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ImmuCell Corporation – profitable and able to bring products quicker to market with their focus now on the
dairy and beef industries


Biotechnology & Drugs

ImmuCell Corporation

56 Evergreen Drive
Portland, M.E. 04103
Phone: 207-878-2770

Michael F. Brigham
President and
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Walter Banks

January 2002

Bio of CEO,
Michael F. Brigham (Age: 40, Officer Since: October 1991, Director Since: March 1999) was appointed to serve as President and Chief Executive Officer in February 2000 while maintaining the titles of Treasurer and Secretary, and was appointed to serve as a Director of the Company in March 1999.  He previously had been elected Vice President of the Company in December 1998 and served as Chief Financial Officer since October 1991.   Prior to that, he served as Director of Finance and Administration since originally joining the Company in September 1989.  He has served as Secretary since December 1995 and as Treasurer since October 1991.  Mr. Brigham serves on the Board of Directors of the Biotechnology Association of Maine and The Maine Center for Innovation in Biotechnology.  Prior to joining the Company, he was employed as an audit manager for the public accounting firm of Ernst & Young.  Mr. Brigham earned his masters in Business Administration from New York University in 1989.

ImmuCell Corporation,

ImmuCell Corporation (NASDAQ/ICCC), headquartered in Portland, Maine, is dedicated to developing and marketing products that improve animal health and productivity in the dairy and beef industries. Their product focus encompasses prevention, diagnosis and treatment of bovine diseases.

ImmuCell continues to be on the forefront of calf scours (diarrhea) prevention technology, manufacturing and marketing First Defense®, the most popular and convenient scours prevention administered to neonatal calves. The first 24 hours of a calf’s life are critical for antibody absorption. Calf scours (diarrhea) is one of the most common and costly diseases in calves, resulting from lack of sufficient disease protection from mother’s colostrum. First Defense is the only U.S.D.A. approved scours preventative administered to calves with indications for E. coli and Coronavirus.

ImmuCell is currently leveraging strengths in enteric disease and reproductive efficiency products to develop other products for herd health. A major concentration is in the area of mastitis management. ImmuCell’s new Intelligent Mastitis Management™ program incorporates innovative products, along with some widely accepted testing tools, to help minimize the effects of mastitis.

Wipe Out®
Wipe Out Dairy Wipes, containing the natural antimicrobial Nisin, were evaluated in testing procedures consistent with the protocols recommended by the National Mastitis Council. These data demonstrated that Wipe Out is proven to be effective in killing bacteria on teats, reducing new intramammary infections and maintaining teat condition. The use of an antimicrobial to clean and sanitize the teat area before and after milking is an accepted practice proven to reduce the incidence of mastitis in cows. Mastitis can be effectively controlled by killing two of the main pathogens that cause it — Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Streptococcus agalactiae (S. agalactiae) — by using a pre- and post-dip that destroys these organisms.

Mast Out™
Mast Out, which is currently under development, will be an intramammary infusion product for lactating and dry cow therapy that will have the active ingredient Nisin, a natural antimicrobial protein. Mast Out has the potential to revolutionize mastitis treatment by dramatically shortening milk withdrawal time and decreasing risk from antibiotic residues. Mast Out will be a cornerstone of our Intelligent Mastitis Management™ product line. This is a long-term project.

The CMT (California Mastitis Test) is a rapid cow-side test for early detection of mastitis, and for years has been a trusted tool of dairy producers. The new ImmuCell Brand CMT offers the same ease-of-use and accuracy as other brands, with 50% more tests per kit at the same price.

CEOCFOinterviews: Mr. Brigham, please give us a brief history of ImmuCell?

Mr. Brigham: Immucell went public back in 1987, but I think more relevant to investors today is what we have been doing since 1999.  That was the year that we changed our focus, strategy and mission to really concentrate on the dairy and beef industries.  For the last two and a half years, we have had a tight focus on developing and acquiring products for the dairy and beef industries.  Along with that came the ability to go from a company that used to lose money to a profitable company.  We turned away from developing human applications of our core technologies that were subject to long and expensive FDA trials to relatively quicker product licensure efforts with the USDA on animal health products. If we can find products through internal development or through acquisitions that could diagnose, treat or prevent disease that are important to dairy and beef industries, we would do that and market them directly ourselves.  We have been profitable since the change in strategy and we have grown our revenues 19% for the third quarter of 2001 and 15% year to date.  We will set out to maximize that profitability, however there is still work to be done in research and development at the present, but we are confident that we can grow our profits in years to come.

CEOCFOinterviews: What would you say is your most recent and exciting news?

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