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The Art of
Chemical Grafting

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Research & Development

Chemical Research & Development Services

Polymer Research Corporation

2186 Mill Avenue
Brooklyn, NY  11234
Phone:  718-444-4300
Fax:  718-241-3930

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Dr. Carl Horowitz
Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Diane Reynolds, Co-Publisher

April 2001

Bio of CEO

I am a graduate of Columbia University where I studied under Professor Fink who is a famous authority on Electrochemistry.  After graduating, I enrolled at the Polytechnic University in Brooklyn.  At that time, I was studing under Professor Herman Mark, who is the father of Polymer Chemistry and he gave me the introduction into Polymer Chemistry.  After working for 13 years in a battery company in New York, I opened my own company with a partner.  We came out with an idea to do research work for other companies.  After a while, I developed a method of chemical attachment called chemical grafting patents and patent applications, which we are using now to solve problems for other companies.  We do research work for hundreds of different fields.  Chemical grafting is adaptable to any phase of manufacturing for any company who wants to improve their product or make it more competitive or to fulfill government regulations.  We have been very successful in that area and we will continue to do it and we intend to expand in that area in the future.

CEOCFOinterviews – Tell us about your company whether it be products or services.

Dr. Horowitz We have a method of attachment of different chemicals.  We call these chemicals monomers.  Monomers are building blocks of polymers.  For example, styrene is a monomer.  Polystyrene is a polymer, which consists of chains of monomers of styrene.   However, our process is different.  We’ve taken an existing item, which we call substrate, which belongs to the client, and we grow those chains of monomers on the backbone of the existing item.  For example, if we grow on the backbone of cotton a chain of monomers containing phosphorus and chlorine, that cotton will become permanently nonflammable.  If we grow on the backbone of a plastic like polyolefine we grow on it dye able monomers, the whole polyolefine becomes dyeable.  This is more or less what grafting consists of.  We have numerous patents in that field.

CEOCFOinterviews – How many manufacturing plants do you have?

Dr. HorowitzWe have two.  One is in Brooklyn, New York where we have about 20 scientists working to satisfy the clients’ demands in solving his problem.  Once his problem is solved we come up with a formula and that formula is then offered to the client on an exclusive basis and we manufacture in our plant large quantities of the formulation that we have developed for the client.   The other plant is in Phoenix, AZ where a former employee of our company opened a western branch and she is doing the same thing on a smaller scale. 

CEOCFOinterviews – Do you do this on a global basis?

Dr. Horowitz Yes. We do this worldwide in almost every country in Europe, in the Far East, North America Australia, Japan and Mainland China.

CEOCFOinterviews - What is your strategy for the future?

Dr. Horowitz The Company plans to hire and train more scientists to assure better service to its clients.  The work is done on a confidential exclusive basis.  Usually the client engages the company to do the work in his area.  However, the method of grafting is very broad and covers about 1,000 different major fields of the industry.  The company plans to cover every field of manufacturing in the United States and worldwide.   It plans to reach every company who needs help in solving their problems in product improvement, meeting government regulations and helping their company to compete successfully in their field with other companies.  Polymer Research Corporation is a publicly owned corporation.   The company employs 50 people and out of them, 20 scientists.  Scientists are engaged in research and development the work.  The company has developed a process called grafting.  This unique method of attachment of new properties to the old existing items, which we call the substrate.  The properties are permanently attached to the substrate.  These properties can vary depending on the requirements of the client.  When the substrate is metal, we can give it corrosion resistance, abrasion and wear resistance, chemical resistance, lubricity, conductivity, and UV and weather resistance.  If the substrate is plastic, we can give it flame-retardancy, improved structural strength, adhesive properties, chemical resistance, conductivity or insulations, mold or extrusion additives.   When it is rubber, we give it chemical resistance, lubricity, UV and ozone resistance, oil and fuel resistance, adhesive properties, and wear resistance.  If it is glass, we give it shatter and scratch resistance, decorative color without use of toxic paints, adhesive properties, conductivity or insulation and high temperature resistance.   When it is paper, we give it flame-retardancy or improved ink adhesion, improved water absorbency or water repellency, increased tear resistance increased strength, increased adhesive properties and conductivity.   In textiles, we give it wrinkle resistance, improved dyeability, flame- retardancy, adhesive properties without alteration of hand of fabric, and improved water absorbency or repellency. There are many other properties that can be applied to the client’s product. Many patents and patent applications protect this method of attachment called grafting.  The process is offered to many clients via telephone calls, mailings, and through the Internet.  We have two websites, which are polymer-rd.com and polymer-ny.com.  The company’s E-mail address is polymer12@aol.com.  There are 10 employees in the marketing department who solicit research contracts worldwide. 

CEOCFOinterviews – Are you able to get qualified personnel to fill the positions on the technical side as well as the scientists?

Dr. Horowitz Yes, we basically take scientists that have college background and we train them in our field.  The field of chemical grafting is our field; it’s not a field you can get much information on in Universities unless you specialize in this and we specialize in chemical grafting.  Chemical research is our forte.  There are many people who say they do research or plan to do research but we have it in our blood we know what research is required and we know what research can produce.   We can get sufficient help. 

CEOCFOinterviews - What has taken place in the past year that has affected the company going forward?

Dr. Horowitz The company has a number of new products developed on it’s own and these include:  water purification and permanent nonflamability of various flammable materials, powerful storage batteries different from nickel cadmium and lead acid batteries. Above all, the company has a method of grafting by chemical means.  It uses non-corrosive, non-polluting and cheap ingredients.  Non-professional personnel can carry it out with equipment that is common in most of the plants.  It is a perfectly safe method.  These are the things we developed in the last couple of years.

We welcome any investor who is interested in bringing these products into the marketing and production on a large scale even if the investor has different ideas and may want to develop something different. 

CEOCFOinterviews – How is your company going to maintain that competitive edge?

Dr. Horowitz We are basically doing research and our company has the tools already.  We have developed the processes for chemical attachment.  We are way ahead of any potential competitor.  We are located in the United States so we can serve the U.S. and the whole world because the English language is the most popular language.  Any company in the Far East lets say, that would want to compete with us would be at a disadvantage because of geography and their tremendous distance and their difference of language.  There is also the mentality of research and how to conduct research.  We are in business since 1963 and we have not met any competition at all so far.   We consistently do this work because this is a labor of love for us.

CEOCFOinterviews – Is your company financially situated to handle future growth?

Dr. Horowitz We are very well financially situated.  We have bought the facility in which we are in now. We are in a broad industrial area with broad industrial zoning codes. That will give us the room and ability to grow and the finances are there to do so.

CEOCFOinterviews – Do you see your company’s growth coming from the inside, joint ventures or even an acquisition?

Dr. Horowitz We invite joint ventures with potential investors to share in the profits from our inventions.  As far as acquisitions are concerned we are interested in them but we would like to keep them in the area related to our work, in developing new formulations for clients and in continuing the research work. 

CEOCFOinterviews – Why should an investor take a closer look at this company?

Dr. HorowitzWe are a very unique company.  Nobody has the method of attachment and chemical grafting developed to such a high level as we are.  Every company in the world now knows about our existence.  An investor should feel secure and safe when investing with our company.  When there was a recession in Europe a couple of years ago, business was booming in the U.S.  When business is slow here like now, business is booming in Europe. We are a very stable company standing on many legs.  We do not depend on one geographic area.  Also, our company is in so many different fields that seasonal slowdowns do not apply to us at all.  We are a very attractive company.  We are growing very fast and very well.  We are solving problems for clients and we are getting from clients letters of praise.  We ask every company that has a problem that can be solved scientifically whether it is a problem of government regulations or of competition getting ahead of them or a problem of giving their product additional properties which it doesn’t have without adversely affecting their existing properties, we are the ones who will do it for them.   We are the ones who are equipped to do it for them and we don’t have to start from scratch.  We already have the tools, which are chemical attachments or chemical grafting.  We are the only company that does it for other clients.  Many large companies do research only for themselves.  We offer our method of chemical grafting to every company simply by the fact that chemical grafting covers so many hundreds and hundreds of properties that we can offer.   We offer an unexhaustible supply of properties.  We have in our company 5,000 different chemicals called monomers, each of them giving a different property.   Then we can combine two or three or four to get several properties to the client’s products.  So investors should look at our company with confidence and we don’t have any competition. 

CEOCFOinterviews – What personally motivates you?

Dr. Horowitz At the end of every day I balance out the day.  It always comes out that the number of good things that happen with the company is bigger than the bad things. When you weigh the positives against the negatives it always comes out on the plus side.

I am a positive person and I love my work.  My work is what makes me happy.  When there are problems or aggravations, I enjoy the fact when things have been solved.  The fact that the challenge has been met and solved gives me a tremendous amount of satisfaction.  I am an old scientist and research man. I worked in the lab by myself.  Many experiments didn’t produce anything; when I made one invention, it paid for everything.


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