2008 Interview with: Seamless Corporation (SMWF-OTC: BB), President and CEO, Albert R. Reda - featuring: their three operating subsidiaries: Seamless TEK Ware Inc. develops hardware products such as the S-Gen, Mini notebooks and MP3/4 players. Seamless TEK LABS, Inc. develops secure internet software such as S-SIB and Phenom for secure internet conferencing, and Seamless Sales LLC that sells both subsidiaries products.

Seamless Corporation (SMWF-OTC: BB)

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Seamless Corporation Is Now Focused On Bringing Their Hardware And Software Products To The Marketplace, While Transitioning Away From The Providing Wi-Fi Hotspots To The Hospitality Industry Business


Seamless Corporation
800 North Rainbow Boulevard, Suite 208
Las Vegas, NV 89107-1103
Phone: 775-588-2387
Fax:     775-588-2499

Albert R. Reda
President and CEO

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor
Published – October 17, 2008

Albert Reda

President and CEO, Seamless Corporation
Mr. Reda is currently the President and CEO of Seamless Corporation and has been with the company since November 1988. From 1996 to 1998, he was employed with CRT Corporation as Vice President in charge of production for manufacturing frozen food products. For the period of 1994 to 1995, Mr. Reda was self-employed in the financial lending area buying and selling loans between individuals and institutions. Mr. Reda received his Bachelor of Science Degree from California State University, Long Beach, with a major in engineering.

Company Profile:

Seamless Corporation is a Las Vegas-based company quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board: SMWF. Seamless develops and markets secure cutting-edge hardware and software Internet communications products and services through its three operating subsidiaries: Seamless TEK Ware Inc. develops hardware products such as the S-Gen, Mini notebooks and MP3/4 players. Seamless TEK LABS, Inc. develops secure internet software such as S-SIB and Phenom for secure internet conferencing, and Seamless Sales LLC that sells both subsidiaries products.

CEOCFO: Mr. Reda, this is becoming a breakthrough year for you; what is the vision?

Mr. Reda: “Seamless has gone through a transition from a service industry provider, providing Wi-Fi to the hospitality industries, which we ceased in June of this year. We are concentrating on our hardware and software products, which we are now attempting to bring to market.”


CEOCFO:  Why the decision to make the change?

Mr. Reda: “The Wi-Fi industry is very competitive. Although we had developed some products specifically to that industry, we felt we were limiting ourselves to be concentrating on Wi-Fi and eventually competing with ourselves by not being able to sell our products to other Wi-Fi providers. Therefore, we made the decision to cease our current Wi-Fi operations and just concentrate on our products and services that enhance the Wi-Fi industry itself.”


CEOCFO: What is special about your products?

Mr. Reda: “The product that really got us started was our secure software product that we developed to allow a person to communicate to the internet on a Wi-Fi circuit in a secure environment. Hence, they actually have a virtual present network when they communicate. If they are sitting in a Starbuck’s or some location, they access the internet and they are accessing it through their own VPN (virtual present network), which we have created for them that allows them to communicate on the internet in a secure environment. They don’t have to be concerned about the fact that they would lose their ID to somebody that is able to access the internet the same time they are. We developed a smaller communication device, basically a mini-laptop that weights about a pound that we incorporated into that unit, a cell phone, a Wi-Fi enabled access system and a GPS system; it is also Bluetooth Enabled. Since it is an unlocked Tri-Band cell phone, you can use it any place in the world. That was going to be used with our SIB product, but it is also a very valuable product as a stand-alone and allows people to travel with an eight-hour battery light with a one-pound instrument as opposed to carrying a four or five pound laptop around.”


CEOCFO: How are your products available?

Mr. Reda: “We are currently offering the SIB product online. We recently signed a partnership agreement with AVG Technologies, so it enhances our product offering. Besides just being a secure internet environment, we also have AVG products to further the security on the internet. We are currently selling our S-Gen where we have outlets for the S-Gen through eCost. We are currently in production on the S-Gen and making adaptations to it because of the fact that solid-state hardware or hard drives has gotten to be cheaper and they are more efficient for the smaller units than the actual hard-drive, which we had in there in the first place. We had a 20 Gig hard-drive and this is going to solid-state, which allows us to enhance the durability of the unit and also those battery life. Before it was from eight hours and now we feel it is going to be close to ten hours on a single charge The other thing that we incorporated while we were trying to enhance our viability in the market place was that many of the vendors prefer us to have more of a product line. Therefore, we went out and created a smaller laptop with a 120 gig hard-drive in a one gigabyte gram, which we are currently offering today and some other Mp3 players and MP4 players. We have actually created a product line to market with the S-Gen, so we have more than one unit available. eCost is currently handling our product line. We are selling the SIB product online currently and we are looking for distributors.”


CEOCFO: Are there competing technologies?

Mr. Reda: “As far as our software product we are actually the only one in the marketplace that has RSA encryption. There are other software products that are similar in nature, but they do not use a government grade encryption process that we do. It was a bit more difficult to develop but we felt that the security aspect of it warranted that particular aspect to be enhanced. As far as the S-Gen, which is our little micro-computer, it is the only one of its type that has an actual full-size keypad so that when you open the unit it is like typing on your regular keyboard at your home computer, which is very unique in this market place and actually and can save a lot of time. As of today nobody else has a unit similar. As far as the finished laptop, one is out there in the marketplace similar that costs twice as much, three times as much. Our product is going to be in the market place for around $600.00. There is nothing really unique about our product other than the fact that the pricing structure is such that it makes it very competitive to regular laptops in the market place. With the smaller unit you actually get all the versatility of a regular laptop, but it is easier to carry around because you have about a two-and-a-half hour battery life as opposed to an hour battery life.”


CEOCFO: You have products that really make a difference.

Mr. Reda: “That is what we think.”


CEOCFO: The size of the keyboard is phenomenal!

Mr. Reda: “Yes it is unique.”


CEOCFO: What is the financial picture like for you today?

Mr. Reda: “We thought we would be coming to the market sooner than we did. We had made certain moves to pay down debt that we had in the market place instead of keeping liquidity, which in hind site was a mistake on our part. Our balance sheet looks great. We are currently getting funded to cover current expenses and we are looking for orders to allow us to bring the project to market. Financially we are solvent; we are strong in that respect. Like in anything on a start-up basis you are in the chicken and egg routine; you have the product and you need the orders to bring the product to market. That is where we are now.”


CEOCFO: What about the physical inventory of your hardware products?

Mr. Reda: “We adapted a very aggressive warrantee program. When we sell our units in the market place we do meet an inventory for the products as they are coming to market. We will maintain a backup inventory and we will probably have maybe three or four thousand units on hand as we go forward because a lot of the e-Tailers such as eCost, they don’t actually buy a lot of inventory at a time. They just buy enough for a week or so and then they sell it and expect us to replace it. So we have to have an inventory for them in that respect, but the brick-and mortar stores are the ones that will actually maintain an inventory and they are the ones looking for a warranty program. Therefore, we are actually keeping a percentage of the units for backup and warrantee purposes, so if someone has a problem they can be more inclined to replace the unit outright as opposed to having the unit repaired because we can provide better customer service.”


CEOCFO: What is ahead and what is the strategy for the next year or so?

Mr. Reda: “We have other software products that we are trying to develop and bring to market. We have the Phenom, which was secure virtual private network for small businesses, so they can communicate in the market place. One thing we did find out when we were offering Wi-Fi to the hospitality industry is that a lot of people couldn’t actually access the internet because in their business environment they are concerned about people accessing their information. With our Phenom product, we can offer a secure environment for small businesses that actually allow live video conferencing at any given time. In addition, this can be done within their own market places without being concerned about losing their information because we are using the RSA encryption library. We are currently upgrading the S-Gen to incorporate the solid-state drive and we are looking for constant improvement. We have different chip studs for the processor, which will be incorporating our next version later next year. In this industry, you cannot stand still. You have to keep moving forward, you have to keep incorporating and keeping our product and offerings on a cutting-edge, otherwise we would be finding ourselves outdated.”


CEOCFO: In closing, why should potential investors be interested in Seamless Corporation?

Mr. Reda: “We have products to bring to market; products that are desired in the market place. Everybody that has looked at the products have all felt that they were very competitive and fill a need that currently is not being filled. We do trade a lot, but we are in the micro penny range right now and I feel that as we come to market with our product and actually start distributing in the market place that will change. This is because we will actually transition from a development stage company to an actual direction company, which is the goal of everybody out there that is in the same category that we are. We will be making that transition because we have the products completed now to bring to market and we also have plans to keep updating.”


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“Seamless has gone through a transition from a service industry provider, providing Wi-Fi to the hospitality industries, which we ceased in June of this year. We are concentrating on our hardware and software products, which we are now attempting to bring to market.” - Albert R. Reda

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