Andrew Tropeano - NewsWatch TV |
October 8, 2018 Issue |
Newswatch TV Reviews Products to Better Inform Consumers, and they do it with Digital Media |
Host, Executive Producer, and VP
NewsWatch TV
Contact: NewsWatch Information (703) 662-8180
Interview conducted by: Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor, CEOCFO Magazine, Published – October 8, 2018
CEOCFO: Would you tell us what led you to Newswatch? Andrew Tropeano: As far back as I can remember, I’ve always been interested in news and technology. When I was a kid, I joined the school newspaper. When I went to college, I got a degree in Broadcast Journalism and an MBA in Business Marketing. As an adult, I’ve shaped a career around helping others understand technology. I took this passion and turned it into a professional career when I joined NewsWatch. Their massive network and platform gave me the opportunity to experience new technologies and chat with some of the biggest industry disruptors and trend-setters on this planet. In my 6 years with the show, I’ve talked to CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies and reviewed thousands of the most interesting technologies the human race has to offer.
CEOCFO: What is special about Newswatch? Andrew Tropeano: NewsWatch is incredibly special to me. It not only is a television show and website that brings its fans the latest news and technology reviews, but it’s also an avenue for my team and I to share our feelings and thoughts on those events with the world. If you’re into technology. If you’re into movies. If you’re into consumer products. And if you’re into trend-setting businesses and entrepreneurs, you need to check us out. There’s nothing quite like NewsWatch.
CEOCFO: What have you learned about connecting with your audience? Andrew Tropeano: Over the years I’ve learned that what our audience cares about the most is honesty. If we like something, tell them why we like it. If we hate something, be honest and say it. In the beginning, we felt a responsibility to our audience to only deliver shiny beautiful objects. But overtime, we realized that an honest negative opinion is as valuable as an honest positive one. I’ve also learned that asking our audience what they care about and what they want us to review next is a powerful tool. The NewsWatch team is full of smart enthusiast, but we’re nothing when compared to the thousands of minds and opinions that watch our show and visit our website.
CEOCFO: How do your roles on air personality, executive producer and VP of Digital Media come together? What are the challenges and rewards of juggling several aspects of Media at the same time? Andrew Tropeano: In the beginning, I tried to separate my roles. Over time, I came to realize that being an honest reflection of who I am and bringing all my experiences and knowledge to each role is more valuable than being fragmented. My on-air personality is the same as the one in the board room or in the studio with my reporters and analysts. But each role has taught me something different – my on-air personality has taught me humility and developed a skillset I didn’t realize I needed or had. My executive producer role has taught me time management, the ability to multi-task, and the capacity for listening to my instinct. And my role as the VP of Digital Media has developed a deep understanding of business and emotion-removed decision making. All these skill sets and knowledge bases have made me stronger and more hungry in all my roles.
CEOCFO: Would you tell us about be recognized by the SPOKEies® awards? Andrew Tropeano: Being recognized by the SPOKEies for my work as a marketer and spokesperson was incredibly exciting. When you work every hour, day, weekend, and holiday at a craft, it can be exhausting and unrewarding. And while I don’t do what I do for the recognition, receiving an award like the SPOKEies confirms I’m on the right track. But the award isn’t just about my work, it’s about my team’s work. Without the incredibly smart, hungry, hardworking, and talented colleagues I am surrounded by, I would never have received this prestigious award. I am a product of them, not the other way around.
CEOCFO: How have you and Newswatch grown and evolved during your tenure? Andrew Tropeano: NewsWatch is an ever-growing, ever-evolving beast. When I came on, we were beginning our dive into national television. We’d been in the space for quite some time, but hadn’t gone further than one network. But since then, we’ve ventured into several other networks, made partnerships with cable and satellite providers, expanded our reach in social media and online distribution, and increased our capacity and skill set in videography. NewsWatch is a best in class news outlet, a best in class video production firm, and a best in class distributor of information. But we aren’t done yet – the future of NewsWatch is bright and I can’t wait to share it with our fans.
CEOCFO: How have you embraced social media to expand the show’s footprint? Andrew Tropeano: Social media is the future of NewsWatch. As someone who saw the rise of Facebook and other social media platforms over the past decade, I know firsthand how important it is that we create a footprint in the online social sphere. And while it’s important to have a presence within the giants of the industry – Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, etc – it’s also critical to realize that there are thousands of other networks we can expand to. And over the years we have – from the smallest network to the largest. And our presence and the size of our distribution footprint has grown in congruence.
CEOCFO: How do you stay ahead of the fast moving news when covering so many areas? Andrew Tropeano: I’m so lucky to have such a talented and intelligent team working at NewsWatch. They are relentless in scouring the internet, attending massive trade events, talking with industry analysts, and formulating their own informed opinions based on their insider knowledge. Because of their ability to find, consume, and create content on a regular basis, NewsWatch is not only a news-reporting agency but also a trend setter in the fast-moving news arena.
CEOCFO: Why is it all so much fun? Andrew Tropeano: People around the world spend their off-working hours learning about the latest technology, reading the news, and playing with gadgets. We get to do this for a living and report on our opinions. How could it not be so much fun? And not only that, but we also talk to some of the most intelligent, powerful, and forward-thinking executives on this planet. So we’re not just playing with toys, but we’re hearing and learning about the most interesting trend-setting ideas that will hit consumers in 5, 10, 20 years from now. It’s an exciting time and an exciting world to be a part of.
CEOCFO: What’s next for you? Andrew Tropeano: In a word – everything. NewsWatch will always be a fast-paced news reporting agency, a technology, consumer, and business review center, and a video production house. But we are agile and smart enough to be able to see a new avenue or industry and pivot toward it. The phrase, “the world is our oyster” is cliché, but it’s honestly how we view our work. We can head in any direction we please, and we will. But we will always be honest to who we are and will continue to provide smart and timely news, reviews, and video to our fans and followers.
“I took this passion and turned it into a professional career when I joined NewsWatch. Their massive network and platform gave me the opportunity to experience new technologies and chat with some of the biggest industry disruptors and trend-setters on this planet. In my 6 years with the show, I’ve talked to CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies and reviewed thousands of the most interesting technologies the human race has to offer.”- Andrew Tropeano
NewsWatch TV
Contact: NewsWatch Information (703) 662-8180
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Andrew Tropeano - NewsWatch TV, Newswatch TV Reviews Products to Better Inform Consumers, and they do it with Digital Media, CEO Interviews 2018, Business Services Companies, Andrew Tropeano, Host, Executive Producer, and VP, NewsWatch TV twitter, facebook, linkedin, youtube, IMDb, crunchbase |
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