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H-NET.NET - the leading provider 
of enterprise software for the vision care industry
With a global approach bringing rapid expansion



Software and Programming


345 Third St., Suite 645
Niagara Falls, NY


Anton Stephens
President and Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Walter Banks

March 2001


Anton Stephens - President and Chief Executive Officer of H-NET.  An experienced software systems executive with a degree in Computer Science, he developed the software system for complete control of a large auto-dealership for General Motors. His background includes management and development of healthcare systems, financial systems and the development of the CBS Records Financial/Royalty Payment computer systems.

About H-NET.NET, Inc.

• H-NET.NET, Inc. is the global leader in providing B2B e-commerce services to the vision care industry. The company is positioned to become the central hub for all vision care e-commerce with its one-stop multi-service Internet portal and Internet-based transaction processing services.

• The company is the leading provider of enterprise software for the vision care industry including retail opticians, retail chain home offices, optometrists, ophthalmologists and optical labs.

• Services such as: next generation business application services: automated telephone operators improving patient care and relations, customized development for doctor to patient or business to business electronic commerce. We have advanced hosting capabilities allowing practices to go "virtual" with any packaged software or email, database or media.

• Our Web Portal is a complete vision care community, with state of the art education, training and much more; each is a business in its own right with its own revenues.

• Cooperating with our Partners we offer, build your own e-commerce site on-line, domain registration services, business search engine and site marketing and promotions. Offering a wealth of conveniences to doctors, translates into revenues for H-NETฎ! It's growing everyday and we enjoy success as the technology partner of today's vision care professional. Our IT partners, Microsoft, Compaq, and IBM continue to co-operate with us to offer our clients the very best!

CEOCFOinterviews - Mr. Stephens can you give us a history of H-NET?

Mr.Stephens: "H-NET is now in it’s seventeenth year of existence. Our original company name was Alfa-Bites. We began in the general medical industry as a whole, and then graduated into concentrating on the vision care industry. At this point, we are also taking our current services to other industries within healthcare. We have marketed extensively on a global basis to very large customers, such as Lenscrafters, to procure a substantial amount of people. So far, we have issued over 6 thousand licenses. Fundamentally, our products were software packages that people had used, in which we updated and maintained the relationships with the customers. However, going forward, we changed our strategy about a year ago, now providing world based services inter-linked with the most current kind of our software that allow for electronic communications."

CEOCFOinterviews - Where do you envision H-NET to be a year or two from now?

Mr.Stephens: "The company will be fully fledged in terms of deploying the electronic communications with all of the world based services and we will have transformed ourselves to where we will also have ASP related services to augment everything else. We expect the company to do very well on a global basis. The starting point is in North America and then we will stretch. The contracts that are being currently negotiated span all the way from Europe to Latin America, to the Middle East. We expect to have an international presence in the next few years."

CEOCFOinterviews – How will you develop your international presence?

Mr.Stephens: "When required, we will open facilities. However, that is not the intention. We have partnered with major players in each of the countries we are going into, where we will support them. In time they will support their own customer base, that we will help procure."

CECFOinterviews – Who are some of your established partners?

Mr.Stephens: "We already have established partnerships with Microsoft, Compac, IBM and right across the globe with a whole host of other partners."

CEOCFOinterviews: "Is your product sold strictly through partnerships, or do you
have your own sales staff?

Mr.Stephens: "In North America we have our own sale staff. We also have partners in terms of retailers, which have, as of the spring of this year, begun actively promoting our products. Most of the deals we have made in other countries call for us to work together, since most of the contracts that we are negotiating are fairly large and no one partner can actually do all the work on their own. They need our expertise to help put it together."

CEOCFOinterviews - What is your most recent and exciting news?

Mr.Stephens: "Since we transformed ourselves we have started actively marketing the web based services and we have recently noticed that people have begun not only using almost all of the services but they are coming back. A good example would be the continuous education part of our services, where we see, that the same people are coming out and taking different courses that we provide. The most recent one that we have put out is Streaming Media on the web itself. People are very excited about it"

CEOCFOinterviews – Is your product pipeline built through acquisitions or research and development?

Mr.Stephens: "To date we have stayed away from acquisitions. We have researched and developed our own products and built our expertise over time, this is also what our clients actually see. We could have done certain things maybe better or even faster, but we would not do acquisition just for the sake of it. We have looked at a lot of other companies who have made wrong moves, wrong acquisitions, spent a fortune, and have diluted a lot of their stock. We think that for us to do an acquisition, the timing has to be right and that acquisition must be backed; and we have yet to identify a situation like that."

CEOCFOinterviews - How much new product do you introduce each year?

Mr.Stephens: "Huge amounts. Since the world of technology is changing so fast, we have striven to stay ahead of the game by competing, and we have been able to compete on the worldwide basis. Everything we have right now, literary has been produced or re-written over the past two years to fit the web band. Virtually everything we have now is brand new."

CEOCFOinterviews - Is the company working on some new product that people should be looking for in the up coming year? 

Mr.Stephens: "We are very excited about the ASP product (Application Service Provider). This product will not be for sale, customers will be renting it over a period of time. We well thus have recurrent revenue. Their up front cost will be much lower, since they are not buying it and we will provide the entire services, where we will host it and charge them on a monthly basis. The cost for the customers will be significantly lower, over a period of time than what they would have normally have to spend, and they won't have neither the huge investment nor the hardware. You do not need big and fancy equipment; you can actually run it with reasonable common equipment that is readily available at a sensible price. We expect to release our ASP product in the middle of this year. The development is going on right now an it is in a very exciting faze, because, by just talking to some of our existing customers and potential new customers, even to the larger chains, we see that they are all very thrilled about it moving from what they have now, to the ASP type approach.

CEOCFOinterviews - Would the ASP program be your biggest future revenue producer? 

Mr.Stephens: "It will be our flagship. Due to all of the communications being simple and of its capabilities to link up and easily trans-feed and/or transfer data through the web, virtually everything that we have developed in the last year or so on the web will be readily available as an integral component of this flagship." 

CEOCFOinterviews - How big is this market?

Mr.Stephens: "The market in North America is approximately 20 billion dollars. There are about 150,000 optometrists and about 100,000 optometrists, which is a large amount of users. In addition, we have a base of about 9 or 10 thousand users underneath them, of people who dispense contact lenses or frames.  You are looking at a huge market in North America. In Europe there is double that market."

"The vision care market itself is an extremely wealthy market. The prices they sell items at are sometimes a hundred, two hundred even a thousand percent more than they had cost to make them. This is not a declining market, because the aging population contributes to its stability. There is an ongoing almost guaranteed ten percent growth.”

“The most crucial thing for us in developing our products is the ability to adapt them to other healthcare markets. We are now also exploring the possibilities of moving from the vision market into other markets in order to utilize our technology. We have developed products that we can now take and move somewhere else without too many adaptations. "

CEOCFOinterviews - Do you have any competition?

Mr.Stephens: "As in any market there is some competition. However, since we have been ahead of the game in a great many ways, and will continue to do so thanks to new developments in our company, the amount of our competition is comparatively very small. They all have pieces of something, but none of them has a total integrated solution. And that is a fundamental difference."

CEOCFOinterviews - What market share do you believe you can capture?

Mr.Stephens: "We already have a base of approximately 12% of the North American market. Our intention is to at least double that amount with products, which we have developed in the last two years.  On a global basis, we would like to aim for about 10% of the entire market, which is into the billions. For this we will need partners who are large enough to be able to service that market. We look for partners who have a strong marketing approach, and people with new ideas and new concepts. When all of those aspects are put together, there is a real possibility of success."

CEOCFOinterviews - Do you have the cash and/or credit to continue growing your company?

Mr.Stephens: "Up to now we have always funded our own work. Hence, two things are quite apparent when people look at us. First, our stock is not diluted. The total float is 15.6 million shares, out of which the public float is only about 4 million.  Secondly, to this date, we are totally debt free. We think however, that at this time, since the products are more or less developed, we need to get them out. Therefore, we are currently seeking to raise approximately 5-10 million dollars, to market these products effectively."

CEOCFOinterviews - What is your burn rite?

Mr.Stephens: "We are trying to keep it no higher than the income coming in. We are running a very tight ship. All of our key people work hard, and they are giving there very best to make this work. We expect to contain that burn rite to allow us to survive till the new programs kick off."

CEOCFOinterviews - Is the company cash positive?

Mr.Stephens: "Yes. We have been cash positive for about 15 years. In the last 2 years, since we went into a full-scale development program, and abandoned our legacy-based systems.  However, we are getting right back to a cash positive role already. All the time we were still spending only our own money. We were not going out raising any money nor did we borrow any money."

CEOCFOinterviews – Is there a final thought that you would like to share with current shareholders and potential investors?

Mr. Stephens: " We feel that it is very important to bear in mind that we have been profitable and will continue to be profitable. The entire product line has been redeveloped, and we have an existing base of people switching over to our new products, as well as the fact that we are now aiming at a new base of people. In addition to that, it is important to understand what this global approach can bring. It allows us rapid expansion. The partnerships will certainly help and this company is not being overvalued by any means. There is still plenty of room for us to grow, and we do not see a whole lot of fluctuations like some of the very large, highly overvalued companies. There is a good base of people, the float is tight, and, as the recent stock price increases and trading has shown, there are a lot of people now climbing on board."















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