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Web-hosting solutions.

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Computer Services

NetNation Communications, Inc.

1410 - 555 West Hastings
Vancouver, VGB-4N6 Canada

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Joseph Kibur,
Chief Executive Officer and

Interview conducted by:
Diane Reynolds, Co-Publisher

June 2001

Brief History and Background of CEO/Co-Founder

Under Joseph’s leadership, NetNation has grown dramatically and established strategic direction both in service offerings and quality of service since its inception in 1997. NetNation now enjoys the coveted distinction of being ranked among the top ten web hosts in the world and a leader in Internet domain name registration. 

Joseph has acquired many skills, as proven by his multi-lingual abilities, computer programming talents and athletic achievements.  Joseph was the 1993 Canadian Champion in cross-country running and has represented Canada in six international competitions.  Born in Ethiopia, he immigrated to Canada at the age of eleven.  Joseph completed his Bachelor of Science degree at SFU in 1996.

CEOCFOinterviews:  Please tell me about NetNation and what it does.

Mr. Kibur:  NetNation is a Vancouver, British Columbia based web-hosting and domain name registration company.  Since inception in 1997, our annual revenues have increased by 100% or higher, and last quarter we announced record revenues and became one of the first Nasdaq-listed web hosting companies to achieve profitability.  In addition, our reputation for quality service has resulted in loyal clients in over 130 countries.

We provide the technical tools and expertise businesses need to run their web sites, whether they are managing information or selling products and services on the Internet. As you know, in order to achieve a presence online, you first have to create and design a site on your computer. Then, in order to get service from the Internet you must get service from the web hosting company. NetNation hosts your web site and puts it on the Internet.  We are an infrastructure player in that respect. We also provide related services such as domain name registration for net names such as www.netnation.com.  Our wholly owned subsidiary, DomainPeople (www.domainpeople.com) is also the eighth accredited domain registrar in the world, along side companies like Register.com and Network Solutions which is now owned by Verisign.

We provide three main categories of web hosting. The majority of our business comes from shared web hosting, where you share space on one server and have the capability for e-commerce storefronts, basic media and database capabilities. We also provide colocation services. If you have your own server but do not want to invest in your own infrastructure and technical expertise to support it, NetNation will provide the hi-speed connectivity, network infrastructure and technical expertise you need. Furthermore, you will benefit from a secure environment, complete with everything to keep a server running, like air conditioning and fire suppressant systems. In addition, NetNation provides enhanced-dedicated services, best if you have high performance, high volume web sites that may also require special applications or enhancements. Here, NetNation provides a server dedicated solely to your needs, allowing more flexibility and control for web site management. As you can see, NetNation offers solutions for any clients’ stage of growth.

Other services include application services, where we provide applications such as anti virus, security and back up services for your web site. We will be expanding these service offerings as we go along. For example, in keeping with market forecasts, the growing needs of our core clients, and the maturity of our technical expertise, we will be moving into the custom and managed hosting arena.

CEOCFOinterviews:  You also have the OEM services and products…

Mr. Kibur:  Sure, these are similar to retail services except that they are provided through OEM and wholesalers. Some larger companies don't want to get into web hosting or domain name registration on their own and so they will partner with a company, such as NetNation, to add hosting and domain name registration services to their existing core offering.  Our list of partners include MasterCard, Group Telecom, Intel, Sympatico-Lycos and so on.

CEOCFOinterviews:  How important are these partners as far as the growth of the company goes?

Mr. Kibur:  Partners provide a very significant revenue stream. Additionally, they are important from a public relations perspective. A lot of retail customers feel comfortable dealing with us because we have relationships with larger companies who have trusted us enough to use our services.

CEOCFOinterviews:  I know one of your partners is Microsoft.  With everything that is going on currently with them, would any of this affect your relationship with Microsoft?

Mr. Kibur:  I would have to say the relationship we have with Microsoft is not a very strong one, but we provide the support for front page software and thus are chosen by Microsoft as a front page website provider.  NetNation is on their web site and clients are referred to us by them.  Some of the activities that Microsoft is undertaking, such as the .net initiative, will definitely increase the interest in our industry because they are changing the way consumers are using their software.  Instead of having it on their home computer it will be hosted with hosting companies like NetNation.  Hence, the net initiative will definitely receive a higher profile and as well, the adoption rate will be increased.

CEOCFOinterviews:  As you expand and grow internally, this takes qualified personnel to handle all that is happening.  I know here in the states, the technology industry was a little tight for a while.  How is it in Canada?

Mr. Kibur: It is also tight here, but not as competitive of course.  The living standard is also lower, so the costs are not as high.  In fact, one of NetNation’s advantages is the fact that we are located in Canada.  One reason for this advantage is that our costs are in Canadian dollars, yet we receive the bulk of our payments in US dollars (over half of our clients are from the US, double the number of clients from Canada).  In terms of skilled workers, most management and employees have been with NetNation since the very beginning. We didn't have a lot of turnover, especially in our customer service and technical support teams. 

CEOCFOinterviews:  Now, do you do this on a global basis? 

Mr. Kibur:  Yes, we have clients in over 130 countries.  A benefit of the web hosting industry is that it really doesn't matter where the hosting originates. As long as it has a good pipe and is quick, the customer will not know or care where the web site is hosted.  The nature of this industry allows NetNation to service clients all over the world from one facility. In the early days, the US market certainly held a large position in our clientele. Now, the US market is maturing while the international market is growing.

CEOCFOinterviews:  You are in 130 countries and obviously you are attracting other countries all of the time.  People look at you and think, you are in Canada, what are you doing to actually get them attracted to your services?

Mr. Kibur:  Our main tool is targeted international marketing efforts, for instance, advertising on the Internet or in international magazines. Services offered by NetNation have numerous benefits, which we convey in a frank and straightforward manner.

As I mentioned before, the fact that we’re hosting a client’s site from Canada has little significance, and this is what we convey in advertising.  Let's say a client is from California. It really doesn't matter if they are dealing with a company in Florida, Canada or another part of the world, as long as the host speaks their language, understands their needs, sets reasonable prices, and are accessible. This is an example of how the Internet is breaking barriers for a lot of people.

Obviously, for some clients, psychological barriers will be an issue.  Such clients will call us, stating their intention to request NetNation services, yet pause when they realize we are located (far away) in Canada. Then we respond by explaining that this is irrelevant to the quality of the hosting services.  As a result, there is a bit of explaining to do, once in a while. 

CEOCFOinterviews:  Some of the products are Web Starter, Web Starter NT.  Some have different platforms.  What do you have that can make this compatible with all of them?

Mr. Kibur:  From the web hosting aspect, these products are compatible with all platforms.  It really doesn't matter what computer the customer has, since the web site is the platform.  The only difference it can make is if you are hosting it on an antique platform so that you can use a certain data application or ASP- allowing you to use it mostly in Windows NT platform.  This is transparent for the client. 

NetNation offers a whole range of services for whatever one’s needs and platforms.  Thus, if you choose to have a certain platform, it will also be made compatible.

CEOCFOinterviews:  Security is a bigger concern than it has ever been.  How are you dealing with the constant new viruses and the ability for people to access information from other computers?

Mr. Kibur:  It is a huge challenge.  It is probably one of those challenges where no one will ever overcome completely. We are trying and not giving up. NetNation has responded with a number of unique services that will let our clients find out when there is some sort of network attack, virus or any other unwanted activities.  We will soon be offering the full range of these services to our clients.

One can never be guaranteed that one’s web site will be completely safe.  Even the US Pentagon and US Navy have not been able to protect themselves. It is an ongoing war and very difficult to battle.  However, we are definitely aware of and working on security issues, not only for our clients but for our own company as well.

CEOCFOinterviews:  Do you see acquisitions for this company in the future?

Mr. Kibur:  A strategy of acquisitions is definitely one avenue for our growth.  However, there are currently no acquisitions occurring for two reasons.  One is that the markets are not in the proper state to raise money for acquisition purposes.  The second is many companies are going out of business and resulted in chaos in the industry.  Everyone is really waiting for the aftermath before making his or her decision.  We are looking at acquisitions for the future.

CEOCFOinterviews:  With technology stocks being the way they are everyone has stepped back from the technology stock.

Mr. Kibur:  Yes, everyone has stepped back and everyone is anxiously waiting to see what is going to shake out.  So it's like playing chicken to see who will stick it out the longest.

CEOCFOinterviews:  Do you have enough cash and capital stored where you can withstand the flood for right now?

Mr. Kibur: Yes, absolutely. We are actually one of the very few self-sustaining Nasdaq-listed hosting companies.  We don't need any external money to fund our operation and can make it on our own.  NetNation has been able to achieve this due to our disciplined approach to fiscal management from day one.  We learned to deal with growth on a step-by-step basis.  We have been very careful with how we spend our money. We didn't get excited and hire over 100 people all at the same time.  We didn't buy any expensive cars and data centers.  Hence, we have been able to be self-sustaining.  If we need money, it will be for expansion purposes only.

CEOCFOinterviews:  Do you have long-term contracts?

Mr. Kibur:  In terms of legal contracts with clients, these are usually month-to-month contracts. As long as they are happy and business is going well, most clients don’t have good reasons to change web hosts.  However, some companies will eventually discover that the web is not going to make them rich and it wasn't right to just jump on the Internet.  These clients decide either to scale back web site operations or abandon their web site all together.  Our contract allows clients flexibility and decreases the chances of companies moving to competitors.

CEOCFOinterviews:  What happens when a company abandons its website?

Mr. Kibur:  Not much…they just shut down their accounts.  However, we do offer flexibility, for people who cancel, to hold a certain level of services such as email.

CEOCFOinterviews:  With the pull back that is happening today, is this affecting your company financially?

Mr. Kibur:  We didn't feel the pull back significantly. It seems, now, that only serious businesses want to get involved with web sites.  We benefited from the fact that we are one of the survivors and profit-makers of the dot-com fallout, and the fact that we have a legacy, based on over five years of experience in the industry.  That definitely helps.  We can show our customers our lasting ability.  They are definitely happier to deal with us rather than a company who has only been around for a year or so, is still losing money, and is not properly funded.

CEOCFOinterviews:  What are your companys’ strongest qualities?

Mr. Kibur:  Our highest quality is service.  Our employees, because they have been around for four or five years, have accumulated a tremendous amount of expertise and experience that is, in turn, provided to our clients. Our clients continue to express delight in our live toll-free and email 24/7 support, high quality service and quick resolution turn-around time. Furthermore, clients commend us on our expertise and genuine concern with which we deal with issues that average web hosts would not even bother with. In addition, NetNation’s prices are very reasonable.  Clients don't have any reasons to go anywhere else.  As a result, our customer retention rate is significantly higher than the industry average.  Our second best quality is the fact that we are very quick at adapting new technology.  When customers require a new type of service, like wireless email or streaming capabilities, they don't have to go anywhere else or look for a different technology in order to take advantage of it.  NetNation is quite proactive in always updating our service levels and offerings.  In fact, we can do this without increasing our prices, so that clients receive access to the new service immediately and efficiently.  Once again, they are happy and have no reason to go elsewhere.  When clients realize our ‘strong qualities’, they are loyal and refer new business to us.

CEOCFOinterviews:  You are the Co-Founder of this company; did you ever think that this company would come so far and to the stage that you are in?

Mr. Kibur:  When we started five years ago, only our imagination could see where this company was going to be.  I think I have always been creative and very imaginative, so there were a lot of possibilities.  But when things happen in reality, that’s a different story.  Certainly I am very pleased to see NetNation come this far.

CEOCFOinterviews:  I'm sure that in the beginning it was very hard, what kept your motivation up?

Mr. Kibur:  It's not just the first couple of days that was hard.  Actually, it was the first few years.  Customers used to call me at home and during the night, it was quite a struggle.  Part of the struggle was, being a pioneer with few companies to reference, we would have to invent everything ourselves and work on our own.  Now, when you want to form a company, you can buy a ready-made billing system, a customer relations software, hardware platforms, just about anything.  In the days when I began NetNation, we had to create everything. 

My motivation came from looking at other successful entrepreneurs, like Bill Gates and others, and seeing how they achieved their goals by working late nights for years and years.  Therefore, I knew that I too would have to do the same.  This was at the beginning and there was still a chance that I would not go anywhere with NetNation, so I was very motivated.  Also, since I am an athlete, I knew the value of hard work and I was able to apply that value in the business world as well.

CEOCFOinterviews:  How would you address a potential investor?

Mr. Kibur:  It’s very simple. I would tell them that risk is a factor when a company comes to you and gives you a story that sounds typically like this,  "We have exciting technology and within a year or so, we will achieve this… this is my projected cash flow income, etc. and based on that, you will have ten times turnover on your invested money.” Ok, that story sounds very nice, however, you are taking a risk because that story may not be true in the end. 

With our story, the NetNation story, that is not the case.  We are not asking you to take a leap of faith in our services or our company.  All we are telling you is that we have 18,000 customers, who pay x amount per month and will each pay x amount this month and next year.  As long as the Internet is not going to disappear, we are getting an annuity from this customer. So I'm not asking you to buy in on a story, I am showing you exactly how much money I am making today.  Based on those facts, you can choose an investment with a very clear risk model.  Thus, it is the same as investing in a utility company that has a certain customer base and certain cash flow.  That is really the same idea, the potential for growth is big because hosting is a new industry. You don't have to believe me or take a leap of faith to see the turn on your investment.  You see exactly what you are going to get.

And there are bonuses.  First, this company is going to grow tremendously as per research firms such as International Data and the Yankee Group.  They have estimated that the web hosting industry will increase explosively in the next few years.  NetNation is ideally positioned to enter the custom and managed hosting era and poised for the next rush of Internet domain names.  Web hosting services offered from state-of-the-art infrastructure continue to evolve to meet client needs and keep a step ahead of market demand.  New Top Level Domain (TLD) name registration from wholly owned subsidiary DomainPeople, Inc., is set to capture the biggest land grab of domain names since the “.com” rush of the 1990’s.  Moreover, NetNation is one of the first Nasdaq-listed hosting companies to achieve profitability.

CEOCFOinterviews:  It's true, technology is here to stay and it's only going to get better and more complicated.  People are going to continue to need help. 

Mr. Kibur:  If you are going to say that web hosting is not going to continue to exist, then in reality you are saying that the Internet is not going to continue to exist.  As long as people have web sites, NetNation is going to keep the revenue streams coming our way.

CEOCFOinterviews:  What can you tell us about your strategy for employee retention?

Mr. Kibur:  Our company has a sound strategy for employee retention because we know that our employees are our company.  Apart from our dynamic technology, it’s our employees that set us apart from competitors.  When a customer calls, it's important for them to know that they are speaking to someone they have spoken to before, and not always someone fresh and new coming into the company.  We understand that clients value this, and therefore we have employee incentives like stock options, or shares from before we became public.  We have employee pension and bonus plans, and opportunities for growth no matter what level an employee is at.  For instance, some employees who have started at the frontline customer service level have now become managers and network engineers and so on.  I feel that this strategy will help us keep our assets and help us succeed. 

CEOCFOinterviews:  Do you have the same difficulties in hiring qualified individuals as we have had in the United States?

Mr. Kibur:  The employee turnover here is not as bad as in the United States.  For example, in California, people are just looking for money and don't care much about loyalty. People are a lot more loyal here.  They feel that if the company has been good to them, they should be good to the company.  That's why a lot of the people stick around and go through the good and bad times with the company.  If the stock sells well, we will all be able to sell our shares and it will work out well for all of us, including the investors.

CEOCFOinterviews:  How often do you try to come out with a new product or new service or a new enhancement to something that already exists?

Mr. Kibur:  We evaluate our services on a monthly basis.  Every month we evaluate the sales of each service offering and decide to either get rid of it, enhance it, or design a new product.  This is an ongoing initiative overseen by a full-time product manager that looks at our offerings, competitors’ offerings, and the market demand, to ensure that we are always on the forefront of the industry.


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