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From paper processes to electronic medium 

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Software & Programming

ValiCert, Inc.

339 North Bernardo Avenue
Mountainview, CA  94043
Phone: 650-567-5400

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Joseph (Yosi) Amram,
President and
Chief Executive Officer

Interviewed conducted by:
Diane Reynolds

Bio of CEO

ValiCert is the third company I have been involved building.  The first one was Rational Software, where I was in charge of product marketing from no product or revenues to about $25 million and profitability in 1987. Since then Rational has grown to be over a billion-dollar business that dominates the software tool base.  I was also the founder, chairman and CEO of Individual Inc., which pioneered the delivery of personalized information services and I grew that company through its successful IPO.  Following that I was looking for the next big thing and I saw that providing trusted transaction infrastructure on the Internet to enable business to migrate from paper to the electronic medium. I hooked up with the technical founders of the company, Chini Krishnan and Ambarish Malpani, in 1996. They had some software patents and ideas on bringing trust to the electronic medium from a technology standpoint using public key encryption.  The company lacked the management expertise, the business plan, the financial resources and funding to really build it into business.  I got excited and joined them in 1997 and the rest is history as they say.

CEOCFOinterviews:  Your background is rather extensive with using computers, the internet, but right now, the company, ValiCert, what exactly do they do?

Mr. Amram: ValiCert provides an Internet infrastructure solution to enable trusted transactions.  Transactions that are valid, secure and provable.  This infrastructure enables businesses to migrate from using paper processes to using the electronic medium but yet achieve a legal grade paperless transaction environment.  We secure all stages of the transaction cycle before the transaction, during the transaction and after the transaction.  When you think about transactions in the physical world, we are used to using some sort of credential or some form of an ID to authenticate the other party.  It could be a drivers license, it could be a credit card or a passport, but once we have identified them, we need to secure the transaction and that would mean a few things.  Validating the credential to see if it is still current, make sure the credit card is not lost, or stolen or if the driver's license has not been revoked.  Ensuring the person we are dealing with is authorized to deal in this transaction.   We then securely and confidentially distribute transaction information between the parties involved and then provide a post transaction proof mechanism in the form of a receipt or contract that is copied and archived to achieve a legal enforceability to the transaction.  So, while all of those elements will be the analogs that happen in the physical world, ValiCert provides those elements of transaction security in the electronic world.  From the first step of validating the credentials involved, to ensuring the authority of the parties involved, securely delivering the information of the transaction confidentially and in a guaranteed reliable fashion, ensuring the data integrity and then enabling the post transaction proof in the form of a digital receipt or in the form online contract negotiation and execution to achieve a legally binding contract that is stored electronically.

CEOCFOinterviews: How do you handle the day to day security ? 

Mr. Amram: We indeed have to ensure the highest level of security and integrity and we do that through the use of public key encryption.  We have some of the world's renowned experts in the cryptography field and then in addition to the use of the latest technology, we utilize the highest security data center and procedural environment. We host the transactions in our secure data center which uses three levels of biometrics and redundant power supplies and the latest in firewalls, etc.  to ensure access is limited to those who are authorized.  That entire infrastructure has been audited and reviewed by an outside audit firm and an insurance company underwrites the liability associated with any break-in or false use of the information.  So, we have gone through extensive measures both from a technical and a procedural standpoint to ensure that the transactions we host or provide to our customers can be trusted. 

CEOCFOinterviews:  I know you provide new products and software.  How often do you provide your new products?

Mr. Amram:  We have come up with a couple of new products in the last few months. These new offerings are the ValiCert Document AuthorityÔ, which enables the end-to-end negotiation, signature execution, and archive of contracts and ValiCert Transaction AuthorityÔ, which enables the integration of those transactions processes into the back-end legacy systems of our customers.  At this point we are not looking at bringing in new products into the market, but are focused on bringing new solutions with some of our partners in defined vertical application areas.  In the last several months we have rolled out a partnership with TIBCO Software, which is one of the leaders in the enterprise space who wants to provide transaction nonrepudiation into their platform using our ValiCert Digital Receipt SolutionsÔ.   In B-to-B supply chain environments where the typical platform is used, we are now integrated into the TIBCO solution.   Similarly, we have rolled out our mobile commerce solution, ValiCert m-Commerce ExpressÔ, which takes our validation technology and digital receipt technology and then brings it to enable trusted and legally binding transaction in this wireless environment.  We have that solution integrated with CMG Wireless Data Solutions, which is one of the top WAP gateway vendors, as well as with Certicom, Diversinet, Gemplus and others.  We, on an ongoing basis, continue to partner to roll out solutions with new applications in new vertical areas.  At this point, we believe we have the end-to-end solution for transaction security.  The infrastructure that we provide addresses all stages of the transaction life cycle, before, during and after it happens.

CEOCFOinterviews:  what type of services do you offer?

Mr. Amram:  The services are very extensive.  We enable our customers to host the solutions, both through software products in their own data center, they can outsource the hosting of that into our secure data center that I described.  It's a very extensive service that brings them up and running so they get to market quickly and leverage the fixed investment that we have made in full redundancy and uninterruptable power supply and power generators and the full security solution that I've talked about. International customers and other customers in isolated communities can leverage what we call our affiliates.  We have established relationships with significant managed service providers companies like PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Unisys, Thompson in France or NTT in Japan, these are very well established players in those markets and in those geographies that are also providing our solutions on a service basis to those companies and entities in the local market.  So, to achieve legally trusted, legal-grade transactions in Japan it's much more logical for NTT communication to host an end-user in the Japanese market.  So we have global coverage and we can provide services that we host, as well as offer through our affiliates and through service providers globally.

CEOCFOinterviews:  Where else do you see yourself expanding?  What other types of customers would you like to attract?

Mr. Amram:  Well, those sectors in Financial services where we have some leading names like Chase Manhattan Bank, Citi Bank, Visa, Wells Fargo, Swift, Federal Reserve Bank, and we have hundreds of other banks and financial institutions that we've just began to penetrate so there is a lot of room to go deeper in that area.  In the healthcare arena we have some of the leading names in insurance claims processing.  Some names are Aetna, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and again that's a bright area for us.  In the B-to-B arena we've got customers like, Dell, Sears, Nike, the Gap and again there is tremendous need for deeper penetration as well. And, the Government Sector were we have the National Security Agency, the Navy, the Canadian Government, the US Postal Service, so there is a lot of room to grow in each of those verticals that we are targeting.  Clearly, our wireless solutions are applicable across all of the verticals that I have mentioned and we have just begun in this market.  So, we are not short of opportunities, we've got the references, and we are deepening our penetration now. 

CEOCFOinterviews: I know that there is a lot of consolidation going on, especially in the Health Care Sector, how does this affect your relationship with them?

Mr. Amram:  It actually plays to our strength in that our technology is open and standards based so that we facilitate interoperability to achieve transaction security across any authentication method. If they have digital certificates as the primary credentials they use in the environment through the use of technologies from companies like Verisign, Entrust, Baltimore or RSA. We facilitate the interoperability between those islands of trust.  The fact that companies consolidate and merge, through our open solution that is interoperable, works very well.  Also, as they do that, they are looking to streamline cost and eliminate some redundancies and paper process. Our technology enables them to do that, and migrate processes that historically were done, via paper, to electronic while achieving the necessary trust. This can be a tremendous cost saver for those companies that go through consolidation and reorganization. So, from that standpoint, we also do very well.

CEOCFOinterviews: It's a new world, It's a new ValiCert.  Is this a new phase or is this just a phrase you use for your company?

Mr. Amram:  Well last year we went through an acquisition and merger with a company called Receipt.Com that really brought our solution base through the entire stages of the transaction cycle.  The fact that we have broadened our solution to address various elements of the transaction cycle that I have described, and the fact that we have rolled out these solutions across these verticals areas such as banking, treasury and cash management, trade finance and letters of credit and insurance and health claims processing solutions.  These are some of the new things that we have done to provide an end-to-end solution through all stages of the transaction cycle in our targeted verticals.  ValiCert started out in the validation environment where different certificates were being used.  Since then, we have come to not require the use of certificates and we provide the other parts of the transaction security in terms of the secured delivery, secure transport, the digital receipts, document collaboration and signature and archive of those elements have rolled out in the last six months to a year.  We combined that with the solutions and targeted verticals, which is really a whole new facet to our market and growth potential. 

CEOCFOinterviews:  Now do you see additional acquisitions going forward, or do you see yourself growing internally?

Mr. Amram:  We are looking at opportunities.  There are a number of smaller companies that we are considering, but from a technical standpoint, we feel we have the primary solutions that customers require.  We are looking for things that will enhance our applications or the integration of our solutions in targeted verticals that will be accretive to the company instead of a delay in our profitability; so, those are types of things we are reviewing.  Luckily, in the current climate, there are still good opportunities to explore.

CEOCFOinterviews:  How do you find good employees and how do you hold on to them once you get them?

Mr. Amram:  That is a very good question.  In Silicon Valley, there is currently a large concentration of talent and a lot of competing companies that are looking for that kind of talent. At ValiCert, we approach it on different levels.   First, we are fortunate enough to be in a space that is growing very rapidly and also very exciting.  People like bringing trust into the medium and that is a fundamental change that ValiCert is a premiere provider and that gets employees and perspective employees excited to be a part of.  We have also taken that concept of trust and are building a culture and a value-based system in the organization based on trust. So, culturally we have a very open environment and we work well as a team and trust our employees and empower them to take on responsibilities and initiative and do things that make a difference.  It's the market vision, the solution, and the technology that is the leading edge that is making the fundamental difference in the way our society works. This new way of doing business electronically in a trusted fashion and combining that exciting product and market vision with dynamic and work environment which enables us to attract and keep the best talents.

CEOCFOinterviews:   How do you attract new customers?

Mr. Amram:  We approach customers at the business and information technology level based on the success stories that we have had.  Currently, we are targeting the global 2000 types of companies, we participate in trade shows and seminars and events in the industry.  We have a direct sales force as well as through partner companies such as TIBCO Software, CMG Wireless Data Solutions, Oracle, and through our partnerships with Microsoft and Netscape and other players in the field we have a good access in the market.  We look at where we have been successful in case studies and where we have been successful with other players in the field.  When we approach new banks we can point to certain types of applications and solutions we had with other banks.  When you have that strong of a reference base where you have the partnerships and the presence we have in the marketplace through our seminars and trade show programs and lead show activities we have the strong growing pipeline.

CEOCFOinterviews:  These partnerships are obviously important to your company.

Mr. Amram: Absolutely!  It is an important differentiator and we are leveraging the brand name, distribution power and clout of other players in the field.  Getting our technology embedded into the Windows operating system, Internet Explorer and Netscape browsers took a lot of work.  Once we are in there, it is a lot easier for our customers to deploy us in their environments.  It creates significant switching costs for entry for other players that would want to get embedded into that environment. 

CEOCFOinterviews: Does this company have the cash and capital to go forward?

Mr. Amram:  If you look at our balance at the end of our recently announced first quarter of 2001, we had approximately $29 million in cash on the balance sheet.  We have a very strong balance sheet following our IPO and what we have committed to the investors and the financial community when we went public which we have reiterated over the past several quarterly calls. We expect to turn the corner and reach profitability based on the strong cash position on the balance sheet.  Over the last four publicly reported quarters, we have actually exceeded the estimates and expectations of the analysts both on the top line revenue growth and a smaller loss than expected.  So, we are well capitalized, we have the right momentum and we have got the right customers, the right partners and the right solutions that we believe put us in a very strong position. 

CEOCFOinterviews: What kind of competition do you have and what gives you the competitive edge?

Mr. Amram: We don't really have a head-to-head competitor.   We have some point competitors in some of our product areas, even though we maintain the lead.  For example, in the validation area, there are a couple of players that have point products for validation. There's a couple of small players that provide time stamping, notary, but none that provide an XML-based digital receipt solution that is scalable like ours.  We do have point-to-point competitors in some categories but we have the leadership from a technical standpoint from a partnership standpoint and from a market penetration standpoint.   For example, in the banking arena we have an 80-90% market share for our validation solutions.  We have established and maintained a dominant position in each of the categories and we are a company that spans the entire transaction scheme end-to-end through all of the phases of the transaction cycle, so that's also a very important differentiator.   The partnerships that we have are very extensive.  The affiliate network that we have established as well.  So it is both a technology and a market presence and a partnership standpoint that really puts us in the lead position.

CEOCFOinterviews:  What would you say to a potential investor?

Mr. Amram:  I think that there a couple of things that makes this a very exciting investment opportunity.  First, we are looking at an explosive growth curve as companies migrate processes from paper to electronic.  They need the infrastructure that ValiCert provides to secure those transactions and make them legally binding and compliant with the e-Sign law and other similar legislation.  ValiCert is uniquely positioned in the space and we have the most comprehensive solutions.  We have the leadership in terms of the types of customer references, partnerships, and the affiliates that we have established.  Then, from a financial standpoint, our revenues have been growing very quickly.  We have a very attractive business model that involves billing on an annual subscription basis that is renewable.  So, that means that we collect the cash on the front end, which improves the cash flow but defers the revenue, which creates visibility.  Because these subscriptions are renewable based on transaction volumes, as there is growth in transaction volumes, we participate in that upside on a recurring basis.  This gives us a lot of financial leverage.  So, if you look at some of our financial metrics over the last few quarters, our revenues on the top line has been growing very quickly.  Our gross margin is improving and from all of those factors it makes this very attractive company to potential investors. 

CEOCFOinterviews:  Is there anything you like to add?

Mr. Amram:  We certainly think that this is a huge opportunity as business processes and transactions migrate through to the electronic medium across the broad range of verticals and many transaction types.   Every one of those has the opportunity to be touched by the ValiCert infrastructure.  So we are looking at a huge opportunity to build a large and profitable company.  

CEOCFOinterviews:  I have a question for you personally.  I was looking through your website and your favorite saying.  "The only thing that exists is the present.  It has no beginning and no end and the future is now".  Why does this excite you?  What does this mean to you?

Mr. Amram:  If we look at the present, there are a lot of changes going on and the possibilities are limitless. The future is now means we are creating our future and inventing it at every moment.   So, that's what we are doing as a company, as a business and as individuals.  We have to be engaged in what we are doing and do it whole heartedly and see the potential to make the most out every moment. Through that, we create our future.

CEOCFOinterviews:  What motivates you to keep you going personally?

Mr. Amram:  What motivates me is making an impact and making a difference as well as making a contribution.  I think I am doing that at ValiCert, knowing that I am part of a team, and making a contribution.  I think that at ValiCert, knowing that I'm part of an organization and a team that is making a positive impact on the world, which enhances trust, and authenticity, that is an important mission to me and that gets me excited on the global level.  On a more micro level, the fact that I am working with great people, we are building a culture based on trust and teamwork and even when we have disagreements, challenges, frustrations, we are all really doing it in a positive fashion regardless of the outcome.  This keeps me motivated and honored to be a part of this effort and honored to be a leader of this team.

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