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Registering over six-hundred thousand new members per month

Advertising Sector: Services, NASD: CSAV

CoolSavings.com, Inc.

360 N. Michigan Ave. - Suite 1900, Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312-224-5000 Fax: 312-224-5001

Mr. Steven M. Golden, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by: Walter Banks Co-Publisher

CEOCFOinterviews.com - December 2000

CEOCFOinterviews - Mr. Golden, can you share some of your career accomplishments with us?

Mr. Golden - “When I graduated from MSU with a B.B.A, I went into manufacturingRunning an Internet company in certain aspects, is very similar to managing a manufacturing business, in that you have to establish processes to get things through a system, taking something form step A to step B.  In the 1980’s, I started a company that provided real estate information through a multi-list service to companies in Michigan. We provided tax roles and property information. In the 80's computers worked on a prime mainframe system, so while the computer searched for information we were able to administer advertising  This is where I honed my skills in direct marketing.  I also have financial experience from working for Solomon Smith Barney. SoI bring   coolsavings.com a unique combination of direct marketing, manufacturing and financial experience.  Even with a broad background, I recognize that I still know very little, which is why I've surrounded myself with a lot of very smart people, giving them the opportunity to shine.”

“For anyone who wants to be a CEO of a company, or is a CEO of a company with one person or thousands of people, the greatest advice I could give them is to know their own limitations. At CoolSavings it is my job to watch the bottom line, I am very cost conscious about how we produce things and get them through the system, but my primary function is as a visionary and problem solver. I look to see what the system needs and what the public will accept.”

CEOCFOinterviews - Please tell us about coolsavings.com.

Mr. Golden - “There are two different aspects of CoolSavings that need to be considered. First, we are an e-marketing company that provides consumers with coupons or other incentives to purchase our advertisers products or services. CoolSavings gives the consumer one place to go before they shop in traditional bricks and mortar stores, clicks and mortar   stores or through online retailers. It also offers the consumer a variety of value propositions because consumers are motivated in different ways. Certain people are motivated by coupons, others like free samples   and some like loyalty points.   CoolSavings offers the consumer the widest gambit of promotional incentives.  Other web sites or competitors in our space offer a niche solution such as just points or just e-mail.  CoolSavings offers the consumer the total savings infrastructure.”

“The second aspect to CoolSavings that needs to be considered is the advantage to our advertisers. CoolSavings offers advertisers the ability to work at building a good relationship with their consumers, taking these consumers form acquisition to loyalty, and reducing their cost along the way. We have a very sophisticated data warehouse in which we mine our consumer data. We take every transaction that a consumer makes on our site, or every offer that they look at, and save that information in their individual and household profile.  The advertiser gets to use not only the direct demographic data, but also correlation data. Therefore, if someone has children and they pulled a diaper coupon, from the correlation data, Ford Motors target this same consumer  with a mini van. This presents the advertiser with a huge advantage in targeting their product to the right consumer at the right time. We are not only giving the advertiser the correlation data, but we also provide them with a wide array of incentive solutions to motivate individual consumers, based on, as I said earlier, the realization that not everyone is motivated in the same fashion . ”

CEOCFOinterviews - Would you please tell us about the demographics of those who register as members.

Mr. Golden - “CoolSavings now has over eleven and a half million members. We are currently registering approximately six hundred thousand new members per month, and sixty percent of the people who register are women in their mid thirties with a couple of children in the household. They also tend to have a middle   income, generally around fifty five thousand dollars per year. These are the exact consumers who the advertiser wants to reach.  The breakdown of our members also depends on the products and brands that we are offering. Every time that we bring on a new advertiser or new product, that will encourage new members in various demographics. One example is a new product that was announced last quarter with idine.com, a subsidiary of Transmedia Network, called CoolDining, where consumers can register their credit card on our site and when they go into a restaurant they can automatically obtain the discount by using their credit card. This is a paperless coupon solution and I believe it will open our service up to a large number of new users who aren't typical coupon clippers.  So, as we add products or services to the site, they fit different niches of people that want to use the site.”

CEOCFOinterviews - Can you tell us more about your products and their agreements?

Mr. Golden - “We have a ton of different products today. In the couponing space, we’ve developed proprietary technology ourselves. When we talk about the couponing space in general there is not a site out there that is like CoolSavings, or that has depth of national bricks and mortar retailers.  None of our competitors are presently driving traffic into the offline stores as we are. Today we have Walmart, Sears,  JCPenney ,  Marshalls and many  other leading brick and mortar retailers offering incentives on our site.  We also have over five thousand local merchants posting offers on our site today.  By local I mean, the local pizza parlor or the local dry cleaners that consumers can view based on their geodemographics.  Currently, we have a partnership arrangement on the local level with a company called SuperCoups, a division of ADVO.  On the national front, we have some partnerships with companies such as Harte Hanks, a leading direct marketing company. They are helping to sell the CoolSavings solution to national retailers. In a different area of our site we have a partnership with the Parenting Group, a division of Time Warner.  With the Parenting Group, we developed a program called CoolParenting, where the consumer with children can come to our site, register the ages of their children and see relevant savings and information pertinent to their family. In April, we launched our loyalty points solution through a relationship with Netcentives. Through this program, we're issuing millions of loyalty points to the consumer.”

W e also have a category newsletter program in which we send consumers who have opted-in to the program newsletters that are relevant to specific categories such as entertainment, health and fitness, and grocery.  For this product, we look to certain companies for content, but the engine and everything else has been built by CoolSavings.  Our rebates and free stuff products are done internally.”

CEOCFOinterviews - Which product do you think will be the best revenue producer of the future?

Mr. Golden - “We will continue to produce quite a bit of revenue through our basic service called Cool Offers.  This encompasses our total couponing effort, which also has our targeted e-mail solution in it.   We see area continuing to be very successful. This service offering is helping advertisers drive traffic into brick and mortar stores and we see this as a strong growth area for the company.  In  2001, we see the consumer packaged goods industry growing for us, as they begin to accept the Internet and see CoolSavings as a viable solution.  I should mention that our lead generation, loyalty points and our category newsletters are all succeeding quite well and have  all grown to an astronomical level within the past year. In each of these areas we expect to really increase revenue over the next twelve months.”

CEOCFOinterviews - Can you tell us how your agreement with Geoworks will benefit CoolSavings?

Mr. Golden - “We are very excited about our agreement with Geoworks because this will allow us to enter, what I believe is the the next generation  in direct marketng, delivering savings messages through wireless devices. The consumer will be able to come to our site, identify the wireless device that they are using and we will be able to deliver content to their wireless pager or telephone.  I think that this is a very exciting growth area for CoolSavings.  Geoworks helps us create the infrastructure for this type of solution." 

CEOCFOinterviews - How do you maintain your a competitive edge?

Mr. Golden - “To begin with, CoolSavings has built a complete infrastructure where we deliver multiple promotional incentives that are under one umbrella on only one site  and  under one established brand. That’s key. To have an established brand that brings credibility not only to the consumer, but also to the advertiser. In each one of the product areas I mentioned earlier, we compete head to head with various competitors. In the coupon space, we compete with several different companies. Some of them are on line and others are smaller local companies like Val Pak.   In the grocery coupons area we compete with the different supermarkets on line like Value Page. In points, we compete against MyPoints.  In lead generation, we compete against Free Shop. In category newsletters, we compete against Life Minders. Therefore, we are competing against all of these companies in particular niche areas.  Our big advantage to the consumer is that, instead of having to go to all of these various companies, they can find everything they desire under one savings umbrella at CoolSavings. And for the advertiser, the advantage gets back to the fact that all of the consumer information is funneling into just one database.”

CEOCFOinterviews - What is the basis for a CoolSavings patent?

Mr. Golden - “When we initially developed the site, we felt that the big advantage the Internet had over other mediums out there would be, the ability for an advertiser to build a good relationship with the consumer. The only way to do that would be to get the consumer to identify who they were and what they were interested in, so a relationship could be built. Going back into 1996 and 1995, we also saw that privacy would be an issue, so we looked to establish a patent that would protect the process by which a targeted electronic certificate (or coupon) is issued based on registration information without the advertiser having access to the consumer's information. That process is what we have patented and have been able to control.”

“There have been other companies in the coupon and the certificate area, that initially might not have started out the same way that CoolSavings did, with obtaining a registration from the consumer. As we have evolved, they looked at our model and we thought they copied it a little too similarly. Therefore, we decided to challenge them with our patent. Since we began our litigations several years ago, we’ve now settled about five of them and several of them have been in seven figure settlements. This shows the validity of our patent. We encourage other companies to compete in this space, but if they should elect to utilize our process, then we believe that as a company we are entitled to some royalties. Thus far we have been successful in protecting our patent and if you look at process patents on the Internet, I think that’s a story unto itself.”

CEOCFOinterviews - What is the marketing strategy you use to let the consumer know that you exist?

Mr. Golden - “We have been very successful in establishing a brand, and we’ve done so not only through the Internet, but we’ve done it utilizing offline media such as television, cable and radio. The key factor that the public in general should be aware of is that CoolSavings has always been concerned about cost and one of the greatest costs any company can incur is in developing their member base.  Since we started this business, we have always looked at our cost to register a member. When we look at our online registration costs - the way we sign up new people from the Internet  - you’re talking about millions of new registered members today. We register a new member online for less than two dollars and fifty cents  - this is extremely effective. At the same time, when we look at cable, television and other offline media, our blended acquisition cost, including offline and online media, from the last quarter, was three dollars and seventy-seven cents. We had an implied payback of less than eight months on a consumer, which is virtually unheard of. We are continuing to improve on this as we go forward this year. Not only have we been very effective at establishing our logo, the piggy bank with sun- glasses, as a brand where people will recognize it and identify with it, but we’ve done it cost effectively which is very important.”

CEOCFOinterviews - Will you have any future changes in your marketing strategy?

Mr. Golden - “We are certainly not looking to increase cost, but trying to continually reduce the cost of our marketing and at the same time increase the pay back. We have been very effective at this and will maintain that going forward.”

CEOCFOinterviews - What is your internal growth strategy?

Mr. Golden - “We have an internal growth strategy where we consider each one of our promotional incentives as a vertical business line. According to NPD Online, we control fifty one percent of the couponing market that’s done on the Internet.  The model that we've established is a horizontal infrastructure, with a number of vertical products such as points, coupons, loyalty points, etc. We have product managers and technical development teams on each vertical product. All of these products are vertical markets where we have the opportunity to dominate as we do today in coupons. And, we feel we can  and we will. We also feel that we have a solution that we can private labeling going forward next year. We have built an infrastructure that other companies might choose to utilize, and we can power their  own incentive solution to allow them to build a relationship with the consumer.”  


CEOCFOinterviews - What is your external growth strategy?

Mr. Golden - “When we look at an external growth strategy, we are looking at not just the mergers, acquisitions or partnerships, but at the whole gambit. When we look to add a new product or even just to strengthen a product, we are weighing in today, with build versus buy, versus partnering, and as to what is the most cost effective means for us to increase our market share. Cost is a major issue.”

CEOCFOinterviews - Do you have the case and/or credit for your plans?

Mr. Golden - “Today as a public company you have currency in stock and even though our stock is what I consider to be depressed right now and one of the best values out there, a good portion of the Internet industry is in the same boat. We are all in a depressed area. We have an advantage over companies that are not public today because of   the fact that they might have difficulty getting financing, where they have to show a path to profitability. So to some degree this gives us leverage to look at various deals and to make those deals a reality. I think when looking at deals today, people in senior management have to check their egos at the door.”

CEOCFOinterviews - Are you able to maintain your current revenue growth, and how big is the market that would allow you to do that?

Mr. Golden - “The market in general is billions and billions of dollars. Therefore, we feel that we will maintain our growth, and our numbers, which just keep increasing reflect that. Part of the reason why we feel this way, is because CoolSavings has a model that is working. Our model is delivering traffic and results. There is not another site out there that can say they have the leading bricks and mortar players that CoolSavings does today, and that is because we are driving traffic into the stores. We have a model that is working on an eighty percent plus gross margin. These are key factors.”

CEOCFOinterviews - Will your future growth translate into improving margins?

Mr. Golden - “When you’re working on eighty percent margin, that’s hefty to begin with, but we’re always looking at ways to reduce cost and of course increase efficiency so that we can increase our margin.”

CEOCFOinterviews - Are there any plans for internal restructuring?

Mr. Golden - “Right now we have a great executive management team.  I think it shows a lot of strength and commitment to our model and you can see the results thus far - we   are delivering against our model. So I believe that the key part of our team is in place. We are always looking for additional talent within the company to strengthen all areas, because that is how a company grows. If I’m doing my job, my desk is the cleanest.”

CEOCFOinterviews - What do you do to assist an employee with growth within the company?

Mr. Golden - “CoolSavings today has over three hundred employees. What we believe is that an employee should be able to grow within the company. So as opportunities arise, we would like to if at all possible, to promote from within. We also encourage people to voice their ideas, and as long as they can justify their thinking, not to worry if they make a mistake, because that shows that you’re trying to take something to the next level. We want them to show us the process and how they evolved at a decision. We are also constantly offering various training programs, and I feel that we have a fantastic work environment which encourages our associates to enjoy coming to work every day.”

CEOCFOinterviews - Is there a key thought that you convey to your staff?

Mr. Golden - “The Internet moves extremely quickly and you have to encourage people to provide new ideas to stay a step ahead.”

CEOCFOinterviews - What is the key thought about your CoolSavings that should draw investors to it and maintain the confidence of your current shareholders?

Mr. Golden - “Investors should want to take a look at us because our model is working. CoolSavings has built a company slowly and deliberately.   It’s like the tortoise and the hare, we weren’t the first to get out to the market, and we aren’t necessarily the one with the largest registration base. If you take time to compare our registration base to others in our area, and look at the activity, the payback, and the cost for us to acquire it, there is no comparison. If you look at what model is working, where the national bricks and mortar retailers are gravitating to, and where the clicks and mortar retailers are gravitating to, and the major dot-coms, and again you’ll see it's CoolSavings. So, if you’re looking at our advertising space, just ask yourself which company has been the most successful in establishing a brand, and once again, you’ll see that it is CoolSavings.  We are executing our model over a hundred and ten percent and I feel that we will receive the respect of the market and investors will wake up."   

CEOCFOinterviews - In closing could you tell us about the success of your logo?

Mr. Golden -  "People have really taken to the piggy-bank with sun-glasses.  It makes people smile, it makes them comfortable and most importantly it makes people associate savings with our site.  There isn't another company in our space with such a recognizable brand identity like ours.  People see the piggy-bank and they think it’s cute, but it represents the message we want them to think about, that is saving money, and everybody likes to save.”

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