Kimber Resources, Inc. (KBR)
Interview with:
Robert Longe, President and CEO
Business News, Financial News, Stocks, Money & Investment Ideas, CEO Interview
and Information on the
Monterde gold-silver property in Chihuahua state, Mexico.

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Kimber’s Carmen deposit looks promising at $300 gold. Initial scoping study suggests robust economics

Gold and Silver Exploration
(KBR-TSX Venture)

Kimber Resources, Inc.

Robert Longe
President and
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse
Senior Editor
September 2003

Kimber Resources, Inc. (KBR-TSX Venture) was formed in 1995, and remained private until July 2002 when it became public. Kimber’s principal asset is the Monterde gold-silver property in Chihuahua state, Mexico. The Monterde mineral property, which Kimber holds through an option to acquire 100% free of royalties, covers a low-sulphidation, epithermal, oxide, gold-silver deposit. Kimber’s objective is to develop this property to the point at which it can be taken to profitable production. “When this property came to our attention, we took it very seriously because of its main attribute: its grade,” states Mr. Robert Longe, President and CEO of Kimber Resources, Inc.  “There are many gold/silver properties that look as though they should be minable at perhaps one-and-a-half grams of gold per ton.  On a gold-equivalent basis, this property is closer to three grams per ton and it looks as though it should be profitable, and that is the basis for our enthusiasm.”  Looking to the future, Mr. Longe tells us, “There are three possible goals; one is being taken over by a larger company on a share transfer. Another possible outcome is a joint venture, and the final possibility is that we take the deposit to production ourselves. That would require starting on a smaller scale, minimizing dilution and getting cash flow as soon as possible. Our policy has been to keep open those three possibilities and keeping in mind that our obligation is to ensure the shareholders do well. We expect narrow down our choices during the next year or so according to the market, the prices of gold and silver, and our progress on the property.” To our query about why potential investors should be interested, Mr. Longe comments, “I think the key fact is that we have an emerging resource, which does not depend on an increase in the price of gold or silver. There are risks remaining of course, but we have been looking for the fatal flaw in this deposit for two-and-a-half years now, and we have not found it. When one invests in a mining or exploration company, one should look at what it has and determine if mining would be profitable at the present prices. Often times one can buy shares in a mining exploration company with a promising property, but when you look into it, you realize that it would be profitable only if the price of gold or silver were to increase. It is a valid business strategy to buy shares as an option on a future price increase, but that is not the best reason for investing in Kimber. Based on our current understanding, Kimber’s Carmen deposit does not need price increases. At three hundred dollar gold and four-and-a-half dollar silver, these grades should be profitable. That, I think, is the main attribute of the Monterde deposit.”  The reason for focusing on this property is the emerging grade of the Carmen deposit. Because of its grade in gold and silver, Kimber believes there is an excellent chance that an orebody can be developed. Work will now be directed at confirming this grade. The 24 holes drilled into the Carmen deposit in the fall of 2002 were the basis for an estimate of Inferred resources published at that time. Since then Kimber has produced a revised resource estimate based on 45 holes which advanced a significant portion of the deposit to Measured and Indicated status. Further drilling is expected to advance more of the Inferred resources to Measured & Indicated status. Additional resources are expected in parts of the Carmen deposit which have not yet been drilled. Development drilling will continue on the Carmen deposit along with metallurgical and environmental studies. Other drilling will test targets on the mineralized structures to the west of the Carmen.

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