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Augus 1, 2016 Issue



Digital Marketing Agency providing Branding, Web Development, Mobile and Digital Communications with a focus on Innovation, Technology and Campaign Partnerships designed to Increase Reach and Lower Costs



Pia Celestino





Interview conducted by:

Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor, CEOCFO Magazine


CEOCFO: Ms. Celestino, what is the basic idea and vision at Crea7ive?

Ms. Celestino: We started as a web design company in 2006. Today, we also help clients with their branding, positioning and strategy. However, because of our tech background, everything we do is tied to technology. One of the most innovative things that we are doing right now is help our clients maximize their budgets for marketing and reach through the use of programmatic ads and partnerships with other technology companies.


CEOCFO: Would you give us an example of how that works?

Ms. Celestino: Sure, let’s say Wendy’s LATAM, which is one of our clients, is launching restaurants in a new country. On the other hand we have partners like Samsung Gear VR, the virtual reality glasses Samsung has just launched, or gaming companies like Rovio, the makers of Angry Birds. What we do is create an opportunity so that both companies can collaborate.
If one is trying to open up a new market and the other is launching a new product into that market, we can then design a promotion within a game or immersive experience that benefits both of them.


CEOCFO: How do you reach out to companies as potential clients?

Ms. Celestino: The answer to that question is always changing. We do get a great many of our clients through referrals. We have been fortunate to have been recommended by our clients over-and-over again, which has enabled us to reach companies like Wendy’s and others. We started the company small and have grown organically.
In addition, any public speaking opportunities that we are offered, we take advantage of. We are very involved in the local community, so we have organized events for startups and entrepreneurs in Miami. This is one of the ways that we get the word out and people get to know us. I like that form of business, because people get to know you for who you are and know how it will be like working with you.


CEOCFO: What do you look at perhaps others may not think of as important when putting together a campaign or project?

Ms. Celestino: We try to look at everything from the market and what they are trying to sell. Our difference is that we are always thinking of how we can innovate. We ask ourselves the question, “How can we make it different?” or “tap into some kind of innovation?”
That innovation may come in the form of something that may surprise the audience or an innovative way to present the product or brand. For example, Burger King just launched a burger with a blood bread for Halloween, which was huge in the media. The product was tweaked to make a big impact.


CEOCFO: How do you stay ahead of new technologies and trends in technology and media?

Ms. Celestino: That is part of our job. When you are working in technology you need to be aware of what’s new, as what was big five years ago, may be completely obsolete today.
I personally dedicate one or two hours of my day to read, research and learn about other innovative companies and people who are working on new things. This is how we stay on top of the latest tech to then implement it into our campaigns. For example, five years ago we were doing a project for a company using augmented reality. Back then very few people knew about augmented reality, and now everyone is using it with apps like snapchat or pokemon go, although it continues to be something really new. Augmented reality and virtual reality are two things that are becoming hot right now, as well as 3D printing. We are always looking for those things that will give us an edge.


CEOCFO: Are clients turning to you because they understand that you are on the cutting edge or more surprised to find out after engaging with you?

Ms. Celestino: It depends on the profile of the client and who they were recommended by. We do work with many financial companies that do not have a great deal of room for crazy ideas, and we like to surprise people. However, they may just want to be found and want us to do something innovative to get people's’ attention.


CEOCFO: What is next for the company? What do you see a year from now?

Ms. Celestino: We have a couple of goals that we want to achieve. We are currently planning a big technology event in Miami, with 5,000 people. It would be around technology and gaming, especially for the Latin American market, since it is one of the biggest ones when it comes to entertainment. This is mainly because people go to everything as families, so instead of having one or two people, you would have four people at one time and consume more. Another big thing for me personally, is everything that has to do with sustainability. One of the projects that we are working on right now is to dedicate a portion of the company to the design and consulting around sustainable product design. If we have a client that is launching a new computer of a new cell phone (or anything really), then we can help them design that product using the most sustainable and affordable ways to make it friendlier with the environment. That is very important to me living in Miami, which is a city that will be most affected in the next 20 to 50 years. We will also continue with improving technology and running campaigns.


CEOCFO: Put it all together for our readers. Why choose Crea7ive?

Ms. Celestino: It is a very competitive industry. Why I think our clients choose is a combination of different reasons. Number one is that we are very focused on quality, we provide the best. We also offer very personalized service, which is one of the reasons our clients always recommend us. We are very dedicated. And on the service end, we do things differently. We do not go through the same paths as everyone else. We look at things from a different angle. This is why even though we are a smaller agency, we are able to have that edge and get attention to compete with the big guys – we innovate in everything that we do.

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“We look at things from a different angle. This is why even though we are a smaller agency, we are able to have that edge and get attention to compete with the big guys – we innovate in everything that we do.”- Pia Celestino





Pia Celestino   

866-90-1657 ext 201


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