Input/Output, Inc. (IO)
Interview with:
Robert Peebler, President and CEO
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seismic equipment and acquisition imaging technology for land, marine, transition zone exploration, production and reservoir monitoring.

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Input/Output, Inc. has recognized the need for high quality, high resolution data and has developed new digital sensors to replace conventional analogue sensors

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Input/Output, Inc.

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Robert Peebler
President and
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse
Senior Editor
July 2003

Input/Output Inc. (IO - NYSE) is a major provider of seismic equipment and acquisition imaging technology for land, marine, transition zone exploration, production and reservoir monitoring. The company specializes in technology that creates value for the energy industry in the areas of 2D, 3D, 4D and multicomponent seismic data.

Input/Output Inc. is an industry leader in the design of seismic data acquisition system technology and the only independent manufacturer to provide a complete portfolio of equipment for seismic surveys. I/O’s products – recording systems for use on land, in the transition zone and offshore, and associated energy sources, positioning systems, receivers, cables and connectors – are deployed throughout the world, where geoscientists record seismic data to locate and characterize oil and gas deposits. I/O is adding to its tradition of delivering customer value through technology by focusing its research and development efforts on increasing channel count capabilities, integrating radio and cable telemetry, developing light-weight sensing equipment, integrating seismic design for multicomponent imaging, and integrating pre-processing and post-processing software capabilities in the data acquisition workflow. Discussing the seismic industry and Input/Output’s position, Mr. Robert Peebler, president and CEO of Input/Output Inc. states, “I think we are right at the beginning of the third wave; we went from 2-D to 3-D and now to the third wave, which we call vector full-wave. VectorSeis is one big change as you are moving from recording with an analogue sensor to a digital sensor. More importantly, we have full-wave, which includes another acoustic measurement called shear seismic. I believe that it is a combination of that new information and data that will solve a lot of the problems that we currently have, which we must solve in order to find oil and gas. These problems are all the way from better resolution, to being able to identify reservoir fluid types and lithology types. It is getting harder to find oil and gas, so you have to solve more complex problems to do that. I would say that the vector full-wave, including multicomponent seismic, is about where 3-D was in the early eighties. At that time, about 98% of the data being collected was still 2-D, and you had seismic contractors going broke as well as too much data in the data libraries. Companies did not understand 3-D; they thought it was too complex and did not know how to interpret it. The beauty of Input/Output is that we have invested well over fifty million dollars and are approaching a hundred million on this next generation digital sensor. Right at the heart of this third wave is the measurement itself. As a company, we have a technology that will indirectly be responsible for finding billions of dollars of reserves in the future. We have to decide how to take that technology and create value propositions around it, including new equipment sales and potential services and things we could do with it, to participate in that value creation and make sure we extract the proper amount of value from what we bring to the party. That is the challenge that we are sitting with and the kind of challenge I enjoy.”   Addressing the issue of reaching customers, Mr.Peebler comments, “I/O has historically been an equipment manufacturer and supplier selling to seismic contractors. If you look at our marketing and sales, it is really just seeing the world through the eyes of the contractor. We still have to do that because the contractor has issues of cost and liability and performance and all those things; all the way from having marketing programs that are directed at educating the potential oil company customers, to opportunities to sell directly to them in some areas. There is an emerging new area, which is primarily in marine, where people are looking at installing permanent sensors on the sea floor. The purpose of those sensors is to monitor the fluid flow in the reservoir. As they produce these reservoirs, fluids are flowing through them, but the reservoirs are not homogeneous or heterogenous so the fluid does not flow evenly. You end up with large pockets that are not drained because of permeability barriers and various things. If you can see that on an image, you can decide whether to drill another well or change production on another well. We think that is going to happen at the beginning for very large fields and parts of new developments. Today that is not the business of seismic contractors. We do not see any reason why we should not go directly to oil companies and participate in better understanding their needs and working with them to provide those services direct. That is a new and emerging as well as a long cycle business, but we are currently engaged with a couple of clients and having those discussions. We will be participating in and getting some of our sensor technology into those projects.”   Mr. Peebler tells us that I/O has “new technology that we can build new offerings around. We are positioning for a five to twenty year run again.”  And, “Potential investors looking at the company should not see it as just an equipment supplier. They need to put it into the context of what is going on in geophysical imaging. The oil and gas business is driven by technology. Seismic imaging is right at the heart of finding oil and gas. Even though the seismic contracting business has hit a tough time, the demand for oil and gas is still going to go up about 50-60% over the next 15-20 years, even with all the alternate energy sources coming on. Seismic imaging is going to be a critical technology going forward. People who have that technology will be well positioned. Potential investors should put it into the context of the industry and what technologies drive the industry, and they will see it as a real opportunity.”

The Company has aggressively restructured to meet current and expected market conditions while remaining focused on commercializing new technology that will address customers’ most critical value drivers. Despite these dramatic circumstances and challenges, the Company is positioned as a more efficient organization, better capable of delivering new technologies to the worldwide energy industry. I/O continues to devote substantial resources to research and engineering. I/O’s vision is to provide industry-leading seismic products, solutions and services that enable better, more cost-effective exploration and field development decisions. I/O continually focuses its technology on improving the quality and resolution of images obtained from seismic data.

Forward Looking Statements: The information contained in this interview contains forward-looking statements relating to the trends in the seismic industry and developments of the company’s products, services and future operating results. Statements contained herein are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. The words “believe,” “expect,” “intend,” anticipate,” variations of such words, and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements, but their absence does not mean that the statement is not forward-looking. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. These risks are discussed more fully in I/O’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which are publicly available at or Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Each individual should perform an independent analysis before investing. The information contained herein is neither an offer nor a solicitation to buy any of the company contained herein. Investing in securities is speculative and contains a high element of risk.

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Input/Output Introduces Cable Version of VectorSeis System Four


HOUSTON, TEXAS (June 2, 2003)… Input/Output, Inc. (NYSE: IO) announced today the commercial release of the cable version of VectorSeis ® System Four™, a technology breakthrough in seismic data acquisition systems and the second in a family of I/O VectorSeis systems.

Posted: 7/10/03 -

Geofizyka Torun and Input/Output Announce Sale of VectorSeis System Four


Torun,Poland and Houston,Texas (June 2,2003)— Geofizyka Torun and Input/Output, Inc. (NYSE:IO) today announced the sale to Geofizyka Torun of an Input/Output 2,100 channel VectorSeis ® System Four for land seismic acquisition.

Posted: 7/10/03 -
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