typical client.  But in many cases we may have to customize the product.  The customization may include unique overtime rules or department configuration because of the organizational structure of a company.  It is very common that a customer with more than 500 employees might require some amount of custom programming to incorporate unique rules and features.

Ceocfointerviews: How often do you update the products?

Mr. Bednarik: Our time and attendance software is updated on a continuous basis.  New service releases are issued based on program issues, i.e. bugs, and the addition of new software features, which is typically every four weeks depending on the product. 

Ceocfointerviews: Your customers obviously want the latest and the greatest.   Is this a long-term contract you have with your customers or as updates become available you charge them then?

Mr. Bednarik: We provide “bug fixes” at no charge on all of our products.  We also include new feature enhancements at no charge for those customers covered under a software maintenance agreement.

Ceocfointerviews: You mentioned that you have resellers selling the products for you.  Do you do any of the selling yourself?

Mr. Bednarik: We have a reseller channel consisting of more than 100 resellers that sell the majority of our products.  The reseller channel has been very successful and is a channel that we are continuing to grow.  The two solutions we are selling direct include the ASP product, NETtime, which is also sold through the reseller channel and our client server product, HourTrack.

Ceocfointerviews: You are also providing services, sending your technical representative to the companies to implement and train.  Are you adequately staffed to meet the needs of your customers?

Mr. Bednarik: Yes we have adequate staff to accommodate the sales volume we are producing.  We have a pool of   training and implementation personnel in our professional services group.  Once the sale is made we implement the solution, which basically involves creating the database and installing the software.  We then conduct the training.  Both the implementation and training can be conducted on-site or remotely.  We have designed our training curriculum for both an administrative level as well as an employee level depending on the type of product sold and the desires of the client.

Ceocfointerviews:  How do you handle customer problems?

Mr. Bednarik: We have a technical support group that handles customer service issues for resellers and end users.  Our staff is available for general customer support issues from 7 AM to 5 PM MST.  We do offer 24X7 support on a contractual basis.

Ceocfointerviews: What did the merger with Time America Inc. do for your company?

Mr. Bednarik: The major synergies for the merger of the two businesses are as follows: Time America created a significant reseller channel, as previously mentioned.   Throughout its thirteen years of operation Time America has retained a number of resellers that are very loyal to the Time America brand due to the quality of the product and superior technical support consistently received.  Overall, the key strengths of Time America included a very solid distribution channel and a comprehensive product line.  Time America’s products are sold primarily to companies in the small to mid-size markets, although the software is feature rich.  Vitrix’s assets include a product line that can accommodate a large number of employees.  Furthermore, Time America’s products are PC based, and Vitrix’s solutions include a client/server product and an ASP solution.  The ASP product, NETtime, which is similar to the HourTrack product in means of capability, is delivered via the Web in a hosted environment.  NETtime offers added convenience to customers by eliminating the need to install and maintain the software – as it is 100% Web-based and housed in a world-class data center. So, instead of buying the software, users pay a monthly rental fee.  To summarize, we increased our market presence, broadened our product line and strengthened our sales channels of distribution.

Ceocfointerviews: I know recently software manufacturers and software distributors have taken a major hit as a result of the economy.  Has this situation affected this company in anyway?

Mr. Bednarik: The economic slowdown has affected our business.  We have seen a softness in overall sales based on the decline of the economy.  For instance, when you compare fiscal fourth quarter revenues for 2000 for both Vitrix and Time America to fiscal fourth quarter revenues of 2001, which was the first quarter as combined entity, the amount of revenue was 8% less during 2001.  We know that certain customers have deferred purchases until the economy improves.  Regardless of the current economic conditions we continue to improve our product line and focus on recruiting new resellers.

Ceocfointerviews: If you wanted to expand the company, do you have the cash flow or capital to do it at this point?

Mr. Bednarik: It would depend on the amount of expansion.  When we merged Vitrix and Time America, at the end of March, we raised some additional debt financing. 

Ceocfointerviews: In the new plan for your business, would you include another acquisition or another partner?

Mr. Bednarik: There is always a possibility that the company’s future could include another acquisition or additional partners.  We are always looking for opportunities that make sense for the company.

Ceocfointerviews: Do you feel Time America is fully digested into the company?

Mr. Bednarik: Yes.  The merger with Time America was easier since Time America was located here in the Phoenix area.  Since Vitrix is located in Tempe, a suburb of Phoenix, we were able to consolidate the businesses into the Tempe facility.  We were able to reduce some office expenses immediately along with some of the redundancies that you normally get with the merging of two entities by moving the two companies under one roof.  We have products and sales channels that compliment each other.  I believe the merger with Time America has been, from my perspective, a success.

Ceocfointerviews:  What would you say to a potential investor looking at your company for the first time?

Mr. Bednarik:  Anyone interested in purchasing a company’s stock has to look at the company relative to future activity.  Is it going to differentiate itself? Why would I want to invest in this company verses another company in this space?  We convey to potential investors that Time America has a full array of products and services and complimentary channels of distribution. Our plans include focusing on recruiting new resellers for the majority of our product line, including our ASP product, NETtime.  The NETtime product presents the company with a significant recurring revenue opportunity.

Ceocfointerviews: There has been some "thinning out" that I have noticed.  There are companies that have fallen to the wayside.  You need to look a little bit harder as to who will survive.

Mr. Bednarik: There are several companies in our space that have ceased operations possibly due to economic conditions.  Time America has proven to be a stable company through its thirteen years.  Many companies that have failed lacked sufficient funding within their early years of operation.  Because of our tenure and vast domain experience, I believe we have a definite advantage over most companies within our industry.

Ceocfointerviews: Personally I think that every industry has a settling down period but companies should still focus on the future.

Mr. Bednarik: I agree.  When things get tough, I believe you focus more on your day-to-day business but still need to strategically look down the road and plan for the future.  For Time America to grow as a business we must be optimistic that the economy will improve and consistently look for other means to increase the amount of value we deliver to the customer.


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