Wellstone Filters, Inc. (WLSF)
Interview with:
Learned J. Hand, CEO
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cigarettes with filters that will provide consumers with an equally enjoyable cigarette with substantially fewer carcinogens.


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Wellstone Filters to offer the best cigarette money can buy at a discounted price

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Consumer Products

Wellstone Filters, Inc.

121 Farrington Avenue
Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591
Phone: 914-333-009

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Learned J. Hand
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse
Senior Editor

October 2004

Learned Jeremiah Hand, 45 received his B.A. from Amherst College cum laude.   In 2001, Mr. Hand founded Warren Pharmaceuticals, Inc. where he served as Vice President and COO until 2003.  He also continues to serve as Executive Director of The Kenneth S. Warren Institute, a 501c3 medical research facility. Prior to joining the Warren Institute, Mr. Hand served as Vice President and Financial advisor for Morgan Stanley.

Company Profile:
Wellstone Filters, Inc. has developed and patented filter material that removes certain carcinogens and other toxins produced when tobacco is smoked -- without removing the compounds responsible for the pleasurable effects of smoking. Wellstone seeks to market its own brand and continue to promote material for cigarette filters that will enable major cigarette manufacturers to provide consumers with an equally enjoyable cigarette with substantially fewer carcinogens.

CEOCFOinterviews: Mr. Hand, tell us the vision when you started Wellstone Filters and how has that changed?

Mr. Hand: “We have been working with the tobacco industry since 2000. At first we had thought that we might infuse the existing cellulous acetate filter with our compound, however further investigation reveled that the ratios would be too high and this method of delivery would not be practical in a production run. We were then asked if we could granulate our patented compound and insert it into an often-used cavity filter, much like charcoal cigarettes, which are very popular in Japan.

We developed a granular formation; it took a long time, but we’ve come up with the formula, consistent with our patent and we are continuing our discussions with large tobacco companies in addition to launching our own brand."

CEOCFOinterviews: So you made some changes to your basic plan?

Mr. Hand: “When we thought about launching our own brand, at first glance, we didn’t want to be in the tobacco industry.    However, we did our research and developed a lot of contacts in the tobacco industry. A ranking individual in the tobacco industry recommended Mr. Samuel Veasey, who had just retired from Liggett and Vector Tobacco. I contacted Sam and discussed our technology; he is now our new COO and CFO. He believes that we will do extremely well if we do a proper job of marketing and distribution.

We have engaged many consultants, the most important being professional tasters. It’s very interesting that we were able to take quite a number of different brands and perform double blind taste tests--and the tasting panel always, without exception preferred the Wellstone Filter. With one particular cigarette, a senior taster grimaced, but after smoking the same cigarette with the Wellstone Filter, He said, “Now that’s a delicious cigarette’. In short, we have done our due diligence: we were able to test quite a number of different brands and, in double blind taste tests-- the tasting panel always, without exception preferred the Wellstone Filtered cigarette. ”

What’s interesting to note is that after smoking a Wellstone filtered cigarette, if one field strips the cigarette, that is, tears it apart and dumps out of the cavity chamber, the granules, (which are originally white) the granules become quite dark and odorous.  Moreover, the used granules from just one cigarette can be detected from across the room! As one taster put it, it smells like 60 ashtrays,” so that’s why we say that it is taking out certain carcinogens, although we haven’t done a complete testing of everything that it takes out. However, it does take out a significant amount of certain carcinogens and tar. The bottom line is that it is a milder, smoother, better tasting cigarette.”

CEOCFOinterviews: Is the cost of launching a new brand as staggering as one would imagine?  How will Wellstone fund this project?

Mr. Hand: “Actually, the cost is not as high as one would assume. There are several manufacturers in the United States and we’ve contacted many of them. There’s a lot of capacity in the marketplace so we can toll manufacture our cigarettes at a very inexpensive price; our company does not have to go out and buy cigarette-making machines. Furthermore, our filters will probably be made in Europe, because they need the specialized cavity filter, which are primarily made in Europe by one of the larger filter manufacturers.

What’s interesting to note is that there was a study done, which revealed that approximately 8% of the U.S. cigarette sales on the market is that of renegade brands, this is called the small market. If one would ever dare to smoke one of these, and I’ve smoked just about every renegade cigarette out there (we’ve often used those in our taste tests,) you will find that they are pretty bad. Our goal is to manufacture and market a premium cigarette; one that will stand up against any cigarette in the market at a discount price. We firmly believe that the cigarette market is going to be a commodity market; unlike it has been in the last forty years, where people were very brand loyal. We feel that we can make a return on investment even though we are offering a premium cigarette at a discount price. People will buy our cigarette for the price and they will come back because of the taste.”

CEOCFOinterviews: Please walk us through your marketing and distribution and also the timetable for accomplishing these goals.

Mr. Hand: “Distribution has always been somewhat of a handicap to the small manufacturer however things have changed over the years. Certainly the internet has had an impact. We intend on hiring a sales force to promote our product and we will have point of purchase displays and the like. Getting through to distributors is not difficult with a discounted premium brand that sells. We are not going to do a nationwide launch; we are going to start small and grow. We do not want to bite off more than we can chew.  There has not been a successful launch of a premium cigarette since 1973, and that cigarette was Merit. To launch nationally would cost approximately $75 million just in advertising and that is not what we are after; it’s not our mission. Our goal is to start small, concentrate and grow.

We are currently working on a web-based outlet for our brand.  This would allow anyone, anywhere with an internet connection that can offer proof of age, the ability to order our product directly."

CEOCFOinterviews: I would suspect that there is a lot of word of mouth.

Mr. Hand: “Tremendous word of mouth, especially because people are very price conscious. As we like to say, ‘they’ll buy it for the price then come back for the taste’. I believe there was a study done that shows that if one person who had been a loyal brand smoker of one brand for many years, switched to another brand for a mere two weeks; the chances of him going back to his previous brand were nil. We are not going to be making that many claims about a less hazardous cigarette, but we are venturing towards that. Our company’s goal is to reinvest our profits into research and development and make further enhancements towards a less hazardous cigarette. The stupidest thing in the world that one can do is to smoke cigarettes; but if you are going to smoke cigarettes, I think that one should smoke cigarettes that are less hazardous.”

CEOCFOinterviews: You’ve announced a three for one forward stock split. Why?

Mr. Hand: “Because so much of the stock is closely held, we had to enhance the liquidity of the float. There just wasn’t enough stock out there to have an efficient market, so we had to increase the float to make stock available.”

CEOCFOinterviews: How are you currently funding the company?

Mr. Hand: “We’ve had interim funding for about a year. We have several groups that are interested in funding us for our launch and we’ve narrowed it down to two or three.”

CEOCFOinterviews: You have a well thought out plan and it seems the timing is right given the changes in the industry. In closing, why should investors be willing to put their money into Wellstone and what should they realize that they may not notice at first glance?

Mr. Hand: “We have a tremendous potential for growth given the size of the market in the United States not to mention foreign markets and that growth opportunity would be reflected in our share price. We have a great management team; and we are much more nimble than the large tobacco companies.

With regard to timing, right now there is a lawsuit pending against large cigarette manufacturers for $280 billion, by the Department of Justice for everything they’ve said and done since the 50’s. Although they may not win, I believe over 120 million pages of documents have been exchanged. So I think that while the large tobacco companies are in turmoil, now is a great time for Wellstone to strike out on our own. We have a better cigarette and, as the saying goes, “If you build a better mousetrap, people will beat a path to your door.” We have the best cigarette money can buy; and even at our discounted price it’s a very profitable endeavor.”

CEOCFOinterviews: When do you expect to launch?

Mr. Hand: “We expect to launch within a year. There are certain FTC hurdles we must cross, one being as simple as the packaging. However, I wouldn’t be uncomfortable estimating the time to launch for about six to eight months.”


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We firmly believe that the cigarette market is going to be a commodity market; unlike it has been in the last forty years, where people were very brand loyal. We feel that we can make a return on investment even though we are offering a premium cigarette at a discount price. People will buy our cigarette for the price and they will come back because of the taste.” - Learned J. Hand


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