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Nutrition 21 - addressing Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity and Depression markets with its patented nutrition products

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Biotechnology & Drugs

Nutrition 21, Inc.

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Gail Montgomery
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Walter Banks

July 2002

Company Profile:

Nutrition 21 is a leading developer and marketer of nutritional supplements whose health benefits have been substantiated in "pharmaceutical-type" clinical research. A market leader in nutritional chromium, Nutrition 21 currently holds 35 patents for nutrition products; 25 for chromium compounds and their uses. Nutrition 21's patents cover the use of chromium picolinate for maintaining healthy blood sugar metabolism, for promoting healthy lean body mass, and for supporting healthy lipid metabolism. Nutrition 21 has successfully leveraged its expertise in clinical development and technical research to market proprietary health enhancing nutraceuticals.

Flagship product for the diabetic and Syndrome X markets:
Diachrome™ is a proprietary compound, whose synergistic effect capitalizes on two active ingredients: Chromax® chromium picolinate - Helps to improve insulin sensitivity, potentiates the uptake of glucose in the muscle cells, increases glycogen production Biotin - Stimulates the activity of glucokinase in the liver, improves pancreatic ß-islet cell function to enhance insulin regulation.

Ingredients business:
Nutrition 21's ingredients business specializes in the marketing and sales of proprietary; science based mineral ingredients for the nutritional products industry. Ingredients are sold in bulk to nutritional supplement manufacturers who incorporate these minerals into dietary supplements. Applications for Nutrition 21 products include dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, capsules, tablets, soft-gels, beverages and other innovative nutritional products. Nutrition 21's ingredients have been widely incorporated into over 1,000 products distributed throughout the United States.

Key ingredients sold: Chromax® chromium picolinate, Diachrome™ chromium picolinate & biotin, Selenomax® high selenium yeast, SelenoPure™ L-selenomethionine (yeast-free), Zinmax® zinc picolinate, Magnemax® manganese picolinate and other fine mineral yeasts.

Finished Consumer Goods:
Lite Bites®:

Lite Bites® Fat-Fighting System is a total lifestyle program focused on weight loss that includes bars, chewies, shakes and boosters in a variety of satisfying flavors. Lite Bites is formulated with Chromax® chromium picolinate plus 22 important vitamins and minerals, fiber, calcium, and a custom herbal blend.

Selenomax® High Selenium Yeast and L-Selenomethionine:
Selenium, an essential trace mineral, is a crucial mineral antioxidant that protects cells and tissues from free-radical damage. It is needed for the body to synthesize its own natural antioxidant, glutathione. Several epidemiological studies have associated increased incidence of poor health with low levels of dietary selenium. Selenium’s antioxidant activity protects cells and tissues from free radical or oxidative damage. Thus, there is reason to believe that optimal selenium intake may provide protection from free radicals, carcinogens, mutagens, UV light, and certain infectious agents. This damage is thought to be linked to the aging process, as well as found in many degenerative diseases.

CARDIA SALT is an all natural product made from no artificial ingredients. CARDIA SALT’s patented formulation contains 54 percent less sodium than regular salt (135mg versus 295mg per 1/8 teaspoon serving), as well as added levels of important minerals potassium (90mg or [2.5 mEq]) and magnesium (7mg or [0.3 mEq]). CARDIA SALT also contains L-lysine monohydrochloride, a naturally-occurring amino-acid, which helps to mask the bitter taste normally associated with potassium and to enhance the product's real salt flavor. CARDIA® SALT is appropriate for people who want to reduce their intake of sodium, a leading contributor to hypertension (high blood pressure) in salt-sensitive and certain other population groups.

Interview Highlights:

- What are the roots of Nutrition 21?
- What is its patent portfolio and clinical research portfolio revolved around?
- What are its targeted markets?
- What are the company’s core competency and differentiating factors?
- Why do they conduct clinical trials on their products?
- Will they every need to seek FDA approval for any of their products?
- Do they partner with universities to conduct their clinical trials?
- What are some of the studies conducted done on their products?
- What is their flagship product and how is it sold into the market place?
- What is the efficacy of Chromium Picolinate?
- Why does it have potential in the Diabetes, Hypoglycemic and Weight loss markets?
- What is the name of their first product using chromium picolinate and biotin?
- Why is their work with chromium better than other nutritional companies who are working with it?
- What changes in their business model will they be making?
- Will they ever seek to turn their ingredients into products?
- When can we look for finished products on the market?
- Do they have a sales force and program in place currently, or is that something they will have to develop over time?
- How do they currently sell and market their products?
- What is their only line of consumer products in the market today, who is their marketing partner and what gives them a competitive edge?
- Are they in cooperation with other disease management companies that have an interest in nutritional therapy as an adjunct to what they are already doing?
- Will they be leveraging traditional retail distribution?
- Is there anything new to look for coming out of R&D?
- Are they looking to have a product on the market that addresses the depression market?
- Are some of their products applicable to heart disease?
- Will they continue to do business in ingredient sales, and if so do they expect to see revenue growth in that area as well as with their products for the weight loss market?
- Do they use any artificial sweeteners in their products for the weight loss market?
- How big is the weight loss market, where are they currently positioned and what is their growth strategy?
- How big is the market for their Diachrome™ product?
- Would people continue to use their products for the weight loss market throughout their lives?
- Has their product line been built through R&D or acquisitions?
- What is their current cash and credit position?

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