Lyrtech Inc. (LYT-TSXV) |
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This is a printer friendly page! A new business model and financial structure has enabled Lyrtech
to establish a major turnaround
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March 10, 2005 Issue of CEOCFOinterviews.com left click below for
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"When I arrived, Lyrtech was in tremendous financial difficulties, they were basically in technical financial bankruptcy. So what we did was change the business model and financial structure of the company and financed it. We then hired a sales team, because the company didn't have a sales team for the past twenty years; it was engineers selling to other engineers. We hired the sales team back in 2003 and began to see growth in 2004, since we were now focusing on marketing and sales instead of just trying to find the next super technology. We changed from an R&D, engineering company to a marketing and selling company." - Miguel Caron |
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