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Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor

Steve Alexander, Associate Editor

Bud Wayne, Editorial Executive

Christy Rivers - Editorial Executive

Valerie Austin - Editorial Associate

Alessa Therapeutics – Bringing a New Paradigm to Cancer Treatment with their Proprietary Drug Delivery Technology enabling Early Interception and Prevention in Prostate Cancer with Less Side Effects
Alessa Therapeutics
We have very promising early clinical data and are creating two more programs. We will be raising money for a pivotal trial, and we have good feedback from the regulatory agency that we can get to registration with one large clinical trial. The trial will be with about 500 patients. Pamela Munster, M.D., Founder/CSO, Alessa Therapeutics

GlycoMira Therapeutics’ First-in-Class, Immune-Modulating Therapeutic GM-1111, Offers Hope in Head and Neck Cancers to Both Protect Healthy Tissue from Radiating Treatment and Reduce the Side Effect of Oral Mucositis
GlycoMira Therapeutics, Inc

“We are going to raise money. Our CFO, Kenneth R. North is the key person. We have some interest, but as you can imagine, nothing is going to happen until we get an FDA approval for clinical trials. We expect that to come within the next three weeks or so. Once we have that, then there will be a concerted effort to bring in the funding to do the Phase 1A studies. As they progress and are looking successful, then we will seek additional funding for the 1B studies.” William P. Tew PhD, CHMN/CEO, GlycoMira Therapeutics, Inc

Synergist Technology and its AFFIRM Software is Empowering Commercial Organizations and Government Agencies to Monitor and Safely deploy AI Systems

Synergist Technology LLC
“We were successful in our seed round, fully subscribing our $5 million offering. We plan to launch a Seed-II round in Q1 of this year to raise additional capital to support our growth and continue investing in a best-in-class software platform. We anticipate bringing in our first institutional investor in 2026 when we pursue our Series A.” Elycia Morris, CEO, Synergist Technology LLC

Piersica is developing a Battery That Generates more than double the Energy Density of Commercial Lithium-ion Batteries using a New, Highly Conductive and Extremely Light Material
Piersica, Inc.
“We are currently in the process of raising a new round of funding from investors. This round will allow us to continue our growth and development as we work to finalize the demonstration cell.” David Jacobs, CFO, Piersica, Inc.

AgTechLogic – Using Sensor Technology, AI and Data with Precision Spraying to Reduce Chemical Use in Agriculture up to 90%

From a business standpoint, investors should be excited about what we are doing because the food supply needs help. We are bringing technologies on a monthly agreement that is very affordable to growers. We are showing direct returns from our growers, so our growers understand they are saving money. We have a profitable business model, so I think investors will look at this and say that they want to see a financial return and an environmental and sustainability return as part of their investment in a company like ours.Tom Gauthier, CEO/Founder, AgTechLogic

The WaveDyn Vision Analyzer from WaveFront Dynamics: a new tool for Optometrists and Ophthalmologists; measuring more ocular detail for optimal treatment
WaveFront Dynamics Inc.

“Absolutely! We are seeking funding. We’ve invested a lot of money and effort to develop a product and now are trying to get into the market. We need funding to find the right sales venues, to hire salespeople, improve our product delivery infrastructure and other commercialization activities. We could use some investors, partners, distributors, contact lens companies or other treatment connections.“ Daniel Neal PhD, Founder & CEO, WaveFront Dynamics Inc.

PTM Therapeutics – Taking a Novel Approach to Treating Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Colon Cancer Using Monoclonal Antibody Technology to Target PTMs Found on Proteins
PTM Therapeutics

What I want to emphasize is supporting the whole ecosystem. We are an early-stage startup and we are looking for funding. We want to get into the clinic because the proof is safety and efficacy in patients. We think that we have something that can game-changer. I think that the financial and investment climate currently is uncertain, but I want to appeal to the investment community to take risks. This is what I think investments should be made in, these novel ideas that are not a me-too or three.

The investment community should be looking at companies that have novel ideas, but taking thoughtful, reasonable steps to develop therapeutics and investing in them and taking that risk. We are excited about novelty, but I feel that that novel equals risk in so many of the VC’s heads, and they tend to be risk averse. This is my shout-out for taking more risks and taking risks on companies that are trying to do something new.Jennifer C. Cheng PhD JD, CEO/Co-Founder, PTM Therapeutics

Portal Instruments’ Revolutionary Needle-Free Injection Technology Offering Hope for a Pain Free Delivery of Biologics to Patients with Chronic Diseases
Portal Instruments
We are always looking for investors to take us further. We have been very blessed in that we have been able to attract a very diverse group of investors. We also have strategic partners on the pharma and manufacturing sides. We have always been able to present the company as valuable to the partners. At this time, we are looking for more financing to take us further through scale-up and then the full commercialization including the market launch.” Patrick Anquetil, CEO, Portal Instruments

Sarcomatrix Therapeutics - Pioneering Groundbreaking, Unique Treatments for Muscle Disorders, Aiming to Empower Individuals with Longer Stronger Lives
Sarcomatrix Therapeutics, Corporation

“To align with the current funding environment our strategy is to raise a $5M seed round to advance our small molecule S-969 through IND approval and a combination Phase 1+2 Clinical trial in Duchenne and Beckers patients. With final safety data and efficacy signal, a follow-on Series A will fund the final Phase 3 trail and filing to FDA approval by 2026.  

I've structured a $5 million seed convertible note and have secured a soft commitment of $1 million from the Battle Born Fund in Nevada. My efforts are now focused on engaging with various venture capitalists to find a syndicate lead who can contribute the remaining $4 million for this round.” David Craig, MBA, President and CEO, Sarcomatrix Therapeutics, Corporation

Safe-Decon – Making the World a Safer Place with Their Air-Tight Containers for Hazardous Waste that Effectively Control and Eliminate Pathogens and Viruses

Safe-Decon, Inc.

“I never turn down money. Anybody that says they are not, is not being truthful. We are always interested. At this point, it would have to be a partnership with money. We are looking for a key investor at this point who has access to these people or industry access.” Bob Dudley, CEO, Safe-Decon, Inc.

With the Ability to Scale on a National Basis and Invest in R&D, Monster Mushroom Company is Leading the Way in the Market for Mushroom Grow Kits and Grow Supplies 

“Absolutely! We are actively seeking an angel investor at this time. We have talked to a few groups and nothing concrete yet. Private funding is really the only way to scale this business, as we have talked about the lack of government funding.” David Muelken, Owner & CEO, Monster Mushroom Company

Upward Path Institute – Helping Students Across the U.S. Prepare for College Admissions, Choosing a Major and Career Path      

“At this point especially with the Upward Path launch and its potential, we are indeed looking for funding. We are also looking for partnerships that can accelerate how quickly our solutions can be developed and spread the word.” Vinnie Gupta, President and Co-Founder, Upward Path Institute

Fortuna Business Management Consulting - Helping Clients Hire Veterans and Connecting Veterans with High-Quality Job Opportunities Post-Military Transition

“We're proud to be one of the fastest-growing veteran-owned businesses in America, but it's not easy to fund that kind of fast growth, especially when you are like me and don’t try to get every dollar out of every deal. While we have most of our financing needs covered, we are actively exploring opportunities to bring in additional funding. I've been having conversations with private equity firms and exploring the possibility of taking on minority stakes in the company to give us some extra support and resources.” Jack Smith, CEO, Fortuna Business Management Consulting

WatchRx Smartwatch Solution to Improve Medication Adherence for Seniors and Reduce Stress for Caregivers with Virtual Care Coordination Platform to Seamlessly Connect Healthcare Stakeholders 

“Yes, I am currently seeking a Seed Round of financing and also partners. I have established a few partnerships like distributors and reseller agreements, but I would definitely like more partnerships, especially with companies that can staff nurses. We also offer nurses for monitoring patients.” Jayanthi Narasimhan, Founder & CEO, WatchRx, Inc.

Successfully Automating Profits in Self-Storage 

“As I have gained experience fund raising from these institutions, I have learned that 10 Federal is at the intersection of two large paradigm shifts in our industry that these big investors are interested in. First is the theme of technology replacing labor, which in our case our automated platform is replacing labor. We no longer have property managers at the site, and as a result we have a more efficient operating expense profile, and that benefit goes straight to the bottom line.

Secondly, there is this concept called prop tech which is how technology can be used to enhance performance of real estate. Everything we are doing through automation and our data science system that lets us evaluate which facilities we should buy and estimates to what degree we can improve the performance has proven to be a tremendous value-added component.

We check two boxes off at the same time and either one or the other would be generally very appealing to the larger investment community. By aligning with those two themes and demonstrating a proven track record through the successful sale of our first and second offerings we are achieving success in the capital raising world.” Brad Minsley, Principal & Co-Founder, 10 Federal

Croptix’s Innovative Technology for Sensing Nutrition and Disease in the Field Enables Farmers to Detect and Monitor Plant Health

“This recent funding is the initial closing of our first equity round, which is a Series Seed investment. We took time to identify a strategic investor as part of this round. We were looking for a partner that could help us accelerate the development of our nutritional assessment and open that market more quickly than it would have taken us to do it on our own. We have partnered with Advancing Eco Agriculture (AEA), and they are highly aligned with our vision. AEA is a leader in regenerative agriculture. With our joint solution, AEA’s customers will benefit by getting nutritional results much faster than with traditional methods. By having data faster, adjustments can be made sooner to optimize crop health. For example, you might need less fertilizer if you see the nutritional needs earlier. This is both a cost-savings for the farmer and a benefit to the environment by helping to reduce fertilizer runoff into groundwater and streams. It’s a win-win.

Working with AEA will be a game changer for us in terms of building out our nutritional platform more quickly, and we are excited about how that is coming together. We are looking forward to trial testing this summer and leveraging the resources between both teams for a successful launch of products for nutritional assessment in the field.

Participation in this round from early investors 1855 Capital and Ben Franklin Technology Partners demonstrates their strong confidence in our future success. We are grateful for their ongoing commitment and support.” Perry Edwards, Ph.D., Co-Founder and CEO, Croptix

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Cipher Neutron - Developing Iridium-Free AEM Electrolysers and Leading the Way in Making Green Hydrogen Accessible and Competitive

Cipher Neutron, Inc.

Gurjant Randhawa, President & CEO

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