Subjex Corporation (SBJX)
Interview with:
Andrew D. Hyder, President and CEO
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artificial intelligence communications solutions for both Internet and Intranet environments that yields an optimal and natural customer experience - dialogue.

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Subjex Corporation provides artificial intelligent software that creates virtual customer service representatives whose intelligence grows through training and usage

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Artificial Intelligence

Subjex Corporation

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Andrew D. Hyder
President and
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse
Senior Editor
October 2003

Subjex Corporation (SBJX-OTC) is an innovative provider of intelligent communications solutions for both Internet and Intranet environments. They are a software services company that has developed an artificial intelligence dialogue communication platform called Subjex Exchange™. The Subjex Exchange dialogue engine is a software platform licensable to business and industry to develop Virtual Customer Service Representatives on. For web-connected organizations, Subjex offers this platform as a solution to support website operations with fully automated, online customer service communication, knowledge management, sales and marketing, transforming their web site into a full-service destination for customers, employees, and partners. Subjex Exchange is an artificial intelligence expert learning system that yields an optimal and natural customer experience - dialogue. The entire suite is built upon a software platform that conducts dialogue with users (through text) to dynamically converse with a normal, human-like conversation interaction. The key to these products is the iterative "back and forth" methodology. The system is able to learn users’ needs by asking questions back to them - by "talking". “People traditionally have a bad impression of artificial intelligence because they have seen characters in movies, robots that speak on television that are able to talk about anything and everything, Mr. Andrew D. Hyder, president and CEO of Subjex explains,  “The reality is that the human brain cannot even do this. Humans need to specialize in one area of expertise because there is not enough time in one persons life-time to know everything, so we specialize and become good in one or two things. In like manner we have created a type of type of artificial intelligence called Natural Frame Dialogue. It is a “frame of mind” or a modular approach to building good dialogue and intelligent in one area. If someone asks our virtual guide (on our website) how many shares are outstanding in our company or when we were founded, it will know that. But if they ask what the weather is like in New York, it will say, “I do not know, I am not connected to a weather data base.” Our clients are only experts in the areas that have relevance to the goals and training of the implementation; therefore, we have developed the most sophisticated yet easy to use back-end AI training system known to exist. Our clients train their implementation as a normal part of doing business.”  Asked about challenges ahead for Subjex, Mr. Hyder states, “Our biggest challenge initially was to describe how the technology worked. We have overcome that by putting our own virtual sales agent on our website that literally sells itself. We have many people that are astounded that they are actually talking to software. The biggest challenge now is in helping our clients train their implementation. There is a learning curve that the AI has which lasts two weeks to two months, depending on the amount of effort put into it. The results of our clients training their implementation are astounding. The return on investment is one of the greatest selling factors. We have created our technology, by design to become smarter and therefore more valuable the more it gets used.” Pricing is a key factor for Subjex.   According to Mr. Hyder,  “We have developed a pricing strategy that works for all companies and they all get the same technology. This was not easy to do. We are selling this technology for as little as one hundred and fifty dollars a month. There is not much competition within these price points. Our competition charges anywhere between fifty and a hundred thousand dollars a year for technology that is similar yet far inferior to ours. To be able to buy and use our technology for a hundred and fifty dollars, I think is a dramatic and bold step. We want to be the facilitator of dialogue, so that everyone will develop on our platform because it is inexpensive, robust and very easy to use.”  When queried about what investors may not realize about Subjex, Mr. Hyder tells us, “One of the things investors should know when looking at an ASP company or a company with hosted solutions is that when people subscribe and the sale is made, there is revenue from it continuously. They should see that the stock valuations of those companies have historically done well. We have a software-pricing model that scales well for companies of all sizes and will work for a Fortune 500 company as well as a small company. The end result is that we don’t give it away, and our price goes up according to the number of operators, which bigger companies have. There is a new category that everyone is talking about, e-self-help. People are striving to find ways to cut costs and improve the user experience. We have the killer application for this whole category. Dialogue is the lowest common denominator among all people and what everyone already knows. We have the platform and are bringing it to the masses. We see the future – and it’s all about dialogue™ !”  The Virtual Customer Service Representative SubjexCSR™ is an automated online customer service and support and sales tool with an expert back end real-time Operator Interface training system called SubjexOPS™.  SubjexSR™ is an online sales support tool powered by the same natural dialogue engine as the SubjexCSR tailored to a sales scenario and preplanned configuration processes. SubjexME™ is a duplicatable customizable virtual sales agent to meet the needs of a company with many distributors each with their own virtual personality. Search Engine Portal SubjexSEP™ is a custom search tool for your intranet site based on the Subjex Search Engine at

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