Kite Realty Group Trust (KRG - NYSE)
Interview with:
John Kite, President and CEO
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Kite Realty Group Trust is a new public company that is growing rapidly, but yet is an established company with roots going back forty years

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Real Estate Operations

Kite Realty Group Trust

John Kite
President and CEO

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor
February 10, 2004


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"We’ve grown substantially in the last five years in the real estate business and we began to look at additional options in terms of the company going forward. We looked at the capital structure of the company and what was best for making sure that the company was around for another forty years. That was also the time that we began to look at becoming a public company as an option. Of course a lot of things have to happen in order for a company to go public; things you control and things you don’t control. It really aligned well for us and we were able to successfully go public this past summer in August of 2004." - John Kite


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