School Specialty, Inc. (SCHS)
Interview with:
David J. Vander Zanden, President and CEO
Business News, Financial News, Stocks, Money & Investment Ideas, CEO Interview
and Information on their
supplemental educational products to schools and teachers for pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade in the United States.

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School Specialty, Inc. is making an aggressive entry into new markets and expanding from K-12 in the United States to include Canada, pre-K and the day-care center marketplace

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Consumer Cyclical
Supplemental Educational Products

School Specialty, Inc.

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David J. Vander Zanden
President and
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse
July 2003

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To find out more about:
School Specialty, Inc. (SCHS) you may order the complete text of our interview. To view a copy of this highly informative interview, left click here: ViewSCHS



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