Interview with: Michael Kraft, President and CEO - featuring: their publishing of English language learning programs in China, through print, audio/video cassette and CD-based products for students and teachers from pre-school through university.

Lingo Media Inc. Educational Publishing (LNGMF-OTC: BB)

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Lingo Media has established the relationships necessary to penetrate the educational publishing market in China, which has the largest primary student body population in the world

Educational Publishing

Lingo Media Inc.

151 Bloor Street West
Suite 703
Ontario Canada M5S 1S4
Phone: 416-927-7000

Michael Kraft
President & CEO

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor
Published - December 7, 2006

Michael Kraft - President & CEO

Michael brings over 19 years of experience in international marketing, publishing and finance with a specific focus on China. His established relationships in publishing industry were a key factor in development of Lingo Media's publishing business in China. Prior to Lingo Media, Michael held several senior executive positions in marketing and publishing industry. Michael received his Bachelor of Arts (Economics) from York University (
Toronto) in 1985 and has served as a director of several private and public companies.

Company Profile:

Lingo Media is a leading publisher of English language learning programs in China. The Company incorporates print, audio/video cassette and CD-based products for students and teachers from pre-school through university. Founded in 1996, the Company has an established presence in the Chinese educational market of more than 200-million English language students.

Lingo Media has built strategic relationships in the educational and publishing sectors in China. Using a consultative and collaborative approach, the Company has proven its business model by securing long-term partnerships with the key players in the publishing market in China. Working with authors and editors from both Canada and China, Lingo Media and its Chinese co-publishing partners have successfully created effective English learning materials for the school, home study, and self-study markets. The Company products have already generated unit sales in excess of 120 million.

Mr. Kraft, what was your vision when you came to Lingo and where are you today?
Mr. Kraft: “Our vision started with us recognizing the opportunity with the growing market for the English language learning in China. After careful consideration, we decided we were going to enter the market, and came up with a plan to open the channels and create the right product to satisfy the market need. Our vision is to be a leading content provider and producer of student textbooks, student activity books, audio and visual components and teaching materials for the school market in China.” 

CEOCFO: What does Lingo know about teaching a language that others do not?
Mr. Kraft: “I think Lingo recognized the needs of the marketplace in China and the fact that English as a Second Language in North America is usually taught by native English speakers, whereas in places like China, there are very few native English speakers. The teachers that are teaching English have less teaching experience than the West, so we designed our materials recognizing the market conditions. Our materials are much easier than the products that are used in North America or the UK to teach English to new immigrants. Our program allows teachers to be more effective and generate results. The materials fit the market need in China.”

CEOCFO: What are you providing that is unique?
Mr. Kraft: “Most of our competitors, are large multi-national publishers, including Pearson, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press MacMillan McGraw-Hill (NYSE: MHP). Those companies are essentially selling existing materials that have been designed and developed for what is called English as a Second Language, which is taught in countries where English is the first  language. Lingo Media was prepared to make the investment in developing new materials. Being a smaller company and more entrepreneurial gives us a competitive advantage, because we can react much quicker with lower costs, so it was easier to justify the investment to create new programs specific to the China market. The other advantage was relationships as we spent a lot of time, effort and resources on building key relationships with the Ministry of Education and those relationships opened up the door.”

CEOCFO: Are you primarily selling to what would be the equivalent to city, state, school districts, and boards?
Mr. Kraft: “The market is public schools, which is by far the biggest market in China. In fact, you have a student body of close to 100 million students in the primary level of grades one to six, which is probably the largest primary student body in the world. In September 2001, China mandated that that English be introduced to primary level students beginning in grade three through grade six. That was a huge opportunity and we won the adoption and now have 60 to 65% of that market. There are 3 major players that control 90% of that market and about 25 other publishers that control the 10% balance. We were able to use that opportunity and adoption and that was our market entry strategy that we were successful in implementing and built market share in China.”

CEOCFO: Do the schools choose or do you have a package?
Mr. Kraft: “The package of components that we offer are created around the State Ministry of Education’s mandated curriculum and components. All students use a student textbook. In addition to the textbook, all the other components are ancillary and subject to the individual school. There are ten components for each level; student textbook, student activity book, two audiocassettes for the student textbook, one audiocassette for the student activity book, student flashcards, teacher’s resource book, teacher flash cards, wall charts and  overhead transparencies. The schools decide which components to purchase. In some cases, it is for a district level, in some cases it is for the whole city or municipality, and in some cases, it is a decision that is made for an entire province. We created two basil textbook programs; one for the grade 3 to 6 market that was adopted and is by far the market leader. We also developed a program for grades 1 to 6. That program was launched in a suburb of Beijing called, Haidian, which is the high-tech district. Today we have developed 285 different product components; all original new product for the China market.”

CEOCFO: Do you have a sales force that speaks Chinese?
Mr. Kraft: “The business model for foreign owned companies is restricted as we are only allowed to develop content then license or co-publish with Chinese state owned publishers. That model has its constraints. The Chinese publisher does the manufacturing and sells the finished product. We are in essence, a content provider licensing this content, and co-publishing with the Chinese publishers who has their own sales and marketing channels. We support teacher training, but it is ultimately our partner, Peoples Education Press (which is owned by the State Ministry of Education) who does the sales and marketing. The market is opening up under WTO (World Trade Organization) market reforms in the media sector, which includes print media. Lingo Media is now getting involved in moving up the supply chain and joint venturing and building print media assets so we can establish a top line and sell finished products.”

CEOCFO: Will you tell us about the Phoenix Publishing & Media Group?
Mr. Kraft: “Phoenix Publishing & Media Group is a provincial owned publisher in the province of Jiangsu, China, which is one of the most economically advanced provinces in China. More and more we are seeing decentralization in education, as the provinces themselves are allowed to adopt their own curriculum once it has been approved by the state. We have never sold our programs in Jiangsu. We signed a general cooperation agreement that opened up the doors in many ways.”

CEOCFO: Will you tell us about the financial picture of Lingo Media?
Mr. Kraft: “In 2000, we signed a long-term co-publishing royalty agreement with Peoples Education Press. That agreement has a life of up to 12 years. There is a four-year program from grades 3 to 6 and with a four-year revision cycle as well as the program called Starting Line, which is for grades 1 to 6. It is a 12-year royalty contract. Both programs have a value of approximately $12 million of royalties. Every year we generate approximately $1 million of royalty revenue under the current model. The growth potential for Lingo Media through the China Business Expansion Plan, is to sell the finished products. Our royalties represent approximately 5% of the less price so the finished product sales have a wholesale value of $10 million in revenues. We have sufficient cash flow and we are reinvesting all of our free cash flow into executing our China Expansion Plan.”

CEOCFO: Why should investors be interested?
Mr. Kraft: “Lingo Media is a great market entry success story. I believe we are a window on the Chinese education market. We represent an innovative entrepreneurial approach to the growing China education market. We believe that this company and our strategy will reward our shareholders as we grow. We have very strong distribution channels and now it is a matter of exploiting those channels and moving to the next step. I think we have been able to demonstrate our core competency in terms of product development and management bandwidth. As a young new company, we have secured very large contracts under the radar screen of some very large competitors. I am confident we will continue to develop our programs and our market presence. There are different ways for investors to look at the China market, but I think there are only a limited number of companies that are specifically focused as a pure-play on China’s English language learning market.”

CEOCFO: In closing, please tell us what is ahead for Lingo Media.
Mr. Kraft: “In addition to our China Expansion Plan, which is in the traditional print media area, Lingo Media is looking at new media and is encouraged with the 120 million plus internet users and 65 million broadband users in China. The company is actively exploring new media models that compliment our market and our core competency in China. I believe that over time, we will move into new media and it will be part of our diversification strategy in China in a way that supports the current business and allows us to grow faster. I think that publishers need to address the fact that it is the consumers that have the spending power in China. There is more disposable income; and we have to address the fact that there is an opportunity to now cater to the needs of individual consumers that want to learn English. We are looking at the best way to do that and new media seems to be an interesting opportunity.”


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“Lingo Media is a great market entry success story. I believe we are a window on the Chinese education market. We represent an innovative entrepreneurial approach to the growing China education market. We believe that this company and our strategy will reward our shareholders as we grow. We have very strong distribution channels and now it is a matter of exploiting those channels and moving to the next step. I think we have been able to demonstrate our core competency in terms of product development and management bandwidth. As a young new company, we have secured very large contracts under the radar screen of some very large competitors. I am confident we will continue to develop our programs and our market presence. There are different ways for investors to look at the China market, but I think there are only a limited number of companies that are specifically focused as a pure-play on China’s English language learning market.” - Michael Kraft does not purchase or make
recommendation on stocks based on the interviews published.
