Meadowbrook Insurance Group, Inc. (MIG)
Interview with:
Robert S. Cubbin, President and CEO
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Restructuring has enabled Meadowbrook Insurance Group to get back to the basics of their original business plan of providing specialty risk management products and services to commercial accounts across fifty states through eighteen branch offices

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Financial Insurance
Property and Casualty

Meadowbrook Insurance Group, Inc.

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Robert S. Cubbin
President and Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse
Senior Editor
January 2004

Meadowbrook Insurance Group, Inc. is a leader in the alternative risk market; a program-based risk management company, Meadowbrook specializes in alternative risk management solutions for agents, brokers, and insureds of all sizes. Founded in 1955, Meadowbrook is among the top 25 insurance brokers in the United States and currently has in excess of $500 million in premiums under management. “We are presently in what most people consider the hard market, meaning that prices have accelerated over the last few years and it is more difficult to buy affordable insurance from the perspective of the business owner.” Offers Mr. Robert S. Cubbin, president and CEO of Meadowbrook Insurance Group, “When that part of the cycle occurs, many people look to an alternative to simply buying a traditional insurance product, and since we are in the alternative risk business, we are seeing a great influx of new business opportunities that are coming to us. The growth opportunities are significant, and our real challenge at this point is to look at the opportunities being presented, and to be as selective as we can be, and only write the very best available business. This is very exciting time to be in the alternative risk business. It is very busy but with that activity, comes the opportunity to select some new and positive, as well as historically profitable business.” Asked about changes that have occurred since he became CEO Mr. Cubbin relates, “We have gotten back to the basics of our original business plan, which is to provide specialty risk management products and services to commercial accounts across fifty states through our eighteen branch offices. We have eliminated business that was a deviation from our original model and refocused our attention on the business that historically proved to be profitable for us. In addition to the restructuring of the business, we also hired new people in some very key areas; we hired a new chief claims officer, a new head of corporate underwriting and we have brought in some branch management executives. We hired a chief information officer to bring our technology up to state-of-the-art. We have revamped the entire management team and brought the company’s business model back to its original structure.” Talking about Meadowbrook’s advantage, Mr. Cubbi relates, “Most companies shy away from the small/medium sized business because they can’t efficiently handle the back office. With our technology and our processing advantage, we are able to do that. I think that is one of the major challenges that we have been able to overcome, and it is a barrier to entry for a lot of companies trying to compete with us.” “I think the main thing that I like people to know is that our business is about the people who work for us and the partnerships that we have established.” Continues Mr. Cubbi, “We have a strong management team and I rely heavily on their expertise; you can’t manage a business in fifty states without having a solid group of executives and managers who are supporting the business plan. Another thing is the retention of our business and keeping our clients; that is a very important part of our culture and I am pleased to say that we have achieved unprecedented levels of retention of business because we have done the right things for our partners and they have been very loyal through thick and thin. I always like to make sure that I acknowledge and thank people internally and externally who make this all possible.”

In addition to being a pioneer in Alternative Risk Management, Meadowbrook is one of the nation's foremost leading providers of specialty insurance programs. For more than twenty years, Meadowbrook has been developing and managing specialty programs for select client groups. Clients include trade and professional associations; governmental entities and municipalities; and individual companies.

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