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Software Technology
Computer Peripherals

T/R Systems

1300 Oakbrook Drive
Norcross, GA  30093
Phone: 770-448-9008
Fax: 770-448-3202

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Lyle W. Newkirk
Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer

Interview conducted by:
Diane Reynolds, Co-Publisher

August 2001

Brief History of T/R Systems

We have a software company and the software enhances the process of printing to digital devices.   We manage digital files and route them to production type output devices in a much more orderly and cost effective manner than the more traditional methods.  

At T/R Systems, “Connecting the World of Digital Documents” is not a new concept; it’s our way of doing business. Since 1991, T/R Systems has achieved success through a focus on excellence, creating and delivering new ways for digital document communications to occur.

Like many of the successful technology companies of our time, T/R Systems grew out of the basement of one of its founders into a publicly held, industry leader. Achieving business success after business success. T/R Systems is considered one of the true innovators in the digital document technologies and products market. 

CEOCFOinterviews - Does this eliminate all the paperwork?

Mr. Newkirk Paper is being used now more than ever.  We don’t embrace the concept of doing away with paper, as much as coming up with a more efficient way of routing the information to the printed document.  We do however, consider as an output, digital files, just as one would consider paper.

CEOCFOinterviews – Who are your primary customers?  Are there any particular groups?

Mr. Newkirk It ‘s a real wide group.    Our customers would include any corporation that has in-plant print needs, commercial printers, and quick printers such as Sir Speedy or Kwik Kopy, colleges and universities and facilities management groups.

CEOCFOinterviews – What products do you have now?

Mr. Newkirk We have 4 products right now.  The traditional product is MicroPress.  That has been our bread and butter up to this point.  About a year ago we released e-Ticket that allows the use of the Internet in terms of managing and controlling print jobs.  About a year ago we released Microimager that is a scanning software that enhances scanning as part of the overall print process.  Our new product is called M@estro which is a software only product that basically handles the distribution of documents opposed to the others that handle production of documents.

CEOCFOinterviews – Do all your products work together with other products?

Mr. Newkirk Yes.  We’ve embraced from day one an open architecture so we can work with all the industry standard software and that, of course, allows our 4 products to work together harmoniously. 

CEOCFOinterviews – Does Microimager recognize the different brands of scanners?

Mr. Newkirk It’s built for one specific scanner and we sell that scanner as well.  In order to be effective you need a scanner that is able to handle a lot of documents very quickly with a very high resolution.  Therefore, we are standardized on one scanner.

CEOCFOinterviews – Do you sell any hardware products?

Mr. Newkirk We do sell some print output devices mainly through our independent channel.  We’ve been selling those since day one.  Additionally, we’ll sell servers that our software is loaded on. 

CEOCFOinterviews – How easy to use is the software?

Mr. Newkirk If you are used to using standard Microsoft office products like Word, Excel, Power Point, etc. our screens look just like those screens do.  We’ve built the product around that type of look and feel.  So persons who are accustomed to using that can pick up our product pretty quickly.

CEOCFOinterviews – Going forward, are you going to stay with the 4 products you have now or do you see yourself expanding on that or enhancing what you have?

Mr. Newkirk One of our intentions is to continue to enhance the products that we have.  We will and are looking at other products and solutions.  Two years ago we only had MicroPress, 6 months ago we had MicroPress, Microimager and e-Ticket now we have M@estro.  So if you look at our pattern I would say that it is likely that we will have other products in the future.   

CEOCFOinterviews – How long has this company been in existence?

Mr. Newkirk - The Company has been around for 10 years however; the MicroPress has only been shipping since the very end of 1995.  In a way, I view our company as beginning the day the MicroPress began shipping.   Prior to that we did a lot of engineering services type work that we don’t do any more.

CEOCFOinterviews – What accounted for your first quarter results?

Mr. Newkirk There are a number of things that accounted for our first quarter results being down from a year ago.  One is the overall state of the global economy.  We are a global company even though most of our revenue to date has been in North America; we are expanding to Asia and Europe.  The economy has been down.  Our product is a capital type item and IT expenditures are down.  That’s part of what’s going on.  We also sell into OEM distributors and we’ve got some of the best in the business.  We’ve got Ricoh, IKON, Kyocera, Minolta, Hitachi, and Toshiba.  One of the things we’ve noticed is that those OEM partners have basically decreased significantly the amount of inventory of our product they’re carrying so that’s caused our sales to go down.  Additionally, our product line has become rather complex and we’re working on some simplification of our overall product line to get our sales back to where they should be.  The big reason I think is the reluctance by end users to make IT expenditures in this uncertain economy.  The good news is end users still very well receive our products.   Nobody really does what we do, we are not a commodity, and nobody can match our features.  We’re not losing to a competitor; we’re just down because the overall economy is down.

CEOCFOinterviews - As far as the growth of the company, do you see internally driven growth or do you see acquisitions for the future?

Mr. Newkirk We’re not anticipating an acquisition binge because I’m not sure that is really the best way to grow.  We would clearly consider acquisitions of certain technologies that we couldn’t make ourselves so it’s something we’ve considered and continue to consider going forward but I would not expect a rash of acquisitions.

CEOCFOinterviews – How much do you spend in R&D a year?

Mr. Newkirk What I’m going to tell you is how much we spent last quarter and the reason I’m doing it that way is we built up our R&D infrastructure significantly in the second half of last year in anticipation of a lot of new products that will be coming on the market in the second half of this year.  In the first quarter we spent $1.7 million on R&D.  That equates to almost $7 million a year.

CEOCFOinterviews – Does your company have the stamina and cash to move forward?

Mr. Newkirk Yes. We did an IPO in January of 2000.  We actually were positive in terms of cash flow from operations.  Last year we generated $2 million in cash from operations.  Our cash at the end of April was $22 million and we’re very thankful that the cash is there and we feel it is enough to get us through this tough time.

CEOCFOinterviews – Is there anything you would do differently than what has been done with the company?

Mr. Newkirk For several years now we’ve had multiple growth strategies and those strategies are growth through additional distribution, growth through new products, geographical expansion and expansion in terms of products sold to existing partners.  The truth is, those are still our strategies and to that extent I think we have done what we said we would do.  I guess if I could go back in time 12 months, I wish that we had been a little bit quicker to pick up on the down turn of the economy.

CEOCFOinterviews – What can you tell us about the new distribution in Hong Kong and the new partner you have?

Mr. Newkirk It is an existing partner.  The partner is Ricoh and they’ve been a partner for about a year and a half.   However, what’s significant with Hong Kong is we began with Ricoh in North America and now we’re moving to a more worldwide distribution with Ricoh.  Hong Kong has some opportunities; if you’ve read the press release, you saw that we’re also anticipating moving into mainland China at some point and I can’t even begin to fathom what that means in terms of numbers.  It is exciting and we will work together with Ricoh to get it done.

CEOCFOinterviews - Do you rely more heavily on one partner than another?

Mr. Newkirk Some partners are bigger than others.   We try to focus on all of them but also have aligned our sales force to maximize our opportunities by partner.

CEOCFOinterviews – How much time do you spend giving assistance once you have sold the products and how much follow-up do you do?

Mr. Newkirk It depends on how digitally literate the end user is.   We have end users that are very digitally literate.  They’ll purchase our product, they’ll install it themselves and have it up and running that same day and almost nothing needs to be done.  In other cases some hand holding needs to occur.  So it really varies depending on installation and on the sophistication by the end user. 

CEOCFOinterviews – Do you have enough manpower to sustain the company?

Mr. Newkirk We have just over 150 people and because of the uncertainty in the economic climate we said that we weren’t going to grow our staffing until we had better visibility.  The truth is I think we are adequately staffed for our run rate today unless revenue picks up and then we will need more people.  That problem will solve itself.

We have always been able to attract employees based on our company culture, our company story and the benefits package that we put together.  Furthermore, we don’t lose a lot of employees because we try to create a climate where people like to come to work here.  Attracting and retaining good employees is critical and we’ve been able to do it up to this point. 

CEOCFOinterviews - As far as revenue growth, where do you see the majority of growth coming from?

Mr. Newkirk - Up to this point the majority of our revenue has come from North America.  We feel like there is tremendous opportunity in Europe and in Asia.  We’ve been working toward those opportunities.  So far we only distribute in Europe through Minolta and Hitachi.  If we were able to get the other guys distributing in Europe we would see some kind of pick up.  It’s been a core part of our overall growth strategy for a while and we continue to work on it.    We built up our European staff about a year ago to handle what we expected the growth in Europe to be.   

CEOCFOinterviews – What would you say to a potential investor?

Mr. Newkirk We are a company that is an acknowledged market leader in our space with great technology, a very sound and seasoned management team, a history of profitability and cash flow generation and a company that has more new products in the pipeline today than it’s ever had.  We have all the right ingredients. Also, we are working on more connections to more devices than we ever had in our history by far and some of them are with partners that we have not announced yet.     

CEOCFOinterviews – Is there anything else you would like to discuss?

Mr. Newkirk Yes.  I would like to tell you a little more about M@estro because it is so new.    M@estro will probably get us into additional markets through system integrators and ERP type providers in addition to the partners we’ve worked with in the past.


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