March 2008 Interview with: BCB Bancorp (BCBP-NASDAQ) president and CEO, Donald Mindiak - featuring: their thriving community bank that prides itself on hard work, friendly customer service and all the conveniences of local banking.


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A High Level Of Personalized Service, Accessible Management And Branches That Are Open Seven Days A Week, Separate BCB Bancorp From The Competition In The Bayonne And Hoboken, New Jersey Markets

Regional – Northeast Banks

BCB Bancorp

104-110 Avenue C
Bayonne, NJ 07002
Phone: 201-823-0700

Donald Mindiak
President and CEO

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor
Published – March 21, 2008

Company Profile:
BCB Bancorp is a thriving community bank that prides itself on hard work, friendly customer service and all the conveniences of local banking. BCB has been servicing large and small accounts for business and personal needs since its inception in November 2000. As of 2004, three branches are now available within Bayonne. BCB continues to find ways of improving our services for an enjoyable and hassle-free banking experience.

Mr. Mindiak, what was the vision when the bank was started and where are you today?
Mr. Mindiak: “The vision was for BCB Bancorp to fill a niche in this marketplace that we believed was a little underserved and probably a little ill served due to the manner in which years of merger and acquisition activity had taken place. We believe this had reduced the quality of community banking service to this market. From a quantitative perspective, the implementation of our vision statement has proven rather successful because in just under six years, we have become the number one depository in our marketplace and we continue to grow on that level. We thought that it was a good idea because of the M&A activity, to open up a community bank that people felt comfortable dealing with the executives involved.”

CEOCFO: Will you tell us a bit about the area you service?
Mr. Mindiak: “We are headquartered in Bayonne, New Jersey. We have three offices in Bayonne and we recently opened up a fourth office in Hoboken, New Jersey. Our primary marketplace is Bayonne, with the secondary marketplace being Hudson County. Primarily we deal with Bayonne, Jersey City and Hoboken. Because there was a light rail line that was recently opened up between Bayonne and Hoboken, there is a great amount of construction and development going on along that light rail corridor because of its easy availability into downtown Manhattan. Therefore, we have been able to take advantage of that opportunity by providing financing to developers who have chosen to develop projects along that light rail line.”

CEOCFO: Is there a typical customer for you?
Mr. Mindiak: “I really don’t believe we have a typical customer; each client has their different needs and circumstances and we endeavor to do the best job we can to listen to their requirements and develop a plan and a strategy for their personal needs that addresses their concerns. Further, what we choose to do subsequent to connecting with a client is we use varied forms of follow-up communication to make certain that we stay connected with our clients and that their needs are favorably addressed.”

CEOCFO: Do you primarily deal with business accounts?
Mr. Mindiak: “We are chartered as a commercial bank, and we obviously would like to get more commercial deposits as they are of no cost from an interest perspective. We see ourselves as a bit of a blend of a thrift and a commercial bank, and again we are chartered as a commercial bank. Our primary competition, in town, are two thrifts. Other members of the executive management and I primarily have thrift experience because we came from a thrift that was acquired back in 1999. Primarily we are a commercial bank and our product menu reflects that.”

CEOCFO: How do you reach new customers?
Mr. Mindiak: “Service. All financial institutions whether they are a thrift, savings bank or commercial bank, for the most part offer the same products. In addition, exclusive of a rare exception with a special going on, pricing remains relatively competitive. However, it is our level of quality, personalized service that we believe distinguishes us from other banks. We are also opened seven days a week over seventy hours a week. Executive management accessibility and availability to our customer base, we believe, separates us from our competition. We have a very young, active and aggressive board of directors who constantly refer business to the company and we do our best to make sure that we take care of our clients needs. Word-of-mouth and our reputation has also helped us attract additional clientele.”

CEOCFO: Please give us an example of what you might do that is above and beyond what one would find at a typical bank.
Mr. Mindiak: “One of the things we do is we have armed security guards at the bank at all of our offices during the hours the bank is open. When we opened the bank we chose not to go with the large Plexiglas bulletproof windows in front of the tellers; we thought that took away from the personality of the company. To combat that we decided that we would hire armed security guards every hour that the bank is open. We find it to be very successful. Our clients very much appreciate it as well as our employees; they know that we highly regard their security and that is only one of the litany of things that we do to be different than our competition.”

CEOCFO: Do you find that many of your commercial customers take more of your services and do some of their personal banking with you as well?
Mr. Mindiak: “We try to wrap them up both personally and professionally. To a great degree, we have succeeded along those lines. Most of the commercial clients that we have also do their personal banking with us as well.”

CEOCFO: Will you be opening additional branches?
Mr. Mindiak: “We just recently opened up an office in Hoboken and that was our fourth office, but the first office out of Bayonne. We opened that in May of 2007 and we continue to explore opportunities elsewhere in surrounding communities. We believe that at this point in time it has to be synergistically viable for us to look at branch expansion. We are not just going to branch for the sake of branching. We will do our due diligence and our research prior to engaging in another office outside the city of Bayonne.”

CEOCFO: Are there new services that you are planning to offer?
Mr. Mindiak: “From a product perspective we have a product menu that rivals our competition. From a service perspective we are always looking to develop new services and primarily that is predicated on conversations and communication we have with our commercial clientele; what they are seeing, what they would like, what would help them run their business better. We like to listen to them and try and adapt our services to their needs so that when a competitor comes along and tries to offer them something we can say to them that we offer that as well, and we hope to do it better than our competition.”

CEOCFO: Does the current interest rate have any affect on BCB?
Mr. Mindiak: “Obviously with the Fed easing a total of 125 basis points over the last two weeks, we are examining our rate structure at this time to come up with a competitive pricing structure that we believe will continue to attract business to the company. Having said that, the normalization of the yield curve now should help all financial institutions in the long-run increase our spread and margin to the degree that we continue to enhance our profitability.”

CEOCFO: Is online banking a big feature for BCB?
Mr. Mindiak: “Online banking is a product that we offer, but Bayonne tends to be a somewhat traditional marketplace so for our direct clientele in the city of Bayonne; it is not as much of a product that they utilize as we see elsewhere. For example, our new office in Hoboken is in a much different marketplace and our customers there utilize online banking much more often, although, we do continue to assist our clients and attract them to online banking because it is obviously the wave of the future.”

CEOCFO: What do you look for in your employees?
Mr. Mindiak:
“One of the things that we do is we try to be very circumspect and diligent in the hiring process. We try to select individuals we believe are the most knowledgeable and most experienced bankers that we can attract to the company. We believe that if we do our job from an executive management perspective in hiring the right people, then we don’t need to be task masters in standing over those people making sure they do their job. If we have done our job and hired the best people, we know that they will do their job and service our clientele to the best of their ability.”

CEOCFO: What about community involvement for the bank?
Mr. Mindiak: “Members of executive management, many members of our staff and I, are involved in a number of civic and community organizations, giving our time and effort to help various organizations in the community. I serve on several boards, the Medical Center Board, as well as a local catholic grammar school board and other members of executive management serve on boards as well just to bring our expertise and our assistance to the community to continue to help it to thrive.”

CEOCFO: What is the financial picture of BCB?
Mr. Mindiak: “We have not released earnings yet for 2007, so that should be coming out in the next week or two. We are operating in a challenging environment. Asset quality has now taken over as the number-one priority for many financial institutions and we are no exception to that. That is one of the things that we believe and we know that we will be concentrating on in 2008 and for the near future is to try to work with our clients as much as we can and to continue a process of quality and judicious underwriting to make sure that we underwrite quality loan products.”

CEOCFO: In closing, why should potential investors choose BCB out of the crowd?
Mr. Mindiak: “From a macro perspective, community financial institutions have suffered the fate of the sector with reduced multiples taking their tolls on trading values despite not encountering the same issues as our larger competitors. From our specific perspective with no exposure to sub-prime, Alt-A or private label mortgage backed securities, our asset quality remains strong. Further, we continue to exhibit the capacity for organic growth on both sides of the balance sheet and the opening of our newest office in Hoboken has allowed us to enter new markets and expand our footprint while bringing our quality service to a new dynamic market. In a challenging environment, we have been able to maintain competitive profitability and operating ratios while exhibiting the capacity of increasing our cash dividends by approximately 29% during the last twelve months. Hopefully as we continue to manage this challenging operating environment we will continue to find ways and implement initiatives that have the capacity of increasing franchise and shareholder value.”


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“The vision was for BCB Bancorp to fill a niche in this marketplace that we believed was a little underserved and probably a little ill served due to the manner in which years of merger and acquisition activity had taken place. We believe this had reduced the quality of community banking service to this market. From a quantitative perspective, the implementation of our vision statement has proven rather successful because in just under six years, we have become the number one depository in our marketplace and we continue to grow on that level. We thought that it was a good idea because of the M&A activity, to open up a community bank that people felt comfortable dealing with the executives involved.” - Donald Mindiak does not purchase or make
recommendation on stocks based on the interviews published.
