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Renaissance Learning, Inc., - helping educators improve schools through technology and research.

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Software & Programming

Renaissance Learning, Inc.

PO Box 8036
2911 Peach Street
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495
Phone: 715-424-3636
Fax: 715-424-4242

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Michael H. Baum
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Walter Banks, Co-Publisher

June 2001


Michael H. Baum, Chief Executive Officer
Michael H. Baum was named Chief Executive Officer of Renaissance Learning, Inc., in July 1996.  As CEO, Mike oversees implementation of strategic plans, positioning, and coordination of the operations of the company and its subsidiaries.  He also serves as the corporate spokesperson to business and financial media. 

Mike joined Renaissance Learning, Inc. in 1994 as Managing Director of Renaissance Learning’s professional development division in Madison, Wis.  From 1995-1996 he served as President of Renaissance Learning, Inc.

Prior to joining Renaissance Learning, Inc., Mike was Executive Vice President and General Manager of Francorp, Inc., an international management-consulting firm based in Chicago.  Before his ten-year association with Francorp, Baum spent a number of years in direct mail merchandising management.  Baum holds B.A. and Master of Arts in Teaching degrees from Yale University and has taught in the New Haven, Conn., public schools.  He received an MBA from Northwestern University in 1993.

Renaissance Learning, Inc.

Formerly known as Advantage Learning Systems, Renaissance Learning is a leading provider of school improvement for Pre-K to 12 schools. Its software products, called learning information systems, help educators improve academic performance by increasing the quality, quantity, and timeliness of information in the classroom.  Its Renaissance™ teacher training programs have helped over 300,000 educators use this information more effectively to accelerate learning.   Founded in 1986, Renaissance Learning   has key product offerings in reading, math, writing, and early literacy assessment.

Accelerated Reader®
The World’s Most Popular Pre-K-12 Reading Software.

Accelerated Reader (AR™) helps teachers focus attention on careful reading of books, which improves students’ critical-thinking skills and builds the intrinsic love of reading.
The newest version of Accelerated Reader—AR™ Universal—can do even more to help teachers accelerate reading growth for all students, from pre-literate and emergent to college prep.  Four different types of assessment provide valuable data on students’ reading practice, literacy skills development, and performance on classroom assignments.
Teachers who use AR report higher attendance, fewer discipline problems, and improved attitudes toward school.  Using AR, teachers can continually match kids to appropriate books within their zone of proximal development (ZPD). That means teachers can assure every student is challenged without being frustrated.

STAR Reading®
Computer Adaptive Reading Test and Database
(Grades 1-12).

STAR Early Literacy.™
NEW! Ensure Success for Beginning readers.
Accelerated Math®
Math Management Software
(Grades 1-12).

STAR Math®
Computer Adaptive Math Test and Database
(Grades 3-12).

Perfect Copy™
Writing Skills Development Software
(Grades 1-8, and Perfect Copy High School).

CEOCFOinterviews – Mr. Baum, please give us a brief history of Renaissance Learning, Inc.? 

Mr. Baum: Renaissance Learning started as many companies do, at a kitchen table .  Our founder Judi Paul, who lived at the time in Port Edwards, Wisconsin, had four kids who were not reading as much good literature as Judi felt they should.  She’d been trained as an elementary educator, so she devised a plan for having them select books off lists of books appropriate for each child’s reading level.  Then she had them take a short quiz after they read each book to make sure that they had read and understood what they read. The kids started reading so many books, that with the help of her husband Terry she put it on a computer.  Neighborhood kids started using the program too, then a neighboring school picked it up.

In 1986 they went into the mail order business selling the product, which they called Accelerated Reader, to schools. From that beginning in the basement of their home, the company has grown one school at a time and even one teacher at a time, to where we are now in over 55,000 schools, with well over 500,000 educators using both our software and our training approaches. We, believe we reach 10 to 15 million children every day. We are now in not only reading, but also in math, getting into writing and other areas of language arts, with other areas of the curriculum on the way.

CEOCFOinterviews – What is your most recent and exciting news?

Mr. Baum: To begin with, we are always improving schools, and that’s always exciting.  We’ve just released research from the first year of district-wide implementation of Renaissance in two pioneering districts, in Texas and California, where their students grew six to 12 percentile points in reading ability across the board in less than a year.  This is terrific for whole-school, whole-district implementation of any academic program.  Just recently, we’ve just started shipping the latest version of that product that Judy invented at her kitchen table in 1984.  It’s called AR Universal, and it adds two new features that have the teachers very excited. One of those new features is that it now manages and motivates the reading of assignments in reading textbooks as well as self-selected literature books.   The other feature is that now for the first time, for very low-level books, which are often read to the children, the quiz will be read to the children by a recorded voice on the computer. Initially we expect to bring out voice quizzes on about 1,500 low-level books, with more to come.

Another very exciting product that we expect to start shipping before the end of this quarter is our STAR Early Literacy™ assessment.   We have for a long time had STAR Reading and STAR Math, which are computer-adaptive reading and math tests. STAR Early Literacy is a computer-adaptive test that assesses phonemic awareness, phonics, and other emergent literacy skills in children who have not yet become independent readers. It’s a multimedia program, with a lot of graphics and interactive voice, so in ten minutes, largely unassisted at the computer, each child can go through an individualized test that will tell the teacher, very precisely, where the student is on the developmental continuum, in the seven critical domains of language skills. The teacher will learn where to start instruction and particularly if there are any problems that need to be remediated. That is a very important element because more and more, both research and government funding are centering on the importance of early reading. Other approaches to diagnosing early language development tend to be very labor intensive, slow, expensive, and sometimes involve an outside specialist to come in, and very few if any of them can be repeatedly administered. STAR Early Literacy has a databank of 2,500 different items that were validated with about 30,000 children around the country. This test can be re-administered up to ten times during the school year, and it stores the results so that the teacher can actually follow the development of the child through the year without creating any paper work.

CEOCFOinterviews – What affect will STAR Early Literacy.™ have on your company and its future?

Mr. Baum: We are expecting it to be one element that will continue to contribute to our growth. We have publicly said that we expect to be able to maintain our growth this year at least at the same level as last year, and last year we grew about 28%. We are aiming at the same level this year and STAR Early Literacy will be part of the way that we expect to get to that number.

CEOCFOinterviews – Do you build your product pipeline through research and development, acquisitions, or both?

Mr. Baum: It’s both, but primarily it is through our own efforts and our own way of thinking. It all starts with the mission of the company, which is to accelerate learning for all. We are very picky about what products or services we will introduce.  We have  to have quantitative evidence that  the approach is going to accelerate learning, get children’s test scores to improve, and also make life better for the teacher in the class room. The teacher is key to improving education, so everything we do is supporting the teacher by providing more information on learning that is going on in the classroom.

The acquisitions that we’ve done over the years have been cases where we’ve found a company that had a product or technology that would get us where we were going in a particular academic area quicker than we could get there by developing it internally. First and probably the best example of that was a company in Vancouver, Washington, that we acquired in 1996. They had a very advanced technology for generating large numbers of math problems using algorithms technology. An algorithm is a computer program that will generate a large number of variations of a particular math program.  This enables the child to get “same but different” problems to practice skills.  This is necessary because our approach to every curricular area is to increase monitored practice of skills. In the case of reading, that is reading books, in the case of math, that would be math problems. We found that we needed this kind of technology to create what we later called Accelerated Math®. Therefore, we bought this company and a couple of years later Accelerated Math was launched, and our math products are now in about 12,000 schools around the country.

CEOCFOinterviews – What percentage of your revenue goes into R&D?

Mr. Baum: The product development area last quarter was about 14½ % of our revenue.

CEOCFOinterviews – Do you see that percentage changing over time?

Mr. Baum: As a percentage  we  would expect that it probably will stay about the same. We are currently in about 55,000 schools, close to 50% of the schools in country, and many of the schools use our product very heavily. They depend on them to accelerate learning, and satisfied customers breed the potential for repeat sales. In any given quarter, over 75% of our sales are add on sales to our repeat customers. Therefore, our growth strategy has always been three parts. First, add more schools.  Second, build up build up utilization within the schools, by communications and training. Third, create new products for those satisfied customers to buy.  So investing in new products is vital.

CEOCFOinterviews – Which product is your greatest revenue producer?

Mr. Baum: The only one that we break out publicly is Accelerated Reader®, and in 2000 that product accounted for about 34% of our revenue.  That’s less as a percentage than it used to be because other products are increasing faster.

CEOCFOinterviews – Currently, which is your fastest growing product?

Mr. Baum: Our fastest growing product is Accelerated Math®.  Partly because we are selling it into schools that already have our reading products.  The other reason is that math is getting increasing attention as a major priority in improving schools. Reading and math together constitute the top priority for improving schools.

CEOCFOinterviews – With what or with whom do you compete? 

Mr. Baum: We really have very little direct competition. We are not in the content business, so we’re not competitors with textbook companies or the supplemental education companies. In fact, many of them, along with the trade publishers, are allies of ours. We support all of the major reading textbooks, we support a growing number of the major math textbooks, and we have quizzes on books from over 500 trade publishers, because when our software is used in schools it creates more demand for their product.

We take a unique approach to using computers to improve learning. We are not interested in getting the kids on computers for an extended period of time; we don’t want to try to teach on the computer. In fact, our products usually are used for only for five, ten or fifteen minutes at a time. With Accelerated Math®, the child is never on the computer at all; they work on printed, personalized assignments generated by the computer. The computer is then doing what computers do best, which is managing data, and we leave it to the teacher to teach, and free up more time to do so.

CEOCFOinterviews – Is there any other software company producing a product similar to yours?

Mr. Baum: One publisher has a software product, with which they have been trying to compete with us, but we believe they’ve largely been unsuccessful.

CEOCFOinterviews – What do you need to do to increase your percentage of the market?

Mr. Baum: We believe we essentially dominate the market of software for learning information systems, but what we need to do to enlarge this market is to get used more by the teachers, and help more kids.  To do that, we really keep our focus on our mission of accelerated learning. Another way to state that is helping educators improve schools through technology and research. We are very careful not to be caught up in educational fads. We will not bring out a product simply because we think that it will sell. If it isn’t going to measurably accelerate learning, we will not advance it, and I think that’s one of the reasons that we have been successful, because the teachers realize that.

CEOCFOinterviews – How do you market your products?

Mr. Baum: We are primarily a direct marketer, and have been since 1986.  We generate leads directly with teachers, librarians, media specialists, and principals, through a variety of direct mail, trade shows, and educational media. We have about 150 people on the phones continually following up on inquiries, working with teachers and schools to develop orders. We have a few book distributors who can also take orders for our products, but those are also funneled through our direct marketing group.

We also have a small direct sales staff calling on superintendents around the country, selling the district-wide Renaissance programs I mentioned earlier.  That program combines our software, our teacher training, consulting and implementation assistance, into a multi year, multi disciplinary package that school districts can buy and implement through out the districts, in all of the class rooms and all of the schools.  Part of the reason we changed the name of the company to Renaissance Learning, Inc., from Advantage Learning Systems was to emphasize our focus on school improvement, not just software. 

CEOCFOinterviews – Do you also provide support for your program and products?

Mr. Baum: The software is very much self-explanatory, easy to learn and work with. In addition, we also have about 100 people on the phones giving technical support who are always accessible to the teachers. The training staff that we have out in the field consists of about 150 educators and ex-educators who do seminars, not on how to use the software, but on how to use the information that the software generates, to accelerate learning in the class room.  Last year we did about 3,000 seminars, mostly in schools and district training facilities around the country

CEOCFOinterviews – How does that add to your revenue flow?

Mr. Baum: Directly, it flows into the service portion of our revenue on our income statement, and represents about 15% of corporate revenues.  Indirectly, it helps drive the growth of our product revenue by improving teacher utilization.

CEOCFOinterviews – Do you market your products globally?

Mr. Baum: There is still a tremendous amount of potential here in the United States, and we expect that most of our growth will be in the U.S., over the next few years. However, we are mobile, and we do have three international offices, in Canada, U.K. and Australia. In all three countries, they are selling localized versions of Accelerated Reader, and Accelerated Math, and we plan that in the future they will be selling localized versions of other software, and the training. All three are just getting started, so it will be awhile before they make any significant contribution, simply because the U.S. is growing so fast, but the emphasis on improving reading and mathematics skills is just as high in those countries as it is in the U.S.

CEOCFOinterviews – Is your software available in languages other than English?

Mr. Baum: We have several thousand quizzes on Spanish books, and there are some reports available in Accelerated Reading in Spanish.  We expect it will be easy to put it into other languages some time down the road as we get into other countries.

CEOCFOinterviews – What must you do to continue to be successful?

Mr. Baum: To be successful down the road, we must continue to be focused. We do understand teachers, and we understand classrooms, because we talk to teachers in classrooms literally every day, which is one of the advantages of being a direct marketer. We have several hundred teachers and ex-teachers on our staff as presenters and elsewhere. Teachers are the vital link in improving education. The key isn’t changing curriculum, and it isn’t any magic of technology or the Internet. Simply put, it is in getting to the classroom teacher and helping the classroom teacher.

CEOCFOinterviews – What is your current cash and credit position?

Mr. Baum: At the end of last quarter we had about 77 million dollars in cash, with no long-term debt. Our collections are generally good, currently about 40 days’ sales outstanding.  Schools are very credit-worthy.

CEOCFOinterviews – Do you do any governmental lobbying?

Mr. Baum: We really don’t do governmental lobbying at any level. We are focused on a communicating with and helping the teachers. Actually, President Bush’s home state of Texas is one of our strongest states, and has bee for a long time. More than 70% of the schools in Texas use our products. Therefore, I think that we probably share a little bit of the credit for the educational improvement down there.

CEOCFOinterviews – What final thoughts would you like to leave with your current shareholders and potential investors?

Mr. Baum: We are going to keep focused on the vision that has made us a fast growing and highly profitable company over the last 15 years. We will bring out products that enable us to accelerate learning in a wider range of subjects, and for more children and teachers. As long as we keep focused on that, we will continue to be successful.                                                                         

Before we close, I must point out that this interview may have contained forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provision of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements regarding the introduction by Renaissance Learning, Inc. of new products and services. Any such forward-looking statements may involve risk and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from any future results encompassed within the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include those matters disclosed in Renaissance Learning’s Annual Report on Form 10-K and the Company’s other Securities and Exchange Commission filings, which matters are incorporated herein by reference.

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