Polydex Pharmaceuticals Limited (POLXF-NASDAQ)
Interview with:
George G. Usher, Chairman, President and CEO
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and Information on their
Ushercell product, which is in clinical trials for use as an anti-HIV and as a contraceptive.


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Polydex Pharmaceuticals’ Ushercell product in Phase III for HIV and Phase II clinical trials as a contraceptive, is an entry inhibitor that is not absorbed by the body, minimizing the chance of side effects

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Polydex Pharmaceuticals Limited

George G. Usher
Chairman, President and CEO

Interview conducted by:
Walter Banks, Publisher
December 1, 2005

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“It is a bit difficult to explain when you mention one product that acts as a contraceptive, anti-STD, herpes, gonorrhea, Chlamydia as well as anti-HIV. It sounds like snake oil; how can one product possible do all this? By its nature, Ushercell is a very viscous material and so in the contraceptive application it will significantly reduce the mobility of sperm. It inactivates them, it does not kill them. It inactivates them so that they cannot bind with the ovum and result in a pregnancy. As far as the anti-STDs in general, although it is not safe to generalize, to be brief, it seems to inactivate them. We believe that by attacking the outer coat or casing of the virus, we could thereby inactivate it.” - George G. Usher


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