Hemp Americana


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October 26, 2015 Issue

The Most Powerful Name In Corporate News and Information


Unrefined Pure Hemp Products that include Smoking Papers and Infused Energy Superfood Drinks



Salvadore Rosillo



Hemp Americana




Salvadore Rosillo

212-349-7068 & 212-723-5237



Interview conducted by:

Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor, CEO/CFO Magazine, Published – October 26, 2015


CEOCFO: Mr. Rosillo. What Is The Idea behind Hemp Americana?

Mr. Rosillo: Marijuana has many forms, Hemp/Cannabis/Marijuana. Same plant, different growing conditions resulting on different products and different applications, some of the newer staring, such as Charlotte's Web, Harlequin, Raphael, are strains that have been developed as CBD dominant strains. Others such as Hemp can be used for construction materials and for very long and strong fibers which are recovered from the bark of the Hemp stalk, used to produce all sort of textiles. Someone said that there are more than 25,000 uses for the marijuana plant in all it forms. I have not count them, so take it with a grain of salt. The Fibers of the Hemp plant are extremely strong, can replace tree cutting, and cotton growing which need so much water and needs all sorts of chemical pesticides and herbicides, etc, Marijuana is a true blessing to humanity and to agriculture and has been used by humans for many Millenia. Until 70 years ago when it was declared illegal due to Greed and avarice and political corruption, it was made illegal bringing misery  and pain to millions of people all over the world, even today the jails are full of Marijuana convicts, some say more than a million people in USA jails, as of right now. Because of misguided corrupt laws, marijuana was demonized by the petroleum and Plastics Lobbies. They never gave a Damn about the people that would be hurt! They focused their Attention in making Marijuana illegal, but their real target was Hemp which has no THC, but, as it turns out it contains CBD Oil very helpful with Epilepsy and Spasms. This type of Political Action Philosophy, has brought us to the XXI century, Where much of the environment has been destroyed in the name of progress... When I grew up, before DDT, one could drink from any river or lake, now is not even safe to swim great progress. Yeah! Originally the whole country was covered from coast to coast, with Wild Marijuana. Therefore, they tried to eradicate and make it illegal. It was difficult process considering that only the ones using Marijuana were the forever DISSED American-Mexicans and Mexicans and the Jazz Musicians. It was not until the 1960's that the mainstream begun using Marijuana for health and pleasure.


CEOCFO: How are you approaching the hemp situation today?

Mr. Rosillo: Today Hemp/Marijuana/Cannabis are part and parcel of the overall idea of creating and living in a GREEN WORLD. Get away from the insane idea that "GOD", placed us Humans on the Earth to exploit, use and misused everything here! Both Flora and Fauna and each other and the Earth itself through destructive mining techniques. Some of the animals that shit where they eat, are riches and Humans, If we are so advanced and enlighten, why are we still spilling poisons, radioactivity, etc, Willy-Neely... In the 1960's there was the Viet Nam war, a Conflict they called it, 2 million deaths, some conflict! But, there was also the opening up of many people’s consciousness, sufficient enough to make a change in our culture, a change which lead to the creation of a number of Green organizations, which have been fighting ever since for the creation of a green world. Therefore now there is an opening again, this time is a whole paradigm shift, 70 plus years in coming! It is here now! Now Marijuana will help us achieve, the desired sustainable Green World.HempAmericana.com HMPQ, is positioned at the forefront of this coming transformation. When people set their thinking as an immutable object, it becomes difficult to change your mind, set in concrete, but, in reality one can change their whole life in an instant! But, Usually change is dismissed  and rejected off hand.70 years of officially distorted ,demonized lies brainwashed countless people, a lot of them, fell prey to the official lies, some of them might find it to painful to change. Old beliefs, old customs, old habits............


CEOCFO: What will be different about our next products?

Mr. Rosillo: Our line of Hemp Smoking Papers will expand, to include different sizes and pre rolled Cones. They will be Unrefined and Unpolished Pure Hemp products. We also Have The CBD OLEUM in drops and eventually inside all sorts of products. We are also developing the 'MAMACOCA" line of infused energy superfood drinks, which will not pump you full of sugars or any other acidic stimulants.


CEOCFO: Are you funded for the next round or are you seeking investment?

Mr. Rosillo: For The immediate future, we are funded. But, we are also looking for the right type of investor for our company. Recently we were part of the companies seeking Marijuana Dispensary Licenses in New York. Problem was that out of 43 applicants, only 5 licenses were granted, we miss it by a hair. We were only 2 places away from approval, the NY State government, has implied that 2016 they might give out more licenses. The med Marijuana is very restrictive in New York State. We will be there for the second round.


CEOCFO: Why pay attention to HempAmericana.com today?

Mr. Rosillo: One of the reason to pay attention to HMPQ----HempAmericana.com today is, because we are a tightly held company, very few shares are available for sale, at this moment, As I mentioned before, we are in the midst of a Paradigm Shift. Our next product is CBD OLEUM, and CBD oils are very good in improving general bio-electric conductivity in our bodies. Hemp Americana is committed to develop and distribute totally green products, which will help maintain the health of our environment and all its inhabitants.


“We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in our society and globally… Legalization of Marijuana/Hemp/Cannabis Products for Medicinal/Industrial/Recreational uses are poised to replace Tree cutting for papers uses, by Hemp and many, many other uses.”- Salvadore Rosillo


Hemp Americana




Salvadore Rosillo

212-349-7068 & 212-723-5237







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Hemp Products, Hemp Americana, CEO Interviews 2015, Salvadore Rosillo, Unrefined Pure Hemp Products that include Smoking Papers and Infused Energy Superfood Drinks, hemp hearts, seeds, oil, rolling paper, hemp chocolate candy, hemp products wholesale, retailers, CBD Oil, CBD OLEUM, totally green hemp products, Recent CEO Interviews, Hemp Americana Press Release, News, Companies looking for venture capital, Angel Investors, private companies looking for investors, healthcare companies seeking investors, hemp products companies needing investment capital


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