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Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor

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What sets Yale Resources apart is that they are a small dynamic company that is able to accelerate their exploration programs quickly allowing them to rapidly make decisions on future drilling programs and the necessary capital for them


Yale Resources Ltd.

600 – 890 West Pender St.
, B.C., V6C 1K4
Phone: 604-678-2531

Ian Foreman, P.Geo.
President and Director

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor
Published – June 8, 2007

Ian Foreman, P.Geo. - President and Director

Mr. Foreman graduated with honors from Queen's University in 1992 and has worked in a wide spectrum of geological environments involving both base and precious metals. He has worked for various junior mining and exploration companies in North and South America. Throughout the mid 1990's Mr. Foreman worked on a series of large multi-million dollar exploration programs in British Columbia, Yukon and Mexico. From 1998 through 2002 Mr. Foreman worked on various projects exclusively in Peru. As Chief Geologist, he was a key figure in putting the 1,000 tonne-per-day Santa Rosa open pit gold-silver mine into production.

Company Profile:
Yale Resources Ltd. has a growing portfolio of highly prospective projects in Mexico and is constantly searching for other opportunities. Yale is a relative newcomer to Mexico but the Company has both management and a board of directors that have a wealth of experience and success in Latin America to draw upon.  This includes the discovery of world class deposits and taking projects through to production. 
In order to "increase shareholder value", Yale Resources' business plan is to acquire or option projects that meet the Company's criterion and advance them to the drill stage as rapidly as possible. Prospective projects need to have: significant 'blue sky' potential; previous production; proximity to active mines or major projects; and good access and infrastructure

CEOCFO: Mr. Foreman, what is the vision for Yale and how are you getting there?

Mr. Foreman: “We break our vision into short-term and long-term goals. Our short-term goals are to acquire a portfolio of interesting projects in Mexico and our long-term goals are to identify significant resources such that we can ultimately have a production decision.”


CEOCFO: What do you like about Mexico and where are you focused there?

Mr. Foreman: “What is there not to like about Mexico? In reality Mexico is very well known for its historical resources, long history of mining and exploration, for being a mining-friendly jurisdiction, and it is politically stable.”


CEOCFO: Please tell us about your projects there.

Mr. Foreman: “At the moment we have three projects that we are currently working on. We have the Urique Project, which we have a joint venture with a company called EXMIN Resources Inc.(TSXV:EXM). We have an option to earn a 75% interest in that property. The Urique project is a huge land package. It is 290 square kilometers and it is right in the middle of some of the most perspective land in northern Mexico. It is immediately north of Goldcorp’s (NYSE:GG) producing gold mine El Sauzal, which has resources and reserves of plus two million ounces of gold and it is immediately south of Kimber Resources Inc. (AMEX:KBX,TSX:KBR) Monterdi Project, which has reported resources of in excess of 800,000 ounces of gold and 45 million ounces of silver. When we optioned the project we had 7 mineralized targets, now with our exploration programs we found 3 additional targets, so we have ten mineralized targets on that property. We are currently working on that to identify drilled targets. Our second property is in Zacatecas, Mexico; it is a group of properties in reality and they are optioned from a company called IMPACT Silver Corp. (IPT-V); we have the right to earn 80% interest in those properties. Zacatecas is a very famous silver producing district in Mexico. We have just finished a 1800 meter drill program in which we successfully tested vein systems on three of the properties, one property was not drilled. We are expecting the results from that drill program will be in the next week to ten days. The third property we have is the first wholly-owned property to be brought into Yale Resources and that is the Carol Property. This is a zinc and copper property and we are currently working on that as a first phase mapping and trenching program. We are currently looking for other opportunities through northern Mexico.”


CEOCFO: Is the mix in minerals by design?

Mr. Foreman: “Absolutely, it is by design in that we want to have a basket of properties that take advantage of the markets hot assessments for the minerals market. As the minerals exploration industry is so cyclical, we think for the long-term success of the company, we do not necessarily want to be tied to one particular cycle such that for example, if gold were to dive to $350 dollars per ton in the next week, all of the gold focus companies would obviously hurt from that. If we take projects from a basis of having good economic and geologic potential regardless of the mineral, we think that puts us in better stead for the long-term future of the company.”


CEOCFO: How do you decide which projects to take on?

Mr. Foreman: “Certainly, there is always a case of if it was that good, why didn’t a company keep it to themselves. In our industry there are two primary groups of companies, one is what we call the project generator and this is a company that identifies targets and potentially keeps several to themselves, but they then option them out and that reduces the risk on their part because then they can find partners to use the partner’s money on their projects. If something is found, they didn’t spend a penny to find it and they have a percentage of whatever is found. The other groups of companies are the companies that utilize the project generators and option projects from them. There isn’t necessarily a case of if it is so good why vend it out to somebody. The case is how much does it cost to actually identify an economic ore body, and is a company willing to do that. If they have eight projects, maybe they could option more projects out and have greater odds of success because they have multiple partners working on multiple projects at the same time.”


CEOCFO: You have beefed up your team recently; are you ready now?

Mr. Foreman: “I guess the cheeky answer is we were ready when we started in Mexico in August. The real answer is we want to grow organically with a number of projects that are 100% owned by Yale Resources. At this point, we have one. I have been to Mexico four times in the last two months looking at other opportunities and as we grow with the number of projects that are 100%, we will continue to grow. This is only the first step in what I imagine Yale Resources being a significant company in the years to come. Yes we are ready, but no we have not stopped growing.”


CEOCFO: What is the financial picture for Yale today?

Mr. Foreman: “We did a financing in December last year and we raised just over $1 million. We currently just passed the $600 thousand mark, so we have about $600 thousand in the bank. We have been very careful with how we spend our money, but with our drilling program that has been completed and with ongoing exploration programs, a majority of our money is spoken for with regards to ongoing exploration.”


CEOCFO: I see there is a quote on your website, “there are no secrets to success, it is the result of preparation, hard work and learning,” that is a quote from Colin Powell as indicated on your site. How does that apply for Yale?

Mr. Foreman: “I think that the reality is that everyone that is associated with this industry understands how difficult it is to become very successful. We are surrounded by a group of men on our board of directors that have been there and done that. One of our board members is the president and CEO of a producing gold mining company. We have a gentleman on our board who was on the team that found one of Canada’s richest gold mines and has raised over $400 million in equity capital in his career. We also have a geologist who is a PhD, what I call a ‘think-outside-the-box’ geologist who has been involved in some very significant discoveries and projects. To round off our board of directors, we have a director who has been involved in both mid-sized and junior companies and has a finger on the pulse of the industry. I have surrounded myself with men who have been not only moderately, but very successful in this industry. That is a way in which I can then have access to vast more experience that what I have accumulated in my career.”


CEOCFO: Why should potential investors be interested in Yale Resources?

Mr. Foreman: “I think what sets Yale apart from a lot of other companies is the fact that we are a small growing company that has been very dynamic. We have been able to accelerate our exploration programs such that we advance projects as quickly as possible, allowing us to make a decision on future drilling programs, exploration programs, and the necessary capital involved in that as quickly as possible. That results in less waste with regards to the investors’ money. We want to put as much money as we can into the ground because that is where the results come from.”


CEOCFO: Final thoughts?

Mr. Foreman: “I think one thing that is important for current and future investors is that we are very active and have a lot of activity going on in the field and that will translate into lots of results and corporate developments coming up.”

Headline: (Here are the headlines that we are considering; you may select one and delete the others!)
What sets Yale Resources apart is that they are a small dynamic company that is able to accelerate their exploration program allowing them to make decisions on future drilling programs and the necessary capital.

Pull Quote:
(Here are the quotes that we are considering; you may select one and delete the others!)

“In reality Mexico is very well known for its historical resources, long history of mining and exploration, for being a mining-friendly jurisdiction, and it is politically stable.” - Ian Foreman, P.Geo.