OurPet’s Company (OPCO-OTC: BB)

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May 28, 2010 Issue

The Most Powerful Name In Corporate News and Information


OurPet’s Company Is Developing Products That Are Beneficial To Your Pet’s Health, And Makes Having A Pet A Lot Easier And Much More Pleasurable

Company Profile:

OurPet’s Company (OPCO) offers both “high tech” and “high touch” in the lucrative pet industry that has grown from $15 billion in 1994 to a projected $45 billion in 2008, according to the American Pet Product Manufacturers Association (APPMA). Founded in 1995, OurPet's has quickly established an excellent reputation for quality and innovation and has grown at 3-5 times faster than the overall industry. OurPet’s offers an excellent opportunity to participate in the rapidly expanding pet market.

Dr. Steven Tsengas, Ph.D., Chairman, President/CEO, OurPet’s Company

Dr. Tsengas received his BS Engineering Degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo, his MS Business Degree (minor in Behavioral Sciences) from the University of Rochester, W. Simon Graduate School of Business and his Ph.D. from Clayton College of Natural Health. He has attended numerous managerial, business and technical seminars. During 1960-1975 he was employed by Eastman Kodak, Harris Corporation, Babcock & Wilcox and AMAC Enterprises in various positions, including President, Executive Vice President, General Manager of Operations, Marketing Manager, Director of Human Resources, Manager of Central Operations, Senior Industrial Engineer, etc. He executed four significant turnaround situations.


Since 1976, he has personally founded over half a dozen high tech and consumer product companies and has provided financial and managerial assistance to several successful entrepreneurial start-ups. The high tech ventures included electronics, polymers, metal finishing, environmental pollution control, energy conservation and veterinary sciences. He has extensive technical knowledge, holds over 75 utility and design patents, has written many management and technical articles and has taught and lectured at several local colleges. He is a Fellow of The Ohio Academy of Science, the National Inventors Hall of Fame and the American Society of Patent Holders. Dr. Tsengas is active in various professional, community and technical associations including the American Naturopathic Medical Association, American Holistic Medical Association, Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) advisor and past National SIFE Competition Judge, Ohio State Science Day judge, International Association of Assistance Dogs member, Lake County Development Council Past President and Chairman of the Economic Forum Comm., Lake Erie College Entrepreneurial Program Advisor, International Folk Festival Board Member, and Lakeland Community College Foundation Marketing Comm.


Dr. Tsengas grew up in Upstate New York. He and his wife, Linda, have lived in Mentor, Ohio since 1970 and have two sons and four grandchildren. He enjoys reading, classical music, investing and fishing.


Natural Health and Nutrition:

Dr. Tsengas has had a keen interest in a holistic, integrated approach to health for over 35 years. His interest in holistic health, combined with his love of pets, led him to augment his BS (Engineering) and MS (Business/Behavioral Science) with a Ph.D. in Natural Health & Nutrition. The subject of his doctorate dissertation was “Canine Aging – an Integrative Medical Approach.” He examined the causes of aging, primary age related pathologies and integrative medical approaches (conventional and alternative) to slow down aging, and improve the quality of life during the latter years. In depth areas of interest include cat and dog biological behavior and geriatric pathologies such as osteoarthritis, periodontal disease, cardiovascular disease, skin and coat problems, cognitive health and nutrition. He has effectively applied his knowledge and interest in developing pet accessory and consumable products for improving the health, safety, comfort and enjoyment of pets. He has been issued dozens of patents related to pet products.

Consumer Goods
Processed & Packaged Goods

OurPet’s Company
1300 East Street
Fairport Harbor, OH 44077
Phone: 440-354-6500


Interview conducted by: Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor, CEOCFOinterviews.com, Published – May 28, 2010

Dr. Tsengas, would you give us a little on the history of the company?

Dr. Tsengas: OurPet’s Company started in 1995 with the introduction of the Big Dog Feeder, which was an elevated feeder. The product was invented for improving the feeding and the posture, as well as the prevention of osteoarthritis in especially the larger-breed dogs in the process of eating when they are bending. Subsequently the company has grown from the one product in 1995 where we have over 400 products now, and about 90% are proprietary. They cover the gamut all the way from elevated feeders to other feeding products to dog and cat waste systems. We also make quite an array of dog and cat toys.


CEOCFO: What is the common thread about your products that is a bit of a different focus than many other pet product companies?

Dr. Tsengas: The really unique one comes from when I started the company. I have an engineering degree and my Ph.D. is in pet geriatrics, so we wanted to make products that are not only beautiful-looking and appealing to the owners, but they are functionally beneficial to the pets. They improve the health, safety and the enjoyment for pets. The very unique aspect of it is that we have over one hundred patents issued or pending, so our products are very innovative and very proprietary in nature; we are not a commodity type of a pet company. In other words there are a lot of companies in the industry that basically go to China and bring over little stuffed toys and they resell them through retailers. However, our products are designed and developed by us. They are innovative and they tend to be upscale; in other words they are not commodity-type products.


CEOCFO: Would you give us an example of a couple of the other products that you make that are helpful to the animals?

Dr. Tsengas: Our pet products cover the whole gamut. For example, the Play-N-Squeak® is a little mouse that we introduced back in 2000. This product resulted from research that I did in the preying behavior of cats, in terms of the tactile feel in the paws and the high-frequency sound that the mice emit. So we came up with a product called the Play-N-Squeak®, which feels like a mouse, looks like a mouse and actually when the cat hits it, it squeaks like a mouse. It has a built-in pre-recorded microchip sound that has its own batteries and the whole power system. So anytime the cat hits the little mouse with its paw, this thing squeaks just like a live field mouse. The product was introduced in 2000 and it has grown now to annual multi-million dollars in sales and has about thirty-five or forty different products that are sold in that category. On the other extreme, we have a very complicated product in our cat litter-box called SmartScoop®. This is an automatic cat litter-box, so it makes having a cat a lot easier. You don’t have to necessarily clean up, when you are away, because it does the cleaning for you. What it does is the cat goes into the litter-box, the system detects the cat by means of an infrared detector and once the cat finishes its job in the litter box, the unit actually comes and rakes and picks up the clumps and places them in a plastic bag for you. So after three or seven days, depending on the number of cats that you have, you take out and reverse the bag and throw it in the waste can. You don’t have to touch anything; we use a no-touch plastic bag, which costs only pennies. This is a completely automatic, very sophisticated type of a system. So we cover the gamut all the way from very simple toys to complicated type of systems.


CEOCFO: Who is using your products and where are they getting them?

Dr. Tsengas: The people that buy our products are the owners of 93 million cats in the United States, and 85 million dog owners. Buy the way, about 64% of American homes have a pet, and about 30% to 40% of these homes have a cat or a dog or multiple pets. We have a huge marketplace that has grown from about $16 billion in 1995 in sales to about $45 billion in sales this past year. Our products by the way are sold everywhere. Some well-known customers of ours include PetSmart, Petco, Pet Supplies Plus. They are in grocery chains for example Publix supermarkets in the southeast part of the United States. They are in Wal-Mart and Kmart; they are in the Army and Air Force exchanges including the Navy Exchange. They are in catalogs like Dr. Foster and Smith, and frequently we are on QVC. We sell through multiple channels including over seas where we have about eighteen foreign distributors.


CEOCFO: Is overseas a growing market for you?

Dr. Tsengas: Last year we grew over 60-70% the international business.


CEOCFO: How has the recent economy affected the company?

Dr. Tsengas: One of the beauties of the pet industry is that it is not completely recession proof, but it is recession resistant. Last year in spite of what is called the Great Recession, we still grew about 15%. Our goal is to grow between 20% and 25% a year compounded. We achieved record sales and record revenues as well as record net income. The situation you have is that pets especially dogs have a special relationships with humans and over the years about 80% of the people consider their dog as a member of the family. There has been tremendous humanization of pets during the last ten or so years. We expect this kind of growth to continue; as a matter of fact it will resume its 6% growth over all and in the categories that we are in grow between 10% or 14%.


CEOCFO: Is it that more people are buying more items or that you are in more locations; why is the growth happening?

Dr. Tsengas: When I first entered this market I had started about six other companies prior to starting OurPet’s, and they were in polymers, electronics, and high-tech type of things. When I visited the first pet trade show back in 1995 all I saw was leashes and rawhide bones and plastic dishes and stuff like that. The industry was lacking in terms of technology and innovation. So I saw this as a tremendous opportunity to combine a knowledge about pets, their evolution, their behavior, their nutritional needs, along with some high-technology in polymers, elastomers, and electronics, then use this technology to fill the needs of the pets, the pet owners, and the retailers. Since 1995 during the last fifteen years there has been a tremendous dynamic change in the distribution of the pet industry, as it has gone from family-owned pet stores and distributors to during the 1990’s the entry of the super pet stores like PetSmart and Petco. By the way, PetSmart when we first started working with them back in 1995, they had only about 250 stores. Today they have 1250 and they are still growing. You had the tremendous growth in the specialty stores and subsequent to that in the early 2000s you had the entry of the discount people like Wal-Mart, in a big way. So you have big dynamism in the pet industry and the level of sophistication in technology. People are finding out that innovation sells, so you find that not only the low-cost items are more sophisticated, but there are more higher priced products that people are willing to spend on for their pets especially dogs.


CEOCFO: Why should potential investors pick OurPet’s?

Dr. Tsengas: You don’t have a tremendous number of publicly traded pet companies in the United States, so if people are looking for a pure-play in terms of the pet industry to be part of its growth they should consider OurPet’s. We have grown from a start-up in 1995 where last year we reported close to about $15 million in revenue and we see some tremendous growth ahead of us. If people are looking for a pure-play, in other words in a company that has proprietary products, which gives them an opportunity to participate in this very healthy growing industry; OurPet’s gives them that opportunity. Most of the other publicly-owned companies are retailers like PetSmart and so on are big retailers, where we are one of the few companies that have a proprietary line of products.


CEOCFO: What might investors miss about OurPet’s that they should understand?

Dr. Tsengas: Our symbol is OPCO and if they go to our website, www.ourpets.com, I think they will be quite impressed with what they see of the whole line of products and the history of our company. We do have an investor location where they can get a tremendous amount of financial information to make a decision about our company. The main thing is I think of our company as kind of the old type of a scale, like you see with justice. Especially if you are a public company you are always trying to keep it in dollars between growth and reporting short-term profits and revenue. So you are always trying to make decisions, in other words there is tremendous opportunity for growth in our industry. We are a company that has invested very heavily in intellectual properties, as I mentioned we have over a hundred patents issued or pending. We introduced at the Global Pet Exposition last March, close to 150 new products. Right now we have under development some major products that will change the trend again in the industry. We were the ones that introduced the squeaking sound-type of products, and we introduced the elevated feeding. This has been our history, of being an innovative trend-setter in the pet industry. So all this development and building the company for growth, hiring people before the sales develop, expanding, putting in the computerized informational systems; all of these cost money, but you need to do this if you are going to continue growing at the kind of growth at 20% to 25%, which is our goal. The people that want to invest in our company should realize that we are a growth company and we aren’t going to be necessarily putting these very big earnings per share numbers to the bottom line right now, because our objective here is to grow the company and gain market share so that we can be a $40 to $50 million company in five years.


CEOCFO: In closing, most of the pet stores are now pet friendly stores; what is the policy at OurPet’s?

Dr. Tsengas: Here at the company we encourage our employees and associates to bring pets in. My secretary right outside my door has a French Poodle. He waits and greets me at the front door and will not stop until he gets his daily treat. We have dogs all over the place!


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The people that buy our products are the owners of 93 million cats in the United States, and 85 million dog owners. Buy the way, about 64% of American homes have a pet, and about 30% to 40% of these homes have a cat or a dog or multiple pets. We have a huge marketplace that has grown from about $16 billion in 1995 in sales to about $45 billion in sales this past year. Our products by the way are sold everywhere. Some well-known customers of ours include PetSmart, Petco, Pet Supplies Plus. They are in grocery chains for example Publix supermarkets in the southeast part of the United States. They are in Wal-Mart and Kmart; they are in the Army and Air Force exchanges including the Navy Exchange. They are in catalogs like Dr. Foster and Smith, and frequently we are on QVC. We sell through multiple channels including over seas where we have about eighteen foreign distributors. - Dr. Steven Tsengas, Ph.D.

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