Ruby Mining Company (RUBM.OB)
Interview with:
Howard Collingwood, President and COO
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and Information on their
one-of-a-kind, proprietary, nonferrous metal detection technology.

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Ruby Mining’s ATLIS technology is designed to reliably locate and differentiate various classes of metals through saltwater, sand, rock, coral, mud and wood

Marine Treasure

Ruby Mining Company

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Howard Collingwood
President and Chief Operating Officer

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse
Senior Editor
March 2004

Ruby Mining Company (OTCBB: RUBM) is a fifteen year old technology company located in Atlanta, Georgia that developed a one-of-a-kind, proprietary, nonferrous metal detection technology to be incorporated into a remote-sensing device capable of identifying gold and silver bullion, coins and artifacts located on and beneath the ocean floor. This breakthrough technology will be used in the world's oceans to search for, locate and recover documented treasure-bearing shipwrecks. Ruby Mining’s mission is to transform the pursuit of historical marine treasure into a highly professional, predictable, and profitable business. This will be accomplished using ecologically and archeologically acceptable methodology. “We had the idea to develop a technology which we are calling ATLIS, which can distinguish between different metals.” Offers Mr. Howard Collingwood, president and COO of Ruby Mining Company, “We have spent much time and money developing this technology over a number of years and have now developed a technology that can tell the difference between gold, silver, copper, aluminum, etc. There are a number of technologies generally known as magnetometers that can tell you whether or not something is a ferrous or non-ferrous metal. There is no other technology that we know of, and we certainly have looked, that can tell you whether something is gold or silver.” Asked how they will determine where to search for treasure Mr. Collingwood tells us, “There are a great deal of things buried in the ocean; things that you do not want from other ships that have sunk, anchors, chains, discarded car engines, you name it. Once you locate a wreck you must determine whether it has any treasure because most wrecks do not have treasure. You can spend a tremendous amount of money digging up things that are interesting and a little valuable but not nearly valuable enough to pay for the cost of the excavation. What we hope to do is to use conventional technologies such as magnetometers and sonar to locate potential wrecks of interest and then we will use our technology to see if we can discover gold and silver. If we find the presence of gold or silver, we will know that this is a very likely treasure ship and would be the ones we would target first. If we find no indication of gold or silver, we will note the location of the wreck and we may come back to it at a later date, but that would not be our first target.” Asked if there was an alternate uses for their technology Mr. Collingwood relates, “The alternate use for our technology came about unexpectedly. We think that we can find unexploded ordnance, and the first thing that comes to mind in that area is land mines. I am told there are two million square acres of unexploded ordnance in the U.S. alone and this would be bombing ranges and artillery ranges that our military used in the past. Unfortunately, every bomb that drops does not explode and every artillery shell that is shot does not explode. Every now and then you will hear about someone finding an unexploded shell or bomb and disturbing it and it blows up and either kills or hurts them. This has begun to be recognized by citizens and there is more pressure on the government to clean these areas up. If you use just a metal detector, there is a lot of metal down there because they were blowing up bombs and shells routinely for years. It does not do you any good to just find some metal there; you need to find something that will identify what is there. Our technology will identify the shape of what is there and will not just give you a detection of something metallic.” “We are within three or four months of having our commercial unit in the water operating.” States Mr. Collingwood addressing investors, “We have a very strong likelihood within the next four weeks of owning the search vessel New World Legacy, which was specifically designed to look for shallow water buried treasure. We have a management team that is more experienced than we ever had, and more money to use than we ever have. Money is important because it is difficult to do much if you do not have any money. The fact that we are better funded is enabling us to do things that we wanted to do for a long time but have not been able to do because we were constrained for cash. If you stand back and realize this company has been around for a long time and has not done anything and then look and see what has happened the last few months, you will see a huge difference in our company. We are on the verge of taking off and that may not be apparent to an investor that is not closely watching what we are doing.”

The technology, called ATLIS, has been developed using novel sensing and data analysis techniques to locate and differentiate among various classes of metals. ATLIS units are designed to reliably detect nonferrous metals through saltwater, sand, rock, coral, mud and wood. The technology that has been developed is an active (as opposed to electronically passive) electro-magnetic detection and discrimination sensor system. The Company has built proof-of-concept devices which have successfully differentiated among various ferrous and nonferrous metals, both under laboratory conditions (results observed and confirmed by NASA) and in an ocean test.

The initial target area for the Company's archaeological operations is the Pedro Bank, Jamaica, for which Ruby Mining holds an exclusive exploration permit. The Company's principal objective is to utilize its ATLIS detection technology, in partnership with governments, archaeologists, historians, engineers and scientists, to become the recognized world leader in the location and recovery of historic shipwrecks.

The Company is also actively exploring the potential use of its ATLIS technology to assist governmental authorities in locating unexploded ordnance (bombs, artillery shells, ammunition, weapons, and other potentially explosive military devices and materials), commonly referred to as ``UXO,'' in both marine and terrestrial environments.

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