Resverlogix Corporation (RVX-TSX)
Interview with:
Donald J. McCaffrey, Co-Founder, President and CEO
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Resverlogix is a cholesterol management company that has focused on increasing HDL (the good cholesterol) as opposed just lowering LDL the bad cholesterol

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Resverlogix Corporation

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Donald J. McCaffrey
Co-Founder, Pres. And CEO

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor
April 21, 2005

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"The hard cold facts of it are that if we all ate better, exercised better, etc., a good portion of the problem would not exist, but unfortunately that is not the human way. Resverlogix is offering a small molecule that has low toxicity and few side-effects; we feel that is probably the direction that most people would prefer to go." - Donald J. McCaffrey


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