Bio-Solutions Manufacturing, Inc. (BSLM-OTC: BB)
Interview with:
David S. Bennett, Chairman, President and CEO
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and Information on their
third generation solution to the problems of organic waste management, which is a formulating mixtures of microbes that are menu-specific and “eat” grease on-site.


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Bio-Solutions Manufacturing (BSLM) has a huge potential market place, and is focused on solving the problems of organic waste management and leveraging their 650 reference sites

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Bioremediation Products and Services

Bio-Solutions Manufacturing, Inc.

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David S. Bennett
Chairman, President and CEO

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor
August 11, 2005

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“You can think of us as a third generation solution to the problems of organic waste management. The first generation was pumping out grease in restaurants and dumping it into the municipal systems, which is time consuming. The second generation was producing enzymes and bacteria to put into the grease traps to liquefy the grease and push it down-stream. The problem with that is if you are running a municipal collection system, it clogs up the pipes and infrastructures. Third generation is formulating mixtures of microbes that are menu-specific and “eat” the grease on-site. For example, a Chinese restaurant is different from an IHOP, or a Wendy’s, or a Pizza Hut. We have developed specific sub-strait solutions to deal with each of the categories- you can think of them as menu-specific.” - David S. Bennett


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