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Augus 8, 2016 Issue



Native virtualization on macOS



Manisha Arora





Interview conducted by:

Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor, CEOCFO Magazine


CEOCFO: Ms. Arora, would you tell us the idea behind Veertu?

Ms. Arora: The idea behind the company is to actually bring the development and testing that is happening as far as applications development is concerned on the Mac operating system or OSX, to the same level as Windows and Linux. If you look at the Windows and Linux, you will see that there are many DevOps (development and operations) tools and technologies that are very advanced in terms of enabling the agility of the developers and increasing the productivity of the developers. However, that is not the case on the MacOS. The adoption of mac has been steadily increasing – As desktop of choice by the developers, increasing footprint in the enterprise space, for iOS dev/test, rollout to employees. However, we see a huge gap in solutions available to enable efficient, agile dev and test both on mac workstations which are being used by the developers and for apps being developed for macOS & iOS.


CEOCFO: Are you surprised that Apple missed the boat in being up to date in this area?

Ms. Arora: Not really. Apple makes beautiful devices for its users. They are not in the business of developing dev/test solutions. And so, as they continue to bring to the market, devices that users fall in love with, there is going to be a need for an ecosystem of dev and test solutions for applications running on these devices. I think the developers are starting to acknowledge the need for such solutions and in line with that Apple recent announcement about putting more resources/effort behind Switft makes sense.


CEOCFO: What is available at Veertu today?

Ms. Arora: We announced our first solution, which is built on top of our native virtualization technology for macOS, andenables developers to run Linux and Windows dev/test virtual machines environments on their Macs. This product is available right now through the app store. We have significant new product announcement lined up for next 3-4 months to build on top of what we already are doing in the macOS developer space.


CEOCFO: What were some of the challenges in creating your product?
Ms. Arora:
I become part of Veertu earlier this year, but my other two co-founders Alex Fishman and Izik Eidus had been working on this idea and technology past 12 months. Our vision and what’s more interesting to us is to build the solution in such a way that it can co-exist with Apple’s macOS design principles, while at the same time address enterprise dev//test needs.


CEOCFO: How are you reaching out to potential customers?

Ms. Arora: We are still working on some key product releases and we have really started sales and marketing yet. However, we are pleasantly surprised at the organic adoption of our first product available through the MAS and are engaging with our users.


CEOCFO: What is the business model now and what will it be in the future?
Ms. Arora:
The business model is to fill a large and important gap in the macOS dev space with solutions like on-demand dev/test infra software etc.,, that can address growing user needs of developers, iOS development etc.


CEOCFO: Does it matter where a client is located?
Ms. Arora:
  It does not really matter. MacOS and iOS have global user base of developers and that’s our market.


CEOCFO: What has changed in your approach so far?

Ms. Arora: Nothing significant. We have been very diligent about engaging with our current users and listening to them and our short and medium term releases are meant to significantly increase the adoption.


CEOCFO: Do you see being one of the first as an advantage?

Ms. Arora: Absolutely! That is an advantage for us and we want to capitalize on that.


CEOCFO: Do you have funding for the next steps? Are you seeking investments or partnerships?

Ms. Arora: Right now, we are founder seed funded. Our plan is to go for institutional funding within the next six to eight months.


CEOCFO: Why pay attention to Veertu?

Ms. Arora: There is an increasing amount of development on macOS/iOS and other Apple technologies, and we will be the ones providing macOS native technology to enable more efficient, productive and agile dev/test.

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“There is an increasing amount of development on macOS/iOS and other Apple technologies, and we will be the ones providing macOS native technology to enable more efficient, productive and agile dev/test.”- Manisha Arora





Manisha Arora



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