Venga Aerospace Systems Inc. (YVY)
Interview with:
Hirsh Kwinter, President
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and Information on their
3D consumer camera and 3D film processing and their full scale, unmanned drone aircraft useable as both a target for weapon testing and as a tactical surveillance platform.

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Venga Aerospace Systems has entered the 3D imagery and graphics business. An impressive corporate turnaround boosted through joint ventures and exclusive licensing and patents.

Consumer 3D
(YVY-TSX Venture)

Venga Aerospace Systems Inc.

Hirsh Kwinter

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse
Senior Editor
November 2003

Venga Aerospace Systems Inc. (YVY-TSX Venture) was established in 1987. The company’s initial business objective was the design and development of an all-composite jet aircraft to meet a growing demand for a low cost, high performance aircraft, known as the TG-10 Brushfire, capable of being used for both training and light attack functions. In response to changing market conditions, Venga, in late 1997, re-focused the Brushfire aircraft's intended application from a manned military trainer to a full scale, unmanned drone aircraft useable as both a target for weapon testing and as a tactical surveillance platform. In an effort to diversify its business operations, Venga, in March of 1999, created the Deep Focus Art joint venture to commercially exploit proprietary 3D graphic technologies. In a comparatively short time period, Deep Focus Art established itself as an important player in the fast growing 3D-visualization market. In December of 2002 Venga further created the CLIK 3D Joint Venture which made it a leading player in the  3D consumer camera and 3D film processing retail market.   “There really is no competition,” Mr. Hirsh Kwinter, president of Venga Aerospace Systems Inc. states.  “We are basically the sole 3D processor in North America. There is one other company in Georgia that is doing the same thing that we do. But from what our customers tell us, their cost is twice as much, the turnaround time is several months and the quality is not up to ours. I think that we have a very interesting model and if we approach this opportunity properly we can achieve and maintain dominance in a market that has in the past proven to be very lucrative.  It is interesting to note that several persons have cautioned us to learn from the Sony experience with their BETA video technology. They were the only VCR manufacturer and at the time they did not license it. Eventually their strategy resulted in the creation of competition, which eventually ended up winning.  Our strategy is based on excellent customer service and adding more innovative items to our product line.   If we maintain this I am not worried about competition.  We will always hold our position of dominance.”   Mr. Kwinter explains the market for 3D.  “To a certain extent, 3D is a mature market because it has been around since the late 1900s. We are a niche market, but a large one. It is a film-based product and there are 3D digital cameras that are coming out shortly and we want to market those also. We will enter into development with the largest retailer in Canada to test market 3D cameras. Typically, 3D camera users tend to be more upscale and professional.”  Addressing the financial condition of Venga, Mr. Kwinter tells us, “We were able to restructure the company and get a listing on the Canadian Venture exchange. Further, I was able to raise funding. Unlike other companies, everyone working for Venga is doing it for the value of their shares, and I defy you to find any other company that has that kind of management style. As a result of our unique situation, the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) did a feature show on us in December, to show the obstacles that we have had to overcome.”   Addressing potential investors, Mr. Kwinter offers, “Investors should realize management’s commitment to making this company successful. We have people working with us who have a history of being successful in other businesses. They have made sacrifices to add value to the company. We feel that our track record speaks for itself. We have now passed the consolidation stage and we are moving forward.  We believe that with hard word, perseverance and dedication anything is possible."

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