Ventana Medical Systems Inc. (VNSI)
Interview with:
Nicholas Malden, CFO
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and Information on their
automated diagnostic systems to the anatomical pathology market.

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Ventana develops, manufactures and markets instrument/reagent systems that are important tools used in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and infectious diseases

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Medical Equipment and Supplies

Ventana Medical Systems Inc.

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Nicholas Malden
Chief Financial Officer

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse
Senior Editor
December 2003

Ventana Medical (VNSI-NASD) is the world’s leading supplier of automated diagnostic systems to the anatomical pathology market. Ventana develops, manufactures and markets instrument/reagent systems that automate tissue preparation and slide staining in clinical histology and drug discovery laboratories worldwide. Ventana's clinical systems are important tools used in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and infectious diseases. And their drug discovery systems are used to accelerate the discovery of new drug targets and evaluate the safety of new drug compounds. Through automation and systems integration, Ventana is standardizing and optimizing the slide staining process, thereby helping pathologists recommend treatment solutions that deliver superior patient care. “We provide our customers with automated instrument and reagent systems solutions which automate chemical reactions on glass slides.” Offers Mr. Nicholas Malden, CFO of Ventana Medical Systems Inc., “This automation standardizes the staining process through eliminating many manual steps and enables labs to run sophisticated tissue tests more easily.” Continuing to comment on the value Ventana Medical brings to the marketplace, Mr. Malden says, “Tissue specimens resulting from any hospital procedure are sent to a histology lab where a hematoxylin and eosin (or “primary”) stain is performed. The resulting stained tissue slide is reviewed by a pathologist who determines whether the tissue is normal or abnormal. In 80-85% of the cases, specimens are determined to be normal and no further testing is required. The remaining 15-20% of cases is generally put through a series of “advanced stains” in which the pathologist obtains ever more detailed information to aid in making a diagnosis. Ventana’s current generation automated instrument and reagent systems are used in this “advanced staining” segment which comprises three different types of technology; special stains, Immunohistochemistry (IHC) stains, and In situ hybridization (ISH) stains. We are expecting to launch a new primary staining system offering entirely new levels of automation in the fourth-quarter of 2004” Asked what sets Ventana apart, Mr. Malden tells us, “There is competition in the market, however we believe our largest single competitor continues to be manual slide preparation, ie, the global staining market remains largely manual. Ventana’s latest generation of instruments automate approximately 60 manual work steps. This level of automation is also far in excess of the level of automation offered by competitors. Importantly, we have a significant intellectual property portfolio around that technology.” “Ventana is a leader in a rapidly growth segment of the much larger in vitro diagnostics market.” Says Mr. Malden, addressing investors, “Understanding disease in tissue is becoming an increasingly important element of diagnostics and Ventana is well positioned to take advantage of this trend.  We have leading instrument and reagent systems with significant patent protection across both our technology and methods. In addition, the Company has an experienced management team focused on providing diagnostic tools which assist our customers in delivering the best possible patient care.”

Ventana’s instrument and reagent systems are used in clinical histology, cytology, and drug discovery laboratories around the globe. Customers consist of hospital-based histology labs, independent reference labs, medical research centers, and drug discovery laboratories of the largest pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in the world.

The Company’s instrument-reagent systems are designed to standardize the preparation and staining of patient tissue or cells mounted on a microscope slide for examination by a pathologist. Ventana instruments include the BenchMark® XT, BenchMark®, NexES® IHC, NexES® Special Stains, TechMate™, Renaissance™, EBAR™ and the Discovery™ . Ventana offers an extensive menu of detection systems and primary antibodies for use on Ventana's Automated Staining Systems.

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