Digital Dispatch Systems Inc. (DD-TSX)
Interview with:
Vari Ghai, Chairman, President and CEO
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Having established themselves as the world leader in taxi market Digital Dispatch Systems has now diversified into roadside assistance

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Communications Equipment
Wireless Mobile Data

Digital Dispatch Systems Inc.

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Vari Ghai
Chairman, Pres. and CEO

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor
April 7, 2005

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“We started with being focused on the taxi market, and I am pleased to say that we now have achieved world leadership. We have a significant part of the American market, which we estimate to be 75 and 80%. We probably have over 50% of the world taxi market. From that point-of-view, I think we achieved our vision. Every company has been formed over a long period. Later on during our life cycle in the company we changed the vision to the idea that we didn’t want all of our eggs in one basket, which was the taxi market. We diversified into the roadside assistance and today we have places like the United Kingdom. The Automobile Associations of the U.K., Belgium, Ireland, the United States and Canada; they are all DDS customers. We have made a major saturation in that market and also in the private transit and public transit market.” - Vari Ghai


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