BlueHat Marketing


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March 23, 2015 Issue

The Most Powerful Name In Corporate News and Information


Online Marketing Services


Fadi Azba



BlueHat Marketing


Interview conducted by:

Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor, CEOCFO Magazine, Published – March 23, 2015


CEOCFO: Mr. Azba, what is the vision and philosophy of BlueHat?

Mr. Azba: We are committed to excellence in everything we do. BlueHat Marketing is dedicated to delivering the highest level of digital marketing services. We choose the best team, the best technologies, and the best techniques to carry out our vision: which is to provide outstanding services year after year, and grow in new markets around the world.


CEOCFO: When you speak with a company initially what is the key to understanding what they want and need?

Mr. Azba: Clarity in communication and asking the right questions is above all. Based on our experience with different types of businesses, we ask questions to help us understand our client’s main goals. To that end, we tailor a strategy with the right blend of services to achieve these goals. The key is our straightforward and streamlined approach – we don’t overwhelm people with technical language or the numerous online advertising services available: SEO, PPC, social media, etc. that they may or may not need. Generally speaking, business owners are interested in results: calls, leads, walk in traffic, and sales.


CEOCFO: How do you build a dynamic program for a company that works today but six months down the line if Google changes their algorithms it will work as well? How do you incorporate the future while you are building something that works best today?

Mr. Azba: First off, we abide by Google’s guidelines and best practices at all times. We’re always on top of the latest algorithm changes and adjust fairly quickly to new requirements. In general, what Google does through these updates is fight spammy sites and shady SEO practices that attempt to manipulate search results. So keeping in mind that Google wants what’s best for their users, we design our campaigns to bring something of value to our clients’ audiences. We research and write excellent content that will help establish our clients’ websites as authoritative sources in their niche. That means the site and its content will naturally be worthy of top ranks in Google’s search results.


CEOCFO: What types of companies typically come to you for help?

Mr. Azba: Everything from small businesses, to mid-size companies and larger nationwide firms in a wide range of industries. Some are independent professionals and others are larger corporations. Basically, in today’s market, it’s essential for every business to establish a good competitive online presence with tried and tested campaigns that really bring in a positive ROI.


CEOCFO: Are there particular parts of Canada where you are not as strong as you would like to be or where you see growth?

Mr. Azba: I’m very happy with our progress across Canada in general. We’ve been able to establish a strong, steady growth across the country with many different types of businesses from coast to coast. Actually, this progress has allowed us to penetrate the US market earlier than expected at this stage.


CEOCFO: Would you tell us about what you think of working in the US?

Mr. Azba: It’s a very competitive market, which is really challenging and exciting. It’s a challenge because bigger investment needs to go into our own advertising, client acquisition programs, physical locations, and so on. But it’s very exciting to help businesses in the U.S. get a fair share of their online market and watch their brand grow year after year.


CEOCFO: Are there differences in how you would design for a US or Canadian market?

Mr. Azba: Definitely. The U.S market is not only competitive for us but for our clients as well. This entails very strong market research and competitive analysis. We always want our clients to shine among their competition, so we often need to invest more time in to the creative part of the campaigns, and carefully allocate budgets across the services. As for SEO, much more work is involved when more sites are competing for the top 10, 5 or 3 positions in search results. Google pay-per-click is also much more expensive, and with a given budget, we have to be careful with our bidding strategies, ad copy, landing pages, and the overall website conversion optimization process.


CEOCFO: When a company comes to you are they aware of the integrity of your offering or is it more that they are pleasantly surprised when they realize they have a company that has their best interest at heart?

Mr. Azba: Both. Normally in the case of a business to business engagement, companies do their due diligence and do expect the highest level of service based on our track record. However, shortly after we have gotten into the process, our clients are pleasantly surprised by how far we’ve actually surpassed their expectations and how much we truly care about their success. It is always a very exciting journey to watch a plan come to life with great results.


CEOCFO: Are there services you offer that are not getting as much attention as you think they should?

Mr. Azba: Yes, there are some services we’d like to see gain more traction, but our clients’ needs dictate what services need to be in place to achieve the best results. Basically, if one of our services does not bring value to the campaign, we won’t offer it. For example, our SEO, pay-per-click management, and web design services make up the highest percentages of our revenue stream, whereas we don’t see much demand for video production - at least not yet.


CEOCFO: What has surprised you as BlueHat has grown and developed?

Mr. Azba: The most surprising thing to me is how fast we grew across Canada, and the traction we gained in a fairly short period of time. I’m surprised and excited by just how much growth we’ve helped businesses achieve since we started.


CEOCFO: BlueHat has been recognized as a top SEO in Canada. Why choose BlueHat Marketing?

Mr. Azba: We are dedicated and persistent in achieving our clients’ goals. Through our service we contribute to the bottom line of a large variety of businesses – no matter the size or nature of your company, you’ll find success and a high ROI. We’ve mastered the planning, executing and precise measurement of online advertising campaigns to get you the most out of your investment.

Interview with:

BlueHat Marketing guides Gamedayr Media Network through Google Panda Update

Gamedayr Media Network, LLC.

Anthony Campanella, President & COO – Advertising Operations


“The key is our straightforward and streamlined approach… We are dedicated and persistent in achieving our clients’ goals.”
- Fadi Azba


BlueHat Marketing

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Online Marketing Services, BlueHat Marketing, Marketing, SEOs, Canada, CEO Interviews 2015, Fadi Azba, Digital Marketing Agency, Canadian digital marketing group, global online marketing company, SEO, Search Engine Optimization, PPC, pay-per-click, social media, results measured by calls, leads, walk in traffic, and sales, marketing for small businesses, to mid-size companies and larger nationwide firms in a wide range of industries, search engine optimization, Business Services Companies, Recent CEO Interviews, we abide by Google’s guidelines and best practices at all times, we are always on top of the latest algorithm changes and adjust fairly quickly to new requirements, we research and write excellent content that will help establish our clients’ websites as authoritative sources in their niche, establish a good competitive online presence with tried and tested campaigns that really bring in a positive ROI, we have to be careful with our bidding strategies, ad copy, landing pages, and the overall website conversion optimization process, BlueHat Marketing Press Releases, News, Business Services Stock, Companies looking for venture capital, Angel Investors, private companies looking for investors, business services companies seeking investors, online marketing companies needing investment capital, bluehat marketing twitter, facebook, linked, google plus does not purchase or make
recommendation on stocks based on the interviews published.