Interview with: Robert Klimasewski, CEO - featuring: their medical image analysis services and proprietary software algorithms that can assemble hundreds of separate medical images taken during an MRI session into a single, three-dimensional model, bringing a new and previously unobtainable source of data to clinical researchers.

VirtualScopics, Inc. (VSCP-OTC: BB)

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VirtualScopics offers the pharmaceutical and medical device companies an advanced medical image analysis service that can save them hundreds of millions of dollars as they bring their drugs or therapy from the research phase to the pharmacist shelf

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Specialized Health Services

VirtualScopics, Inc.

Robert Klimasewski
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor
April 20, 2006

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“I think the biggest challenge is to get the message out to the pharmaceutical and medical device companies, that we have a powerful image-based biomarker analysis service that can save them hundreds of millions of dollars; it costs a billion dollars to get a drug from research phase to the pharmacist shelf. Many times these companies go way down the road until they find out the drug is ineffective. We can tell them that their drug is going to be effective much earlier and we can allow them to save time by improving the accuracy by which we can assess the effectiveness of the drug. That is the message we have to get out. I think as we go to trade shows, participate in conferences, get papers published in peer reviewed journals, and as people begin to see results that will be published from our work in various therapeutic areas, then they are going to understand the value proposition.” - Robert Klimasewski does not purchase or make
recommendation on stocks based on the interviews published.
