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CT Scanning Service Company matures in the Non-
Jesse Garant
Jesse Garant Metrology Center
Jesse Garant
Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor
CEOCFO Magazine
Published – January 10, 2022
Industrial CT Scanning Services -
Industrial X-
CEOCFO: Garant, what is happening today at Jesse Garant Metrology Center?
Mr. Garant: There has been a lot of evolution at the organization since we last spoke about five years ago. At that time, we were in an emerging market that really had no rules or guidelines of how this new technology could be adopted and implemented for industry. Over the last five years we have evolved a lot as a company. We have pushed toward compliance and certifications as I always thought this was important for guidance as companies and industries grow.
Our industry has evolved from different accreditations and standards, not as a whole for our technology, but a piecemeal aspect. Providing specific compliance requirements for sections of our technology in businesses. We had some drastic impacts to our business over the years. As we have been primarily aerospace during the COVID pandemic, we have had time to do a lot of restructuring during that time to try to align our CT Scanning services and our deliverables related to our quality outputs and what our customers are starting to look for.
CEOCFO: Is it getting more difficult to get the certifications? Is the technology changing rapidly?
Mr. Garant: It is a difficult thing to obtain because the certifications we hold are general certifications for ISO9001 and AS-
We are also seeing some of our major customers, OEMs and prime manufacturers putting forth their own standards related to Industrial CT Scanning, which is a build-
CEOCFO: What is different about your current services?
Mr. Garant: Right now, we are offering a higher quality computed tomography service as an overall product to our clients. When I say higher quality service, I mean the verifiable results that we are providing that are related to our internal checks and balances that we have further refined. We have operator competency to being able to control and inform our clients where our staff is at for education level. We have improved focus on the client as well where the client’s needs are paramount, so we are trying to address those early on within the project.
As deliverables and objectives change, typically initial reach out from the client will have a set guidance in deliverables, and usually after reviewing the results those are going to change as well. Then upon final results there might be questions as well. Therefore, we are trying to match to what our clients are looking for and actually try to provide that ahead of time as opposed to after the fact.
CEOCFO: Do your clients recognize the focus on quality?
Mr. Garant: With our older clients, it is yes and no depending upon who is at the organization. Unless we have had a client for the past ten years there is typically a large change of staffing, restructuring as well, retirement from older individuals, so we are always working with new people within these organizations. We are trying to put our best foot forward in all interactions but definitely the new interactions go a lot better because we know a lot more right now. We have evolved just as fast as the industry, I think.
CEOCFO: Would you tell us about some of the new equipment and technologies you may be able to utilize today and how that might make a difference in the results?
Mr. Garant: Approximately four years ago we did a major investment to infrastructure and equipment to facilitate diversity in the CAT scan services we provide related to the X-
CEOCFO: How are you faring with staff; are you finding it difficult to find people?
Mr. Garant: Early on staffing was difficult, we were a new company. We have been around for thirteen years but staffing has always been a challenge. With our staff now in the lab we have a very seasoned group of employees. Our newest staff member has been with us for five years, so everyone in our lab is very seasoned.
We are at the point now where we have knowledge gained and we are getting training programs in place for the next level of growth so once we do start to hire, we will have a better ability to bring in new staff to our team with a higher degree of success than before.
CEOCFO: What are you looking to accomplish going forward?
Mr. Garant: Right now, our primary focus is growth in the aerospace market, due to our specialty and the equipment that we have, where a lot of what we do here is focused towards light alloy materials. Our processes are developed for larger corporations that we work with primarily in the aerospace sector and the certifications we hold are in direct relation to the civil market where the accountability is required on all fronts.
CEOCFO: Is the market picking up or do you see setbacks?
Mr. Garant: Our market is definitely evolving over time. Our customers are evolving as well. We are starting to see some slowdown in evolution which I think will start to slow down over the next nine years. I think our market will start to really mature over that time, so I think a lot of changes will be minimal after that time from a service aspect.
CEOCFO: What is a typical day like at Jesse Garant Metrology?
Mr. Garant: We have repeating clients that we work with that have infrequent needs for a varying product line who reach out to us. We have repeating production work that we do for clients that have set processes and established criteria. We also have completely new inquiries from clients, such as a failure investigation or new products they are looking to launch. A lot of those new inquiries are very exciting because it is something that is out of the norm with our organization so we are definitely keeping on our toes with all three customer touchpoints for new business coming in.
Our receiving department see’s multiple packages per day that get read-
CEOCFO: Are you having problems with shipping and supply chain?
Mr. Garant: Logistics has not been a problem for us. In month two or three of COVID things started to slow down with small parcel carriers such as FEDEX or UPS so we did see some delays especially with their local distribution hub where they were having some difficulty with staffing there but that was early in the pandemic. Outside of that we do not have a problem and do not see any overseas containers coming to us, so a lot of inbound shipping coming to us is not a problem.
CEOCFO: Are there services you offer that are not utilized as much as they should be?
Mr. Garant: I would not say services but possibly opportunities for fully utilizing our technology. Clients come to us with a specific need and we try to help them with that need whether it is a failure, a new product, or a reverse engineer requirement, but it is not just that single part that we can help them with, it is their whole department or organization where we can really provide our CT services as a tool that will save them time to market.
It is not specifically to one part but it can be multiple parts and programs within that company.
CEOCFO: How do you get that message across without being overbearing?
Mr. Garant: It is difficult. We found early on that talking to a client and telling all these things that we can do, really becomes a bit too much or overbearing for how to utilize it. At this time, I have stepped back a bit with my team and we are moving towards slow growth within our customers through multiple interactions to fully informing the client as they have a need and when they want to explore more, we are there to help them.
CEOCFO: Are conferences coming back in your industry?
Mr. Garant: Before COVID we started to slow down for tradeshow conferences. That was just due to a different adjustment and the market that we saw. As our technology started to establish more, we found out that people were not sourcing what we offered from those conferences, like from a tradeshow display booth. We became more of a searchable technology online, so we did an adjustment there. Regarding coming back, a lot of conferences are moving again in the US.
As a Canadian company we do a lot of business within the US and unfortunately, we stepped back and removed tradeshows for the last few years. In 2022 we are going to start attending a couple very specifically related to non-
CEOCFO: What have you learned over the years, what has changed in your approach at Jesse Garant Metrology Center?
Mr. Garant: I am looking more towards the longer-
Everything was very exciting when we first started in business which it always is during a company’s inception but its how do you continue on that success. I think small improvements will allow us to succeed in the long game.
Jesse Garant Metrology Center | CT Scan Non-
“Our processes are developed for larger corporations that we work with primarily in the aerospace sector and the certifications we hold are in direct relation to the civil market where accountability is required on all fronts.”
Jesse Garant