CEO America, Inc. (CEOA-OTCPK)
Interview with:
David Vaters, Chairman and CEO
Business News, Financial News, Stocks, Money & Investment Ideas, CEO Interview
and Information on their
CREDITZ™ System, the world’s first Digital Currency for processing payments for as little as 1/100 of a cent.


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CEO America’s unique CREDITZ™ System is the world’s first true digital currency, solving a myriad of marketing and business problems for merchants, manufacturers and others in the payment chain and allowing it to be utilized online, at retail or on cell phones & PDAS, including payment transactions down to a hundredth of a penny

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Digital Currency

CEO America, Inc.

David Vaters
Chairman and CEO

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor
December 29, 2005

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“We believe that we have created the quintessential 21st century business model. We are enhancing many of the ways that people conduct business by bringing efficiencies, solving problems and providing meaningful, relevant marketing solutions for our customers without charging them. With our marketing communications services, we make our money from a merchant’s incremental sales, not upfront fees. Inherent in CREDITZ™ Digital Currency is a nano-payment system: a payment system that can do transactions down to a hundredth of a penny, which will become much more necessary as the Internet and wireless devices seek new ways of monetizing content. And, we have a business model that eliminates accounts receivable, has no inventory and no debt on the company, thereby greatly increasing our chances for success.” - David Vaters


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