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November 14, 2008 Issue

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October 17, 2008
Technology, Exploration, Financial, Energy & Healthcare


Seamless Corporation (SMWF-OTC: BB)

“Seamless has gone through a transition from a service industry provider, providing Wi-Fi to the hospitality industries, which we ceased in June of this year. We are concentrating on our hardware and software products, which we are now attempting to bring to market currently.” - Albert R. Reda

September 19, 2008
Exploration, Consumer Goods, Healthcare, Services, Financial, Technology, Energy, Mining & Veterinary Vaccines


Houston Lake Mining Inc. (HLM-TSXV)
“We hope people would remember that our success to date is predicated upon early positioning in the right commodity sectors with the right projects. The next six to twelve months should provide lots of exploration activity and results which are key steps in building toward Houston Lake’s strategic goal of gold production at West Cedartree.” - E. Grayme Anthony, P.Geo. F.G.A.C., M.B.A

Consumer Goods
Textile – Apparel Footwear & Accessories

Tandy Leather Factory Inc. (TLF-AMEX)
“Our conservative management style has paid off for us as we have more cash than we ever have in the history of our company, with very little debt. I think that is a good position to be in and we will continue to operate that way. As a result, the farthest thought from our minds is whether or not we will be able to keep the doors open. I wish that was true for some of the retailers who have made headlines recently with their bankruptcy filings.” - Ms. Shannon L. Greene

Biotechnology & Drugs

Vical Incorporated (VICL-NASDAQ)
“We are developing a product which grows blood vessels, so you need to make sure that those blood vessels grow only locally. Not elsewhere. So far, the uniqueness of our technology has been that it has the ability to express growth factor proteins locally for a limited period of time, and our partner has not seen any safety issues so far. The proof of the pudding is that they applied for approval in Japan. It will go through a very critical review with the Japanese regulatory authority, which is very stringent. If it gets approved then they have obviously looked at all the safety aspects. So, I can sit here and tell you the drug is safe, but the ultimate answer to that question is approval in Japan.” - Vijay B. Samant

August 22, 2008
Financial, Technology, Basic Materials, Healthcare, Alternative Infrastructure, Consumer Goods & Energy

Regional – Southwest Banks

First State Bancorporation (FSNM-NASDAQ)

“To sum it up, this is a very challenging banking environment. Our CEO and I have been through much tougher markets in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, so what we see right now are not necessarily challenges as much as opportunities. We have an outstanding group of people to work with in our organization from senior management right down to the front lines; we are very proud of our people and their ability to get the job done. We are confident that they are going to help us be very successful over the next several years. We will work through this current tough environment, and provide some very nice returns for our shareholders and great long-term results both for our employees and our shareholders.” - H. Patrick Dee

Regional – Southwest Banks
Analyst Interview Covering: First State Bancorporation (FSNM-NASDAQ)
Peyton N. Green, Senior Analyst, Financial Institutions Group, FTN Midwest Securities Corp.

“First State Bancorporation is buy-rated given a discounted valuation approximating 65% of tangible book value and our belief that the Company will get past its recent credit quality woes and return the franchise to solid profitability and strong EPS growth. Based on our analysis, we believe that the economy in New Mexico will be stronger than most expect. Also, the Colorado economy should outperform the national economy.” - Peyton N. Green

Business Software & Services

Intelli-Check – Mobilisa, Inc. (IDN-AMEX)

“Given, that Intelli-Check focused on the commercial market, while Mobilisa focused on the government and military, made it an easy fit. Mobilisa was doing very well with healthy increases each year in revenue and was profitable. Intelli-Check however, was not profitable. We saw how we could combine two companies for the best of both worlds.” - Nelson Ludlow, PhD

August 8, 2008
Energy, Technology, Services, Mining & Basic Materials

Oil & Gas Exploration

Analyst Interview Featuring: Highpine Oil & Gas Limited (HPX-TSX)
Kim Page, Director – Energy Research
Wellington West Capital Markets, Inc.

“The area is a massive reef complex containing numerous large light oil and gas pools. The initial discovery in the oil prone portion of the resource trend was approximately 8 years ago, and there have been over 30 new pools discovered since. It was the advent of technology and the refinement of 3D seismic imaging of these Nisku pools that has increased Highpine’s discovery success rate to over 60%.” - Kim Page

July 11, 2008
Consumer Goods, Energy, Mining, Technology, Services & Healthcare

Consumer Goods
Auto Parts

ATC Technology Corporation (ATAC-NASDAQ)

“We have a great group of investors now and we are looking for more opportunities to talk to people who are interested in our story; it is one of significant organic growth, very good returns from our ROI capital point of view, and profitable growth. We have very good margins as you can see from our financials. We are excited about continuing that progress as we move toward our three-year target of $750 million. Just organic growth alone has been an opportunity for us in tactical acquisitions. I think we have a winning story going forward.” - Donald T. Johnson Jr.

“Let’s start with our name, because our name doesn’t engender a quick understanding of what we are. People that might have overlooked us in the past, think about us as being ahttp://ceocfojournals.com distribution parts company and maybe doing some transmission remanufacturing. We would like people to focus on the fact that our logistics business, which is high return on invested capital (more than double that of our Drivetrain business), is a high growth, low capital intensive business. It has more than tripled under our leadership in the last four years and we expect it to continue to grow at high rates into the future. Note: Since this interview, the Company has changed its name to ATC Technology Corporation to better reflect who it is today.” - Todd R. Peters

Consumer Goods
Auto Parts

Analyst Interview Covering:
ATC Technology Corporation (ATAC-NASDAQ)
Craig R. Kennisonm, Senior Research Analyst
Robert W. Baird

“Historically, ATC was almost exclusively in the business of remanufacturing transmissions – so it fit well within our automotive list. Today, more than half its revenue comes from its logistics business – yet many investors still see ATC as an automotive play. As this perception changes, we think the valuation will improve.” - Craig R. Kennison

Oil & Gas Exploration

Highpine Oil & Gas Limited (HPX-TSX)

As A Consolidator, Highpine Oil & Gas Is The Dominant Player In Both Land And Facilities In The High Productivity Pembina Nisku Fairway In Central Alberta, Canada.

June 27, 2008
Basic Materials, Financial, Technology, Communication, Services & Healthcare

Basic Materials
American Pacific Corporation (AMPAC) (APFC-NASDAQ)

“Investors should pay attention because we are in three areas where I believe the future of America is. There is no question that healthcare is a key to all of this. We are participating in sophisticated chemicals that are used to treat difficult diseases and that will become even more important in the future. As for aerospace equipment, I think the future is in space. It may sound corny but what Columbus looked at 600 years ago and wanted to cross the unknown ocean is today space and the practical use of space. Satellites are incredible; the ability to be out in the middle of the ocean and talk to somebody on land without having to worry about a radio signal is amazing and that is the area that we focus on. Special chemicals is a very sound business and we have a reliable one. You have two areas out of three where there is growth and importance in American business generally and a third one that is stable and provides the platform for the company to maintain its performance. This year, we anticipate and have given guidance of $195 million and it wasn’t very long ago that we were only doing somewhere between 60 and $70 million. That is my view; I hope it can continue, there is no guarantee ever but I think it is a good story.” - John R. Gibson

May 30, 2008
Healthcare, Financial, Industrial Goods & Technology

Medical Appliances & Equipment

Accuray Incorporated (ARAY-NASDAQ)

“If you are a patient, you should remember that Accuray’s CyberKnife is an alternative to surgery. It’s a non-invasive, painless out-patient procedure. The Cyberknife can treat inoperable tumors, and even if operable, you don’t want to cut open the patient, crack open their rib cage, and deflate their lungs in order to treat a lung tumor or invasively treat a tumor that is wrapped around the spine. It may be inoperable in that case.  Our technology offers the means to deliver high doses of radiation with pinpoint precision sub-millimeter accuracy from hundreds of different angles such that, you can hit the tumor but not damage healthy tissue and nearby critical structures surrounding the tumor. That is the real beauty and elegance of the technology.” - Robert E. McNamara

Hot Water Heating

Analyst interview covering: Sofame Technologies Inc. (SDW-TSXV)

Paul J. Resnik, CFA, Dutton Associates

“This is a ‘now’ solution to these problems, not just a ‘this is an exciting technology that in five years will be wonderful.’ This is a true solution that we can utilize now to reduce creation of greenhouse gases and reduce energy use. It is a very exciting story and I really believe that now that the company is putting together the operational, financial and sales management it has always needed. We are going to be hearing a lot more about Sofame in the very near future.” - Paul J. Resnik, CFA, Dutton Associates

May 16, 2008
Technology, Financial, Mining, Services, Energy & Healthcare

Hot Water Heating

Sofame Technologies Inc. (SDW-TSXV)

“We rewrote the ORG CHART, readjusted the salaries, replaced all the servers, brought in modern engineering technology - we are designing in three dimensions now while we used to design in two - and all that has been done in the last six months. These have been big changes for the organization to absorb, and we also changed the way we are marketing the product in the US.” - John Gocek

Regional – Northeast Banks

Bridge Bancorp, Inc. (BDGE-NASDAQ®/OTC: BB)

“If you look at our returns over the years, we have always exceeded our peer groups on returns on equity and assets. We operate in a market place that is somewhat insulated from the general economy, because of the wealth that this area attracts. We have demonstrated successful steady growth. We are also poised to take advantage of market opportunities created by the consolidations in the banking industry creating mega banks. We have grown judiciously adding branches to create a strong network within the communities here. We feel we are a preferred employer, attracting the best and brightest people. I am excited about the future for this organization, because we have such a strong past to build on. The numbers that we produced in the 1st Quarter are certainly indicative of strength as we actually had earnings growth.” - Kevin M. O’Connor


Money Manager Interview Covering:
Eurocontrol Technics Inc. (EUO-TSX: V)
James Guiang, Senior Portfolio Manager, Managing Director
Millennium Global Natural Resources Fund

Offering What Could Be An Industry Standard Hydrocarbon Marking Technology For National And International Companies Identifying Their Products Is Giving Eurocontrol Exceptional High-Growth Potential

May 2, 2008
Energy Security, Services, Technology, Basic Materials, Healthcare & Financial


Eurocontrol Technics Inc. (EUO-TSX:V)

“Our technology called Petromark™ was developed for the purpose of combating the financing of terrorism and organized crime amongst other things. The illicit trade of oil and gas, which is a problem that results in losses between 100 and $200 billion a year, to oil companies and governments, is also one of the primary sources of funding for terrorism. Many oil companies are becoming much more proactive on the subject of protecting their brands. Certainly, nobody wishes to be seen as complacent about terrorism and the financing of organized crime. This is a novel technology, significantly better than what is available from others. There are three important distinguishing factors to our technology, firstly we do not have to take the fuel sample to a lab, we take the lab to the fuel. Which is to say, we have a mobile laboratory, that is an ISO accredited laboratory, 17025 accredited, which is the highest lab accreditation you can receive. - W. Bruce Rowlands

April 18, 2008
Industrial Goods, Consumer Products, Healthcare, Basic Materials, Utilities & Mining

Industrial Goods
Waste Management

ThermoEnergy Corp. (TMEN-OTC: BB)

“A recent milestone that really altered the entire dynamic here at ThermoEnergy was the acquisition of CASTion Corporation. CASTion is a 25-year old, award winning company based in Worcester, MA, that manufactures custom-designed, turnkey water treatment technologies  with approximately 150 industrial systems operating in the US, Canada, Mexico and Japan. With the acquisition ThermoEnergy has gone from a virtual company with only ten employees and three technologies to approximately forty people and forty clean water process systems. We are also developing an advanced power plant design that improves plant efficiency and includes carbon capture. The company has changed almost 180% since we started; however, our original vision is still there for cost-effective and environmentally responsible solutions for waste-water treatment. It is just that our market has developed into many markets now.” - Dennis Cossey

Consumer Products
Automotive Aftermarket

Steadfast Holdings Group, Inc. (STHG-OTCPK)

“Our vision for the next 12-18 months is to extend our brand out and the game plan is to extend the brand out through licensees. Steadfast is a three-part company. Number one we are a commercial coating company. We coat bridges; we do a lot of military work, a lot of metal reinforcement. The second half of it, is we have an automotive store and we do spray on bed liners and we sell a variety of parts and accessories. The third part is licensees. We currently opened up two stores in Florida that are our first two licensees and we project to open up another 30-50 more within the 12-18 month period.” - John Calash

March 21, 2008
Energy, Utilities, Mining, Industrial Goods, Services, Financial, Healthcare, Technology & Consumer Goods

Renewable Energy

Western GeoPower Corp. (WGP-TSXV)

“Western GeoPower has been quietly building up the project in California first of all as a 25 megawatt size project and over the past five months we have extended the leasehold from six hundred acres to a thousand acres which now enables us to increase the capacity up to 35 megawatts. That is one reason why the project value in California has appreciated over the past few months. Other factors to consider are the power prices in California has increased approximately 13% over the past twelve months which makes our project even more valuable than it was when we started the feasibility report over a year and a half ago. We are looking at expanding within California and other countries and we have been aggressive in identifying projects in these various jurisdictions so that our shareholders will be able to participate not just in one project in Canada and one in California but numerous projects in various market segments in three or four areas throughout the world.” - Kenneth MacLeod

February 22, 2008
Financial, Mining, Basic Materials, Industrial Goods, Services, Technology, Water Products & Healthcare

Savings & Loans

Naugatuck Valley Financial Corp. (NVSL-NASDAQ)

“In 2004, we reorganized Naugatuck Valley Savings and Loan, which was originally established in 1922 as a mutual savings and loan association into a stock bank with a mutual holding company structure then we formed Naugatuck Valley Financial Corporation as the mid-tier holding company. In 2006, we opened de novo branches in Southbury, Waterbury and Cheshire, Connecticut. We have grown now to $461 million in assets as of the end of 2007, and have become a more formidable competitor in our marketplace.” - John C. Roman

January 11, 2008

Healthcare, Metals/Mining, Semiconductor Specialized, Conglomerates, Services, Security Technology & Financial


Cyplasin Biomedical Ltd. (CYPL-OTC: BB)

“The vision of the founding members of the company is to work within the cancer field and to develop therapeutic products therein. That vision stemmed from the discovery of a protein isolated from a sea organism called the Sea Hare (Aplysia Punctata). This protein was found to have high therapeutic effect and activity in its various forms of cancer cell lines. From there we proceeded to perform the proof of concept studies and the company and the vision was born from there.” - Garth Likes

Gold & Silver Exploration
Nayarit Gold Inc. (NYG-TSXV)
“On Value and Vision, we believe at current share prices we are undervalued, we have a significant amount of blue-sky potential, we have exceptional results from our initial drill program, and we have the experience in building companies and creating shareholder value. When people look at our company vs. others, I think that the underlying theme is that we have the team, the experience, and a property that is in a prolific district with a significant amount of potential. If you are a long term shareholder and want to get involved in an exciting story what we believe has a significant amount of growth potential, then I think you should take a hard look at Nayarit Gold.” - Colin P. Sutherland, CA

November 23, 2007
Uranium Exploration, Energy,, Services, Telecommunications, Technology, Financial, Apparel Manufacturers & Healthcare

Uranium Exploration

New Horizon Uranium Corporation (NHU-TSXV)

“Our team experience, our joint venture partners and other affiliations in the industry and our geologic and geographic diversity position us to move out in front of many of our peer uranium companies.” - William R. Wilson

November 9, 2007
Services, Exploration, Energy, Airlines, Healthcare, Financial, Communications, CATV Systems & Telecommunications

Business Services
Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. (APDN-OTC: BB)

“It is an opportunity for our company and investors to do well by doing good. What I mean by this is we can be successful as a company while using the technology to do some good, to help people throughout the world. Recently there have been many articles in the news about counterfeit and tainted products, many coming from the Orient including food products and pharmaceuticals. One area that I personally feel strongly about is the pharmaceutical market where a counterfeit or diverted product can lead to physical injury, complications and possibly even death.” - Dr. James Hayward


Grenville Gold Corporation (GVG-TSXV, GVLGF-OTCBB, F9I-Frankfurt)

“Silveria is a rich mineralized area; it has poly-metallic vein systems. We have mapped 44 different veins. Of those, fourteen have been mined and 50% of their ore has been extracted, so we think that there is a huge amount of potential. Our resource target is between 40 and 100 million ounces of Silver based on the veins that have been stopped. We can get production out of it immediately. The previous group had not taken everything out but they have built the infrastructure, roads and tunnels.” - A. Paul Gill

Oil & Gas

Cygam Energy Inc. (CYG-TSXV)

“What differentiates Cygam from other junior companies, especially juniors that decide to conduct international exploration, is that we have a very large number of prospects. Even though these are all exploratory prospects, we have a good balance between low risk and high risk/high reward with the potential for substantial discoveries. I would say that five or six of these prospects could have the potential of discovering a field in the order of one billion barrels. It would be very difficult to find a field like that onshore North America. I was in London with our CFO in April and May (2007), when we were visiting potential investors to raise $10 million for the company and the comments that we received were “yes, you are different from other companies because you have several prospects.” If a company just has one prospect and they drill a dry hole, then it is game over. Here we have a situation where we have nine prospects at the present time and we plan to have more in the future, and that is what makes us different.” - Dario E. Sodero


October 26, 2007
Basic Materials, Industrial Goods, Services, Mining, Technology, Telecom, Financial & Natural Resources

Basic Materials
Oil & Gas Drilling & Exploration

EnerJex Resources, Inc. (EJXR-OTC: BB)

“As of a couple years ago, the state of Kansas was the fifth largest oil producer in the country, yet there are 23,000 independent producers of which 5,000 account for 30% of the production. It is a very fragmented business and in the instance of this part of the country, you had folks who have 500 to 10,000 acres, and have only drilled a few wells. Therefore, it is primarily the local landowners who have made money over the years. Most of these landowners do not have the capital, have not been keeping up to date on technology and do not have what we consider operational expertise, therefore, most of these properties just sit there. What EnerJex brings to the table is our ability, now that we are a publicly traded company, to attract capital to fund the drilling operations. We also bring operational expertise and the ability to apply new technology to locate and drill for oil. In addition, we can buy these properties at relatively inexpensive prices because we are buying them at 25 or 50 barrels a day. It is small production, where the majors would not be interested at this point; it just makes a combination of facts, like a perfect storm. This scenario allows us to aggregate properties at fairly low cost.” - Steve Cochennet

October 12, 2007
Financial, Services, Healthcare, Technology & Exploration

Regional-Southeast Banks

Community National Bank of the Lakeway Area (CNLA-NASDAQ)

“We just wanted to be a local, friendly, back to the old way of banking kind of bank and that is what we have done.” - Samuel F. Grigsby, Jr.

Internet Information Providers
Global Sources Ltd. (GSOL-NASDAQ)

“In October, we are launching the next generation of our flagship online marketplace at globalsources.com. The site will offer buyers two major advantages. First, it is a vertical search engine, which will deliver the largest selection of export suppliers and products anywhere on the web. Secondly, it will enable buyers to identify ‘verified suppliers’ who have all been pre-qualified through face- to- face visits and capability assessments.” - Merle A. Hinrichs

Business Services

On2 Technologies, Inc. (ONT-AMEX)
“Our vision for On2 Technologies is formed around the mantra of ‘any video, anywhere’. This is something we have been doing for some time, but now it is a mainstream industry trend. What this represents is that we enable any video to be delivered anywhere, meaning to any device, for any application, over any network. What is happening with video today is that consumers want to view video on their PC, TV, mobile phones, and portable devices --basically any device. New and established media companies are launching services to offer download and streaming services, but also traditional broadcasters are embracing new mediums to reach a wider spectrum of users. We call this convergence or cross platform applications, but the reality is that there is a sea change underway in the video industry. We have been involved in such cross platform video since early days of the company, by applying our technologies for multiple applications, device and delivery platforms. It is therefore in our DNA, in a manner of speaking, to bring solutions and innovations to this transformation that is going on in the industry. We provide everything from core video compression technology to tools, and system solutions, and are building our company’s operations around this capability to deliver any video, anywhere – in the most efficient, easy and affordable way for our customers.” - Bill Joll

September 28, 2007
Transportation, Services, Healthcare & Financial

Technology Systems

RailPower Technologies Corp. (P-TSX)

“We are replacing 50 year old technology. If you replace a 10 year old automobile with one of today you would gain a few percent in terms of emissions, because it is slightly cleaner. However, if you replace something that is 50 years old, you gain a lot and in addition, the old single engine runs all of the time, whereas with our locomotives we have 3 engines and there is a very sophisticated computer and software that powers them only when they are needed. Most of the time you can do the work with 1 or 2 engines and sometimes you may start the 3rd one, but may not need it. Therefore, that makes the locomotive much more fuel efficient and much more friendly for the environment.” - Jose Mathieu

August 31, 2007
Services, Basic Materials, Healthcare, Financial, Manufacturer, Industrial Specialists & Technology - 10

Business Services

Data Call Technologies, Inc. (DCLT-OTC: BB)

“Digital signage replaces television. Television has not been changed in fifty years; well, maybe the box that displays it; whether it be color, or now they are plasma and LCD. These are large screens as well. Actually, television is finally changing and I am proud to say that Data Call is on top of the industry. Data Call is just going to get bigger and bigger.,,, TV was the last thing to be changed; well now it has. With the networks, you could never control data on your TV; you were forced to look at what they thought you should look at. With Data Call, and our partners, we have changed that. Utilizing television for the benefit of your business absolutely makes sense.” - James Ammons

May 20, 2004

Consumer, Consumer Non-Cyclical, Healthcare, Financial & Technology


TC Orthodontic Lab (Privately held)

“The Truax Correctors are removable functional/orthopedic appliances. The TC II appliance will correct large overjets, overbites and TMD. The TC III appliances will correct large underbites (Class III malocclusion). Surgery is seldom necessary.” - Lloyd H. Truax, DDS, MSD



Sofame Technologies Inc.

Seamless Corporation

Houston Lake Mining Inc.

Accuray Incorporated

RailPower Technologies Corp.

First State Bancorporation

Analyst Covering:
First State Bancorporation

American Pacific Corp.

ThermoEnergy Corporation

Archived Special
Princeton National Bancorp, Inc.

ZAGG Incorporated

Universal Health Services, Inc

First Sound Bank (Seattle WA)

Wildcat Exploration Ltd.

RF Industries Ltd.

Reece Energy Exploration Corp. (RXR-TSXV)

IntelGenx Technologies Corp. (IGXT-OTC: BB)

Alseres Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (ALSE-NASDAQ)

Gitennes Exploration Inc.


1st Enterprise Bank (Los Angeles, CA) (FENB-OTC: BB)

Andover Energy Holdings, Inc.

Southern National Bancorp of Virginia Inc. (SONA-NASDAQ)
Sonabank (The Bank)

Global Telecom & Technology, Inc. (GTLT-OTC: BB)

Deer Valley Corporation

Claimsnet.com Inc.

Neah Power Systems, Inc.(NPWS-OTC: BB)

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Analyst Interviews


André Caillé Joins Sofame as Strategic Advisor - November 24, 2008

Accuray Incorporated to Present at 20th Annual Piper Jaffray Health Care Conference - November 24, 2008

Vical Announces Strategic Restructuring and Staff Reduction  - November 21, 2008

Global Sources Commences Tender Offer - November 21, 2008

DEJOUR TO TRADE ON TSX NOVEMBER 20, 2008 - November 19, 2008

Accuray Receives Nasdaq Notification Related to the Late Filing of Form 10-Q - November 19, 2008

Accuray Incorporated Ranked 55th Fastest Growing Company in North America on Deloitte's 2008 Technology Fast 500 - November 17, 2008

Tandy Leather Factory to Present at the Sixth Annual SOUTHWESTERN SHOWCASE Investor Conference in Dallas, Texas on November 20, 2008  -November 17, 2008



Vical Executive Alain Rolland Named AAPS Fellow  - November 17, 2008

American CareSource Holdings to Present at the Stephens Fall Investment Conference - November 14, 2008

American CareSource Holdings Reports Record Financial Results for 2008 Third Quarter - November 13, 2008


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