GloTech Industries, Inc. (GTHI)
Interview with:
Heinz Fraunhoffer, President and CEO
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and Information on their
electroluminescent (EL) technology application for products, primarily designed for the vehicle safety and safety apparel markets, including GlowBike™, GlowVest™, GlowLogos™ and the Wedge™.

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GloTech Industries, Inc.’s goal is to replace reflective materials on safety vests with their electroluminescent (EL) lamps.  Recent testing with the Louisville Police Department provided positive feedback and the first order for GlowVests


GloTech Industries, Inc.

Heinz Fraunhoffer
President and
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse
Senior Editor
September 2003

GloTech Industries, Inc. (GTHI-OTC) is a technology-based company whose goal is to provide the best visibility possible in today’s market. Based on a patent pending electroluminescent (EL) technology application that was developed by the University of Florida and their own research team, GloTech has created various illumination systems under the Signature Illumination™ brand.  The company develops, manufactures and markets proprietary products, primarily designed for the vehicle safety and safety apparel markets, including GlowBike™, GlowVest™, GlowLogos™ and the Wedge™. “What is driving the vest and driving our products is the brightness and visibility of the product itself” states Mr. Heinz Fraunhoffer, President and CEO of GloTech Industries, Inc.  “This immediately caught the eye of law enforcement and particularly traffic police, because one of their biggest problems is being visible. They often get hit by motorists when they direct traffic. Therefore we had lots of interest from law enforcement agencies to use our vests in trials. We had great testimonials from the Louisville, Kentucky Police; they noticed that motorists behave very differently towards them when they wear that product. That was the reason why it had been so successful in a short time. We believe that this product can replace the reflective materials on vests.”   Addressing the issue of manufacturing GloTech products, Mr. Fraunhoffer comments, “We do something which we call ‘Rapid Product Development’, that is the same idea as rapid prototyping. We are working with local companies to get small sample quantities out as quickly as possible.  These products are evaluated by our customers; we get instant feedback and implement that right back into the product development and design process, and change the product within days. Once a product has matured, we have a representative in Shanghai, who sources our materials and components. All of our products are pre-assembled in the Far East. Customization of our vests will be done locally because we want to retain the flexibility to customized vests according to customer’s specification. They might spell out the county’s name, sheriff department or what ever the case may be. To make rapid development feasible, we work right here in Gainesville, Florida, and the surrounding cities, but for larger orders we have overseas facilities in place.”  GloTech’s strategy is clear.  Mr. Fraunhoffer says, “Our goal is to replace reflective materials on vests with electroluminescent lamps. We believe this technology provides superior visibility to the product because it does not need an outside light source and does not need to be viewed from a certain angle. We are working actively on standards for safety vests.  We believe that the large companies that provide reflective material are our competition. On the other hand, we like to work with manufacturers that make vests, and we do not envision ourselves manufacturing the vests. Our strategy is to enter into license agreements with those manufacturers to have them do what they know best, which is making vests with our technology.”  GloTech provides potential investors with a story that is easy to comprehend. “Having a product that is basic and easy to understand has been the attraction for investors so far,” explains Mr. Fraunhoffer. “We have had investment bankers, venture capitalists, and investors that looked at it and said “This is a no-brainer” and we hear this term used all the time. Not only is the product easy to understand, but also the value and use of the product is evident. There is hardly any city or person in the U.S. that has not had a tragic but avoidable accident within the last involving visibility at night. Visibility is something that concerns everyone. There is nothing out there that comes close to our technology in terms of visibility. We apply our technology to products that make sense.”

The GlowBike allows your bicycle to be visible for up to 1600 feet, letting all surrounding drivers and pedestrians to be aware of your presence. GlowVest products are designed for joggers, walkers, law enforcement personnel, construction crews, airport ground operators, the military and others who need to be highly visible at night. Electroluminescent strips are attached to the front and back of a lightweight mesh vest and activated by the Company's standard power pack. Additional innovations are under development, and the Company's goal is to become the leading developer and marketer of EL safety products.

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