ECSI International, Inc. (EKCS)
2003 Interview with: Arthur Barchenko, President and CEO
Business News, Financial News, Stocks, Money & Investment Ideas, CEO Interview
and Information on their
Infrared Perimeter Intrusion Detection (IPID®) system and Fiber Optic Intelligence Detection System (FOIDS®).

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ECSI International – with a very strong position in South East Asia, the Middle East and Central America is projecting growth in the US because of Homeland Security infrastructure requirements

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Security Solutions Providers

ECSI International, Inc.

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Arthur Barchenko
President and
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse
February 2003

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ECSI International, Inc. (Electronic Control Security, Inc.) (OTC BB: EKCS), a global leader in security and anti-terrorist systems, designs, manufactures and markets physical electronic security systems for high profile, high-threat environments. The employment of Risk, Threat and Vulnerability Assessment with Risk Analysis allows ECSI to determine and address the security needs of government installations, business organizations and corporate executives. The company has marketing agreements with GE FANUC, Dell, Visage and M3 Technologies. Founded in 1976, ECSI has been controlling strategic, high profile sites with the most reliable, state-of-the-art sensor systems and a data communications network designed to support multi-technological requirements. The Company provides the highest quality and most technologically advanced equipment available for Perimeter Intrusion Detection, Video Assessment, Access Control, Communications and Data Communications Network security. ECSI equipment is built for harsh weather conditions with low installation, operating and maintenance costs. In addition, their products provide low nuisance and false alarm rates.  ECSI International products include the Infrared Perimeter Intrusion Detection (IPID®) system and Fiber Optic Intelligence Detection System (FOIDS®). The IPID® system is comprised of pulsed infrared sensors that detect an intruder passing through its electronic beams and then pinpoint the exact zone of intrusion. FOIDS® is ECSI's Sagnac Interferometry technology. Both are in use at nuclear power generating facilities and government installations across the country.  A long history and good reputation are important for ECSI.  Mr. Arthur Barchencko, ECSI’s president and ceo explains, “People in the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission come to us because we have been working in this area for twenty years and enjoy a very good reputation. Our customers know they come first; if there is a problem, we address it and worry about fault later. When a customer requires support, our people are on the ground within twenty-four to forty-eight hours.”  New technologies are important for ECSI.  Mr. Barchencko discusses ECSI recently acquired, “new technology known as acoustic perimeter intrusion detection system, or APIDS, will enhance what we do. The sensor, developed by Penn State University, is an acoustic sensor and was developed for 1,500 to 2,000 ft. applications. Along the 1,500 to 2,000 ft. deployment, one could identify an intrusion within approximately thirty feet along the entire length of the perimeter. That particular sensor system, integrated properly with video for assessment purposes, will be a natural for very large perimeters such as airports, oil refineries, reservoirs and dam facilities. This particular system can be deployed on almost any structurally sound fence, which is important in itself since the fence structure requires significant amount of physical improvement before mounting a sensor system. The other feature is that the APIDS cost of installation is significantly less than most other perimeter systems on the market today. We see it as complementing what we do and expanding our market into areas we wouldn’t have ordinarily been able to effectively address at reasonable cost.”   Mr. Barchencko uses the airport security areas as an example of ECSI’s focus.  “Now, our current mission statement has to do with creating a comprehensive security envelope for an entire airport, and not just selling a product. We found at present, the States have been more concerned with product purchase and product application than a so-called “total solution” for an airport environment. Our proposal is all inclusive:  we submit a solution of the technologies that will address all of these concerns from the outer perimeter, access control, background checks of individuals working at the airport, matching baggage to passenger, making sure the passenger who checks in is the passenger who passes through the x-ray screening and metal detection and ultimately boards the aircraft.  The total program we have developed incorporates access control, facial recognition, retina scan, personnel detection and background checks, explosive detection, containment and disposal etc. in order to secure an airport. The other area we are focusing on is cargo inspection, which is one of the threats that must be addressed.”  When asked about ECSI’s growth, Mr. Barchencko states, “We have approximately $199 million in proposals and quotations outstanding at this time. In the past, if we had $40 or $50 million outstanding, that was considered a great deal of money.  Currently our backlog is larger than it was last year and our expectations for new business going forward are significantly higher than ever. We have a very strong position in South East Asia, the Middle East and Central America; these areas are growth oriented for the security industry.”

Company Markets:
ECSI is a security solutions provider in the following markets: infrastructure, water, dams, DOD, NRC and DOE sites.  Completed projects include nuclear power generating facilities, the Strategic Petroleum Reserves, Military, Aviation, Maritime facilities, University, College, Corporate, Hospital Campuses, and large industrial petrochemical plants.

To find out more about:
ECSI International, Inc. you may order the complete text of our interview. To receive a copy of this highly informative interview, left click here: Contact & Ordering

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