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Conx2share Inc.


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March 16, 2015 Issue

The Most Powerful Name In Corporate News and Information


One-Stop Mobile Communication Application



HG Strickland



Conx2share Inc.


Interview conducted by:

Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor, CEOCFO Magazine, Published – March 16, 2015


CEOCFO: Mr. Strickland, what is the idea behind Conx2share?

Mr. Strickland: It actually began as a communications app, to be able to instantly share an experience. It began with the idea of being able to look into your phone and communicate an experience, an idea - something that just took place - and being able to share that moment quickly and easily with everyone or with very specific groups in a social network. The second part of it came about because we began looking at our phones. On my phone, I have Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter…all of these accounts; and I have people that I communicate with exclusively on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. We were looking at all of this and saying what if we do more? What if we make an awesome communications app and create a way where we can bring some of the best ideas - the things we love the most about social media apps, communication apps that are out there and take out the things that we do not like? That led to the brainstorming of Conx2share.


CEOCFO: How does the technology work?

Mr. Strickland: The awesome thing about it is it’s a fully integrated platform. There is one platform with several features all built to function seamlessly. First, it is a communications app. We have a communications app that enables the user to send a text, or a picture or video with text on top. We like the ability to send a picture instantly like Snapchat does, but we don’t like looking at it through text. So... when you touch one of our pictures, the text disappears and our video feature works the same. We also like the ability to self-destruct, so any private message can be set to self-destruct, or you can leave it. We will also be adding voice messaging as well as in-app voice and face-to-face video calls. It really is a complete communications app on its own. We took this amazing communications app and fully integrated it into the first social media network built for mobile from the ground up. If you look at Facebook, it reminds me of a hospital or a school that originally built and then got more money and added a cardio wing. Then they added an orthopedic wing onto the hospital - so it has all these parts, but it is not easy to find your way around. Everything here is seamless and integrated, so you have the ability to do more, do it more quickly and do it with less effort. One example of our integrated platform is the ability to create groups. I can create a group that is just my family, a group that is just business, a group that are specific friends, however many groups I want. I can use all the features to communicate with that specific group privately just as I can an individual. No outside person can see it. People are finding many uses for Conx2share because our communications features integrate into our social media platform. Now my contacts - I have all the ability to private message using the feature I want. They are also part of my social media network and I see their posts on my home page. And because it’s one integrated platform, I can even add them to a scrolling favorites bar. So my homepage looks very much like a social media app, but the people who I talk to all the time are on a scrolling favorites bar right at the top of my screen. I can touch their picture and I have instant access to communicate with them privately. The third initial part of our technology involves the integration of our social media network with other networks as a communications hub. I can post my social media content privately in a specific group or on my page for all my followers on Conx2share. We still wanted to do more. Therefore, when you touch the share button on a post in Conx2share, it automatically accesses every social media account that communicates with your phone. You set nothing up. When I touch the share button on my phone, I have the icons for all the social media apps I have appear at the bottom of my screen. From Conx2share’s integrated platform, I have access to deliver content to outside accounts. I can even choose which album I want to save a picture in Facebook from Conx2share. It is truly made to be a one stop mobile application.


CEOCFO: It sounds like a natural progression. Has a similar concept been tried and what where the challenges to get the technology to do all the great things that it can?

Mr. Strickland: Many applications have parts of what Conx2share offers. We have not found anything that has integrated or even tried to integrate all of the features we have into a single social media platform built specifically for mobile. No one else has done this. The challenges were great. One of the greatest challenges was finding the right team and people we could work with who had the ability to take our ideas and work with us not for us to make them a reality. We found that team in Metova. They are incredible. They built Dropbox, WebMD, Barnes and Noble, Yelp and Siri. They have a unique process they go through where they do not just build you an app based on what you want and then you go through beta testing and make changes. They build it with you. Every step of the way and every feature, they give you that feature and you are able to say this was not what you were looking for or make any changes before moving to the next feature. They really work with you and you build the app together. The people who are directly working on the app and the people who have the ideas are working together the entire time as the app is created; and that makes it successful. They are leading our team of developers. We have others working but they are the lead team of developers.


CEOCFO: Who is using the service today?

Mr. Strickland: We have people right now that are jumping on. We literally just launched. We have been up on Apple now for seven days. It is has been just a full week. We are just beginning the marketing phase of the business. We are getting the word out through interviews like this and through the marketing that we are preparing to do. The response from those who have been on the app has been overwhelming. We have not heard back from anyone that they have not liked the app or they cannot see how this is going to make sharing life easier. For instance, there is a college professor that is putting all of his class on the app because it is a very easy way to communicate privately with the entire class as a group, have discussion, remind them of assignments or give direction and it is a way that college students like to communicate. It is intuitive in its function and it is extremely user friendly.


CEOCFO: What is the revenue model?

Mr. Strickland: The application itself is free. In the free version, someone gets to keep two texts from each person so you can keep the flow of conversation. They get to keep one picture and the videos disappear after they have seen them. The plus version is only 2.99 US currency and you get to keep fifteen messages for each person. You also get to keep five photos or videos. There is a premium version that is 29.99 which includes a Conx2share email and 50 gigs of data storage. You see all of the messages, pictures and videos; and you have storage in your email. The platinum version is 49.99 and it does everything as well but you actually have 100 gigs of storage for all of your stuff and I do not think any of us are going to use that any time soon.


CEOCFO: What have you learned as you were working with the developers? What, if anything, changed from the original concept?

Mr. Strickland: From the original concept? A lot in that we figured out there was more and more that we could do. One of the things that also changed besides just communication and social media is e-shopping. We began to look at it and realize that 66% of people use social media when making purchasing decisions, but as of now, there is no social media associated with purchasing. We wanted a way to be able to benefit businesses, to allow them to expose their brand, but not just in a way where they have to be careful what they say or do or they lose an account. We want them to be able to sell. Then we had to ask, how do we incorporate that into our platform without advertising to someone in the middle of a conversation? We had to design a way for customers to have an uninterrupted flow in their communications and social media experience but have easy access to a business’ products, so there is a tab for e-shopping. They can go directly into Conx2share. Businesses can sell their products and they can imbed videos, so there is an entire platform that has opened up for businesses to be able to connect their social media presence directly to customers and have the opportunity to sell their products. That changed. The inclusion of gaming was not on the radar in the beginning but gaming brings huge revenues and also opens the door for more advertisers. There were things like that along the way that we made adjustments to and we think in a very good way.


CEOCFO: Are you funded for the next steps and the marketing effort you would like to do or are you seeking money?

Mr. Strickland: We are seeking at the moment. Right now Conx2share has no debt. We are sitting at a very good place but we are seeking some funding right now to get us through the next steps more quickly and the initial marketing to get us out there and get it known. There is investment opportunity. It is a private company but there is opportunity for accredited investors for a private placement.


CEOCFO: Why pay attention to Conx2share today?

Mr. Strickland: For one, we are going to be there tomorrow. We are built for the long term. We are absolutely in step if not ahead of the curve when it comes to market trends. We have what everyone else has, some things they don’t and all in one place. People want to have things consolidated and we make it simple. We are also worldwide right now. We are in 189 countries on Apple and Google. We are currently in eight languages and we will be continually adding languages. This is not just a local thing. We have worldwide appeal. We have a great platform that is easy to use and at the same time, offers unique opportunities that do not exist with other platforms.


CEOCFO: Final thoughts?

Mr. Strickland: There is more to come. Besides the things we have talked about, we are still innovating. We are still building and developing. Live streaming for instance is another feature that we did not discuss but it is going to be a feature that is soon coming in the next few months here on Conx2share. A business or individual will be able to live stream directly to everyone’s phone. Things are going mobile and Conx2share is already there. We believe we meet not only existing needs, but we are very much set for the future, looking forward to what it holds.


Conx2share Video Presentation


"We took this amazing communications app and fully integrated it into the first social media network built for mobile from the ground up. If you look at Facebook, it reminds me of a hospital or a school that originally built and then got more money and added a cardio wing. Then they added an orthopedic wing onto the hospital - so it has all these parts, but it is not easy to find your way around. Everything here is seamless and integrated, so you have the ability to do more, do it more quickly and do it with less effort."
HG Strickland


Conx2share Inc.


HG Strickland


Conx2share Inc.
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Social Media Communication App, Conx2share Inc., Technology Companies, CEO Interviews 2015, HG Strickland, One-Stop Mobile Communication Application, communications app that enables the user to send a text, or a picture or video with text on top, voice messaging as well as in-app voice and face-to-face video calls, Recent CEO Interviews, communications app, instantly share an experience, look into your phone and communicate an experience, share that moment quickly and easily with everyone or with very specific groups in a social network, fully integrated mobile communications apps platform, the ability to self-destruct, so any private message can be set to self-destruct, or you can leave it, communications app and fully integrated it into the first social media network built for mobile from the ground up, integrated platform with the ability to create groups, use all features to communicate with a specific group privately just as I can an individual, communications features integrate into our social media platform, have all the ability to private message using the feature you want, see posts on your home page, add them to a scrolling favorites bar, your homepage looks very like a social media app, integration of our social media network with other networks as a communications hub, post social media content privately in a specific group or on my page for all my followers on Conx2share, touch the share button on a post in Conx2share and it automatically accesses every social media account that communicates with your phone, Conx2share Inc. Press Releases, News, Tech Stock, Companies looking for venture capital, Angel Investors, private companies looking for investors, app development companies seeking investors, social media apps companies needing investment capital, conx2share twitter, tutorial does not purchase or make
recommendation on stocks based on the interviews published.