Power Efficiency Corp. (PREF)
Interview with: Richard Koch, President and CEO
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and Information on their
proprietary energy management technology solutions that enables AC induction motors to perform at their optimum efficiency without affecting speed.

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Power Efficiency Corp’s controllers automatically adjust the power to meet the load requirements of electric motors providing energy savings and cooler operating temperatures extending motor life

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Energy Management

Power Efficiency Corp.

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Richard Koch
President and
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse
Senior Editor

August 2003

Power Efficiency Corp. (PREF-OTC) is a leader in providing proprietary energy management technology solutions. The Power Efficiency Performance Controller enables AC induction motors to perform at their optimum efficiency without affecting speed. Cost of operation in these motors can be reduced by 10% to 40%. The concept behind the Performance Controller was originally proposed and developed by Frank Nola of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ("NASA") in the mid to late 1970's as a means of reducing energy waste on AC Induction motors. The technology was designed to monitor the power factor of the motor, and to reduce the voltage and current when the power factor is dropping. In the early part of 1998, NASA announced that Power Efficiency Corporation had been named the exclusive domestic licensee of NASA's patented technology relating to energy saving motor controllers, listed under the "power factor controllers" category of patents. “Our strategy is to identify the applications, where our technology provides the maximum energy savings, explains Mr. Richard Koch, President and CEO of Power Efficiency Corporation.  “We first measure the power used by a motor without our controller and then run the same application with our controller installed.  Customers can see the savings. Testing has shown that escalators and elevators are a perfect application. We manufacture private label controllers for OTIS, KONE and SCHINDLER in this sector. Successful test results on granulators used in the plastic industry have led to the recently announced marketing arrangement and joint venture with Rapid Granulator a leading manufacturer of granulators.   Our preliminary tests on oil and gas pump jacks have been very encouraging. We identified this application for testing because pump jacks are fully loaded only on the up stroke. After we prove our technology in a sector we focus are sales efforts in high energy areas maximizing our customers’ ROI. Many states with high electricity costs provide incentives and rebates that help offset the cost of our controllers further increasing customers’ ROI.”  Commenting on the timing of their market efforts, Mr. Koch tells us,  “I feel the time is right for a marketing push because energy prices are rising. Natural gas prices are extremely high as evidenced by the recent suggestion by Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan that the country might have to consider relaxing some of the environmental restriction to allow exploration in protected areas. Most of the new electricity generating plants use natural gas as the fuel because it is non-polluting, but now it seems the supply projections relied on when these plants were built might have been optimistic. The higher the energy costs, the quicker the payback is to the customer who buys our controller. You do not buy an energy saving device that is going to take you twenty years to save the energy to pay for the product. We will be focusing on those states and countries that have the highest cost of power because then payback and return on the customers’ investment in our product are that much higher.”    For potential investors, Mr. Koch offers,  “Most investors are not aware of our products because of our focus on OEM relationships with Otis, KONE and Schindler. They are the leading companies in the elevator/escalator field, where safety is a premium. The technology is working in this extremely sensitive environment, if our controller does not work, people could get hurt. Our current expansion into industrial applications will result in much faster sales as the product development cycle is much shorter because the multiple product changes to insure safety are not as complex. The company has focused on R&D rather than marketing and sales. We have now begun the process of building the sales and marketing strengths needed to bring power Efficiency to profitability” The single-phase Performance Controller is available up to 15 amps from 120 to 240 volts. The three-phase Performance Controller is available from 1hp to 300hp from 208 to 575 volts, 50 Hz or 60Hz. The Performance Controller is designed to be used in conjunction with a standard across-the-line starter and should be viewed as a new generation of motor controllers that manage energy use according to workload. The Performance Controller controls the AC Induction Motor so it always functions at its optimum efficiency. This increased efficiency extends motor life and reduces stress and strain on the motor and the drive train, both electrically and mechanically.  The Performance Controller also protects the motor against over and under voltage conditions. All of these functions are performed automatically and electronically. State-of-the-art electronic circuits constantly sense the workload of the motor. When the actual workload of the motor is lower than the rated load, the sensing circuits reduce the energy being fed to the motor to the exact level the motor needs. This has the effect of reducing motor energy consumption. Power Efficiency Corp’s mission statement is to be a world leader in providing proprietary energy management technology solutions to assist their customers in preserving their resources.

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