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Surecare - a distributed healthcare company focused on diabetes and respiratory self-management poised for vertical and horizontal growth

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Medical Equipment & Supplies

SureCare, Inc.

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Robert B. Teague, MD
Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Walter Banks

June 2002

Company Profile:
SureCare, is a growing distributed healthcare company that provides cost savings to healthcare organizations. Distributed healthcare is a disease-focused linkage of goods distribution with consumer education and experience, while collecting and distributing important clinical outcomes data. By providing high quality healthcare resources to the consumer, SureCare seeks to reduce the cost of chronic diseases while improving the consumers' experience. SureCare is also licensed as a durable medical equipment provider for both the Medicare and Medicaid programs, and has recently received licensure as a pharmacy in the State of Texas.

Health Plans:
SureCare combines the traditionally separated health benefits of product distribution and disease management into one comprehensive disease focused program. Their system provides managed care organizations (MCO) with a comprehensive disease management system including the distribution of important products that the patient needs to manage their disease. Their member assessment survey’s stratify patient acuity levels, assess financial risks and set forth intervention protocols that will reduce costs while helping the patient manage their condition. In addition, their education, encouragement and support programs include web sites that are member friendly and personalized educational materials and an advocacy oriented customer service network. By utilizing a coordinated network of communications and product delivery, the member becomes more knowledgeable and better equipped to personally manage their condition.

Current products and disease focused program:
Diabetes & Respiratory

Acuity Stratification & Risk Assessment offers:
"At Home" A1c Testing and clinical data that assists health plans in meeting NCQA/HEDIS Accreditation Standards.

Supplies Network includes:
All leading manufacturers of Glucose Testing Systems, Test Strips, Lancets, Syringes.   Specialized medication distribution including Albuterol and Ipatroprium Bromide

Chronic Conditions Pharmacy offers:
Specialized medications, education and information, telephone or Online Web Site and conventional Mail Order delivery.

New program launched:
Respiratory Self-Management Program:

Focusing on the specialized field of Pulmonology, the Respiratory Self-Management Program will provide SureCare with the opportunity to distribute its focused medications, ancillary supplies and education to the large population of respiratory patients that are currently enrolled in the Company's growing list of contracted managed care and pharmacy organizations. The Company will also provide telephonic health status questionnaires that provide meaningful reports to assist in improving the care for those with these conditions. The new program will benefit from SureCare's recently signed agreement with a large national pharmacy benefits manager, Prescription Solutions, while leveraging its newly acquired pharmacy license. 

Programs to watch for: Hypertension Program & Hyperlipidemia Program!

Interview Highlights:

- When was Surecare formed, what was its name and what was its initial focus?

- What is their current focus?

- What is distributed healthcare?

- Who did they acquire funding from to be able to sustain rapid growth?

- What was their most recent program launched?

- With what important third party players do they have agreements?

- Currently do they have any programs focused on any disease other than diabetes and respiratory?

- Where are their revenues coming from?

- What is their competition and what gives them an edge?

- What makes them successful with individuals that have chronic conditions?

- Who is their most important partner?

- What is their marketing strategy?

- Where is their company located and what are their markets?

- Would they need to expand their staffing to grow, or can you continue to build out with what they have?

- Will they be expanding their geographic markets in the United States?

- What is their market size and where are they positioned?

- What is their revenue model?

- Are they seeing an increase in revenues for their services?

- Do they invest in R&D?

- Will future growth come by the addition of products and services such as the respiratory and hypertension programs, or will it be by expanding the diabetes program?

- Are they considering acquisitions?

- Have they been experiencing revenue growth over the last year?

- What did they do to improve their gross margin picture?

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