Gamedayr Media Network, LLC.


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April 6, 2015 Issue

The Most Powerful Name In Corporate News and Information


BlueHat Marketing guides Gamedayr Media Network through Google Panda Update



Interviews with: Anthony Campanella

President & COO – Advertising Operations


Gamedayr Media Network, LLC.


Interview conducted by:

Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor, CEOCFO Magazine, Published – April 6, 2015


CEOCFO: What is Gamedyr?

Mr. Campanella: Gamedayr Media Network started in 2011 as a college sports travel guide. We made a pivot into the publishing side of online sports in mid 2012. We had to keep up with traffic and make sure that we are getting fresh content out. Over the past few years, we have grown from a staff of one to almost ten and we continue to publish not only on our site but we have  affiliate deals with Fox Sports and Yardbarker Network. We are constantly trying to evolve the product into one of the best publishing platforms out there.


CEOCFO: What is your relationship with BlueHat Marketing?

Mr. Campanella: Like many people, we were affected gravely by the Panda update that Google had. We realized that if we were going to continue to grow, we needed to find a company and in this case, a partner, to help us get out of this Panda trap. Google updated their algorithms and wiped out much of our content as well as lowering our page authority. We did a Google search and BlueHat came up on the top of the searches, as being one of the top ten SEO companies in Canada, having a portfolio with the background on some of the stuff that we covered; online publishing. We reached out to their team and we went through a week long process of going back and forth and discussing what we were trying to accomplish. They put together an awesome plan of attack and we have been working with them ever since.


CEOCFO: When BlueHat was talking with you, what surprised you about what they asked or looked at to really get to the heart of the situation?

Mr. Campanella: They identified where we currently were with our content team and talked to us about our willingness to make some changes that, at first, we were not really planning on doing. For example, we had some content that we covered that is more social media based and it was a big chunk of what we were actually producing. They were very clear that if we wanted this to work, we would have to make some changes as far as how we approach the content. At first that was kind of scary but they also went step by step and explained to us that it is not about changing the entire direction of our company, but just to make it better. The fact that they put so much time in explaining what we would need to do before we would even sign an agreement made me feel very comfortable working with them.


CEOCFO: What is your relationship today? Are you still working through the complications relating to the Panda Update?

Mr. Campanella: We are still working through it. We have been with them for about two months now and we are already seeing an increase in traffic, but we still have a long way to go as far as our home page optimization. There is a great deal that needs to be done on our end. I would say the relationship has been great. We literally email or Skype them two or three times a day and they get back to us within, at the most, a few hours unless it is a holiday. Even in that case, we will hear from them within four hours. BlueHat Marketing is very attentive to us and even though they have a ton of different clients, they make us feel like we are the only one. That is really important especially with SEO because they are the professionals and we do not know a fraction of what they know. We are depending on them to get us to where we need to go. They do a very good of communicating, getting back to us and making sure that we understand everything that is happening from point A to point B, which I feel many companies do not do anymore.


CEOCFO: Why choose BlueHat Marketing?

Mr. Campanella: If you are looking for a professional company and not just some person that says they know SEO, you need to at least give BlueHat a chance at their project. I looked at probably 15 other SEO companies that were supposedly legitimate companies, before hiring BlueHat. They knocked my socks off with their knowledge, plan and attention to detail. If you have an SEO project, give BlueHat a chance to look at if before you make any other choices.

Interviews with:
Online Marketing Services
BlueHat Marketing
Fadi Azba, CEO


“BlueHat Marketing is very attentive to us and even though they have a ton of different clients, they make us feel like we are the only one. That is really important especially with SEO because they are the professionals and we do not know a fraction of what they know. We are depending on them to get us to where we need to go.”- Anthony Campanella


Gamedayr Media Network, LLC.

Gamedayr Media Network, LLC.
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Online Publishers, College Sports, Gamedayr Media Network, LLC., CEO Interviews 2015, Anthony Campanella, BlueHat Marketing guides Gamedayr Media Network through Google Panda Update, Online Marketing Services, Marketing Companies, SEOs, Canada, Search Engine Optimization, PPC, pay-per-click, social media, results measured by calls, leads, walk in traffic, and sales, marketing for small businesses, to mid-size companies and larger nationwide firms in a wide range of industries, Business Services Companies does not purchase or make
recommendation on stocks based on the interviews published.