Transition Therapeutics Inc. (TTH)
Interview with:
Dr. Tony Cruz, Chairman and CEO
Business News, Financial News, Stocks, Money & Investment Ideas, CEO Interview
and Information on their
innovative Islet Neogenesis Therapy (I.N.T.TM) that offers a promising and exciting therapeutic alternative to insulin-dependent diabetics.

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Transition Therapeutics – with one of the leading regenerative therapies for the treatment of diabetes currently in Phase I clinical trials

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(TTH – TSX venture)

Transition Therapeutics Inc.

415 Yonge St. – Ste. 1103
Toronto, ON, Canada M5B 2E7
Phone: 416-260-7770

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Dr. Tony Cruz
Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse
May 2003

Dr. Tony Cruz is a Founder, Chairman and CEO of Transition Therapeutics Inc., a public biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of regenerative therapies for the treatment of Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis and Stroke. The company currently has two lead products in phase I that will be entering phase II studies in diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Dr. Cruz maintains an academic position as a Senior Scientist at the Samuel Lunenfeld Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, and as a Professor at the University of Toronto. Dr. Cruz has founded three other biopharmaceutical and diagnostic companies.   He was a co-founder of Angiotech Pharmaceuticals Inc. which is currently the fifth largest biotech company in Canada (over $1 Billion market cap). He served as Vice-President of Research and as a member of the Board of Directors.  Dr. Cruz was also the co-founder of two other private biotech companies, HDM Diagnostics Inc. and Oncotherapeutics Inc. that have been successfully sold to a publicly traded Biotech company.  He is currently a member of the Board of Directors on several corporations, including Stem Cell Therapeutics Inc., Canadian Arthritis Network and Ibex Pharmaceuticals.  Dr. Cruz was also one of the Founders of the Canadian Arthritis Network (CAN), one of 21 National Network Centres of Excellence, and held the position of Program Director and CEO until November 2001.  This network received approximately $30 M over seven years to develop a comprehensive and integrative approach to arthritis research from “ bench to bedside”. Dr. Cruz received his B.Sc and Ph.D. in Chemistry and Biochemistry from the University of Toronto.  He is an Arthritis Society Scholar and the recipient of the Margaret Viola Mary Taylor Research Scientist Award. Dr. Cruz has over 60 peer-reviewed publications in scientific journals.

Company Profile:
Transition Therapeutics Inc. (TSX Venture: TTH) founded in 1998, is a biopharmaceutical company and leader in regenerative therapies developing innovative therapeutics for the treatment of diabetes, multiple sclerosis (MS), stroke and restenosis. Transition offers a deep product portfolio and a strong management team with expertise in product development. Transition's management intends to continue to build shareholder value by rapidly and cost effectively advancing products from discovery to the clinic and licensing to corporate partners.
Transition has developed lead therapies for its diabetes and MS programs. For the diabetes program, Transition focuses on the innovative Islet Neogenesis Therapy (I.N.T.TM) that offers a promising and exciting therapeutic alternative to insulin-dependent diabetics. Transition received approval to begin a Phase I clinical trial for its Islet Neogenesis Therapy in Oct 2002. The INT Phase I study was completed recently and showed that it was safe and well tolerated in normal volunteers.  For the MS program, Transition offers a novel and patented Interferon Enhancing Therapy (I.E.T.) that has been shown in two different animal models to be 2-5 times more effective than the current approved interferon therapy. Transition has already completed a Phase I clinical trial demonstrating an excellent safety and tolerability profile for its Interferon Enhancing Therapy.

CEOCFOinterviews: Dr. Cruz, please tell us about your vision, when Transition Therapeutics was founded, and where you are today.

Dr. Cruz: “The vision of the company was to focus on therapeutics that could change outcomes in specific diseases where there was a major need and major markets. We focused on diseases such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis and restenosis. We looked for technologies that would be novel and make an impact on those diseases. The company invested significantly into obtaining leading technologies in regenerative therapies for the treatment of diabetes, which I think represents a new paradigm for the treatment of many of these diseases. In the case of insulin dependent diabetes, by the time a patient shows up at the doctor, they have already lost most of their islet cells and the ability to produce insulin, and therefore, the only way you can increase the outcomes in those patients is by transplantation or stimulating regeneration of insulin producing cells in the pancreas. We have acquired a number of regenerative technologies for diabetes, stroke and Parkinson’s to become a leader in the development of regenerative therapies.”

CEOCFOinterviews: Currently, where are you in your clinical trials?

Dr. Cruz: “We have one of the leading regenerative therapies for the treatment of diabetes that is currently in Phase I clinical trials. We hope to be in Phase II by late summer to early fall. This treatment can take a diabetic animal that is fully dependent on insulin, and reverse the disease to insulin independence with a 14-28 day treatment. We have done this with a number of diabetic animal models and with human cells. We hope that we will be able to reproduce this in diabetics.”

CEOCFOinterviews: What is the treatment?

Dr. Cruz: “The treatment involves the use of two hormones or growth factors, that can stimulate the expansion of your islet precursor cells, which are present in the pancreas; you then have a second factor, which will stimulate the differentiation of these precursor cells into insulin producing islet cells. The combination of these two factors, one that increases the precursor cells and one that stimulates their differentiation into mature islet cells that produces insulin, allows us to significantly increase the number of islet cells in your own body. The advantage of our therapy over cell based therapies or transplantation is that you don’t need any immunosuppression, lack of donors, and avoid the regulatory and manufacturing hurdles.  Here you are increasing your own endogenous repair system that you have in-place, to produce enough islet cells to regulate glucose levels.”

CEOCFOinterviews: How does the timetable work for Phase II?

Dr. Cruz: “We are already planning Phase II trials. Our Phase II studies will be performed in insulin dependant diabetics. INT will be a short-term treatment of 14 days, with a primary end point of safety and increased insulin production. We think that by early next year we should have the data to support whether the INT technology is effective in diabetics.   We would then continue the trials with a Phase II B study determining which diabetic patient population would benefit most from this treatment. The data from these studies would set the basis for a Phase III pivotal study. We are hoping by early next year that we will have the human data to allow us to determine how well this technology works in humans with diabetes.”

CEOCFOinterviews: Do you have any other technologies?

Dr. Cruz: “We have other regenerative technologies; one is for stroke and another one is for Parkinson’s, but those are still at the pre-clinical stage. Our NeuroGenesis Therapy (NGT) was shown to be effective in stroke models examining for lesion repair and motor function analysis. Another more advance technology is the interferon enhancing therapy (IET), which is in Phase I, and we hope to move that into Phase II by this fall. Interferon is a drug that currently has sales of about 4.7 billion dollars, in areas such as multiple sclerosis, hepatitis C and some forms of cancer. IET technology enhances the action of interferon between from two to five-fold, depending upon disease indication and the animal model. We have done all the toxicity studies, both in human and animal models, and so far, it has an excellent safety profile to continue into a Phase II study.”

CEOCFOinterviews: How are you funding all of this?

Dr. Cruz: “We have advanced the products in the company through two different routes. The first has been through a private placements and public markets where we have raised a total of approximately $13 million. The second route, which has been extremely important in the development of our company, has been to acquire other companies that had more advanced and synergistic technologies to increase our platform and at the same time have advanced technologies that were closer to the clinic. We acquired a company in Boston called Waratah Pharmaceuticals, Inc. to bring in the diabetes program, Islet Cell Neogenesis .We acquired another company in Calgary called Stem Cell Therapeutics Inc., which brought us the additional regenerative technologies for the treatment of stroke and Parkinson’s, and expanded our regenerative platform “

CEOCFOinterviews: Do you see the need for further acquisitions?

Dr. Cruz: “I think we will rest here for while, we have our hands full at the moment and most importantly these products are really demonstrating a lot of promise in animal models, the clinic and also an interest from potential pharmaceutical partners. We feel that there are potential partnerships on the horizon for at least one or two of these technologies. We have spoken to a number of companies about some of these products and they are very interested. We feel like it will be just a matter of time before we start licensing some of these products, in which case we would then develop some of the other pre-clinical programs that we have in-place prior to further acquisitions."

CEOCFOinterviews: Will the money that you have now be sufficient to see you through this?

Dr. Cruz: “We expect to have a financing and/or a partnership in-place in the near term to enable us to fund our lead programs to the completion of Phase II."

CEOCFOinterviews: You mentioned that there are other regenerative therapies; why does yours standout?

Dr. Cruz: “The major focus for the development of regenerative therapies, has actually been to develop cell-based therapies from stem cells. They have had major hurdles to overcome, and so the progression of these cell-based products into the clinic has been extremely slow. The advantage of our technology is two fold; first, it is the leading regenerative therapy demonstrating efficacy in diabetic animal models and, secondly, it is doing it right in the body. It is much more of a pharmacological approach vs. a cell-based approach or transplantation. In diabetes, when you visit to the doctor for the first time, you have already lost as much as 80% of your islet cells, therefore simply inhibiting the disease, the way we traditionally treat diseases, is not going to be good enough. You have to transplant or regenerate those cells or replace them to acquire a normal function.

In the diabetes area, companies are beginning to build research teams to develop this type of approach and develop regenerative therapies.  Transition will be well positioned through patents to collaborate and form partnerships with these companies in the future. Finally, development of very profitable regenerative therapies has already occurred in other areas that we know very well such as red blood cell and neutrophil replacement therapies. The two regenerative therapies currently on the market, include Epogen® by Amgen Inc. (AMGN) and Neupogen® for neutrophil replacement associated with chemotherapy that generate approximately $3.4 billion a year in revenues.. We think that diabetes is the next major area for regenerative therapies and an ideal target because it is a single cell with one major function, which is to produce insulin in response to change in glucose levels.”

CEOCFOinterviews: Is your treatment a lengthy process?

Dr. Cruz: “That is a very attractive part of our therapy; it is a short treatment of 14 to 28 days that we anticipate being given 1 or 2 times annually. This we hope will be sufficient to regenerate enough islet cells to produce insulin to modify disease outcomes. The clinical trials are not going to be very long because the therapy itself takes a short time, there are little or no alternatives for these patients and thus enrolment should not be difficult. There are four million patients with diabetes that are insulin dependent; there are about seventeen million that are diabetic.”

CEOCFOinterviews: Do you do any work with the American Diabetes Association and other agencies?

Dr. Cruz: “We just started that process. In fact, we have a very strong scientific advisory board with some very prominent members of the diabetic community. We have had discussions at looking to get support from those agencies, but we have not yet done so. It is in the plans as we move forward into the clinic, to try to work with those agencies. But in reality, a significant portion of this technology was already funded initially through research grants in universities”

CEOCFOinterviews: Will you please tell us more about the licensing of your technologies?

Dr. Cruz: “We don’t want to be a fully integrated pharmaceutical company; our objective is to validate technology, build value and then transfer the technologies into the hands of people that can distribute it as widely as possible. Once we have this technology validated, the idea is to license it to a pharmaceutical company, which will then further develop and distribute it. That is part of our business platform

CEOCFOinterviews: In closing, what should shareholders and potential investors know about Transition Therapeutics?

Dr. Cruz: “First, potential investors should know that we are effective at taking a product from the beginning to the clinic very rapidly in a cost effective manner. That is one of the reasons why we have been able to carry several programs with a very low burn rate. The second is the question of where we are going to build value in the next ten to twelve months; the answer to that is we have two products going into Phase II in very large markets. One is in diabetes, which I think is a leader in a new paradigm of treatment of diabetes and another is multiple sclerosis, which is enhancing a current product. We have a third product and a partnership with another company, which is to develop a non-toxic agent that can inhibit restenosis. Recent validation studies in animal models have shown that at some of the agents can completely inhibit restenosis without any necrosis or thinning of the vessel cell wall. Thus discussions with leading stent manufacturers have intensified.  In summary, we have three areas that can move into a very strong partnership situation over the next year, as well as validation in humans or appropriate models to build value in the company. We expect that this will be an excellent year for Transition.”


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