2003 Interview with: Craig Pisaris-Henderson, Chairman, President and CEO
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Pay For Placement™ technology - performance-based marketing services.

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Contact & Ordering - a leading performance-based marketing company focused on delivering high ROI to its advertisers

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Craig Pisaris-Henderson
Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse
February 2002 was formally incorporated in 1998 by the principals of BeFirst Internet Corp., a New York-based Internet marketing agency, and officially launched in September 1999. offers performance-based marketing services, giving better solutions: to advertisers seeking to be found amongst the increasing clutter of advertising on the Internet, to web "surfers" trying to quickly access specific information, and to partner websites who use keyword ads as content on their websites. They offer a lean-and-mean marketing service with no clutter, redundant information, or wasted space. That translates into highly qualified traffic delivered to advertisers’ websites, fast and relevant searches for Internet users, and a revenue stream for partners’ websites. When asked what is doing that their competitors aren’t, CEO, Craig Pisaris-Henderson, responded, “Delivering high quality traffic and a great ROI! That is the simplest way that I can put it. What you find in the marketplace is that advertisers have wanted one thing—they want people who are going to buy their product and service to find their website. Now as much as that sounds like common sense, that is really the “truth” that we have operated our business on, and this approach has put us in a position to be successful. Our performance-based service introduces people that want to buy a product or service directly to the people who are selling the product or service. It puts us in a position to deliver a high return on investments to advertisers because we are delivering those targeted clients that they are looking for directly to the advertisers’ websites.” On how they can verify the value of their product offering to advertisers, Mr. Pisaris-Henderson says, “What we have realized is that all of our advertisers are looking for a return on their investment.  If they are getting clicks that are not converting into sales, they will not continue to spend money with the company delivering the ineffective traffic. So, over the past three or four years, we have been developing and improving back-end processes that discern whether a click that is being generated on the Internet is a legitimate click for the advertiser.   A legitimate click is one that is sending an Internet user that could potentially buy something to an advertiser’s website.”

Mr. Pisaris-Henderson, commenting on how was started states, “We started with a very strong foundation and a business that was acutely focused on profitability—we had to make every dollar count. The result of that is what you see in our financials today. has increased revenue sequentially for 12 consecutive quarters, increased pre-tax diluted EPS sequentially for six consecutive quarters, and has given guidance of year-over-year revenue increase of over 100% in one of the toughest economic environments in recent history.

We are definitely not the ‘normal’ NASDAQ traded Internet company primarily because we built a viable business model first, and utilized technology effectively to support the business, as opposed to having one of those good technology ideas and trying to build a business around it later.”

Pointing to what differentiates from the competition, Mr. Pisaris-Henderson says, “We believe that, over time, not only are we going to continue to be the dominant player at the lower levels, but now we also have a product that is going to allow us to participate in the top-tier. We are a very different company than that of Overture and Google, and our foundation is very different. As of now, both Overture and Google are heavily dependent on those exclusive top-tier distribution partners. In fact, it has been reported that 63% of Overture’s revenue comes from two distribution partners. Losing either partner would significantly decrease the value proposition that Overture offers to advertisers or Wall Street investors. We find that not only are we not dependent on the top-tier players, but now we are actually becoming an integral part of their business because we are actually putting them in business for themselves. We believe we are seriously changing the rules of the game and the make-up of our industry sector over 2003-2004, with our new private label product.”

Performance-Driven Marketing™
The challenge for business managers is to find effective ways of driving qualified traffic to their websites. The system allows website owners to choose the most relevant keywords and keyword phrases pertaining to their particular products or services to create keyword-targeted ads, thus enabling them to reach their targeted customers more quickly and effectively. Advertisers are only charged for actual clicks, or traffic, which come to their site. They determine the per-click fee they will pay for their advertisements, which and its private-label partners such as Terra Lycos's and HotBot distribute to tens of millions of Internet users. The network alone includes hundreds of distribution partners, including search engines such as CNET's, Excite, Webcrawler, NBCi, MetaCrawler, Dogpile, and Go2Net.

Pay For Placement™ technology: uses a proprietary Pay For Placement™ technology with keyword ads ranked based upon an open bidding system, where each advertiser can bid a higher click-through fee in order for their message to be closer to the top of the results. The highest bidder's site appears first, with others ranked below, in descending order of their bids. Online advertisers can regulate their traffic by changing this amount in real time using our proprietary open and automated bidding process. And, at any time, an advertiser can pick their desired position within the results by changing their bid price as necessary to obtain that position.

Private Label Service: has developed a turnkey solution for leading Internet portals and services desiring to enter the pay-per-click advertising sector. By providing their own branded service rather than selecting an exclusive third-party provider, these sites will be able to take advantage of cross-selling opportunities, increasing their revenue potential. They can offer keyword-targeted advertisements - the fastest growing online advertising service - to their existing advertising clients, and use their branded service to attract thousands of new clients, specifically small to midsize advertisers previously too small for leading Internet sites to target. By contracting with, they avoid the complexities, resources and costs of developing and maintaining a best-of-breed, performance-based marketing solution themselves.

The turnkey solution is comprised of infrastructure and hosting, with seamless integration to support the paid advertising service, including customer service, relevancy screening, receivables management, and all other features and functionality currently available with, coupled with a hosted control panel for partner reports and administration utilities. Private label partners also benefit from the continuing product development and new features offered by

To find out more about:, you may order the complete text of our interview. To receive a copy of this highly informative interview, left click here: Contact & Ordering

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