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With The Advent Of Digital Signage, Television Is Finally Changing And Data Call Is On Top Of The Industry

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James Ammons
President and CEO


Company Profile:
Data Call Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB: DCLT) was created in 2002 as Digital Signage began to stake its claim in the world of advertising. Digital Signage has the ability to keep advertising fluid and in motion
Digital Signage is a relatively new and exciting method advertisers are using to promote, inform, educate, and entertain clients and customers about their businesses and products. Through Digital Signage, companies and businesses can use a single television or a series of flat screen televisions (displays) to market their services and products on site to their clients and customers in real time; because Digital Signage advertising takes place in real time, businesses can change their marketing efforts at a moments notice

Features of Digital Signage include, the ability to immediately change a digitally displayed image or advertisement depending on the businesses current clients and customers, and not getting locked into (days or months in advance) print advertising, which may become stale or obsolete prior to the run date of such print advertising.

Real time advertising helps companies target their marketing efforts to individual customers, helps advertise and sell inventory at the point of purchase, which appeals to those individual customers and thereby helps increase revenues.

Data Call Technologies, Inc., with its Direct Lynk Messenger system (DLM) enables clients to enhance their own Digital Signage through their web portal at Clients are able to pick and choose which news, weather by zip code (including Doppler), sports and information feed(s) they desire from Data Call’s servers, delivered across the Internet, to single or multiple displays within their establishments. Clients are required to have 1) a supported, third-party, video decoder box (player), which receives the data from the servers, then seamlessly presents the content on the clients displays, and 2) an Internet connection.

The feeds can be displayed in various formats controlled by the player; scrolling, roll-up, fade, anywhere on the display. Clients may also incorporate various video inputs, such as DVD’s, cable channels, etc creating a fusion of custom content being displayed within a client's establishment. This ultimately creates the clients own custom channel.

Not only does the DLM allow customers to pick and choose their news and information feeds, it also empowers the clients to include their own user-defined scheduled, or fixed messages and advertising via the Express Messaging module merged within the data feed; the client can simply insert any text they prefer at a moments notice, and choose which individual locations they desire to receive the feeds. For example:

A bar owner may wish to offer a specific drink special during the final minutes of a football game. With an internet connection and browser, the bar owner can log in from anywhere and enter the drink special message into the Express Messenger Module during the game, with one click, he or she would broadcast that message catering specifically to the current patrons —almost instantaneously to any or all of the bar’s displays, enhancing additional sales to the current customers in the establishment.

The owner of a supermarket, with Digital Signage, may notice that certain of her fruit products are nearing their expiration date. By broadcasting a message over the displays, she may be able to sell those fruit products at a discount before they spoil. Some players even incorporate POS data that can perform this task automatically through data integration with trigger points. With the weather data, the temperature may trigger specific ads to display, such as a sale on bottled water when the temperature exceeds 80 degrees – or yet a promotion for umbrellas when rain is forecasted in the feed. The creative possibilities are endless.

Data Call caters to both manufacturers and end users. As digital signage grows and matures in width and technology, Data Call is committed to living on the cutting edge, constantly working on innovations in ease of use and expansion.

The Data Call team has worked tirelessly in an effort to continually improve the delivery, security and variety of real-time information to the Digital Signage community, providing the most effective and complete live feeds in the industry.

Interview conducted by: Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor, - Published – August 31, 2007

Mr. Ammons, what was your vision for Data Call when it started and how has that developed?
Mr. Ammons: “About four or five years ago, I had a vision to deliver live sports and news to LED signs in sports bars. After long discussions and tiresome nights with our CTO, my vision developed into a nifty little product; this product delivered a live sports and news feeds through this little wireless chipset displaying the news on LED signs. How cool is that? No phone wires or internet. Remember, back then most people were on dial up if they had internet at all. I thought that we could sell these systems by the millions to sports bars. Who would say no? What we quickly learned was that viewers in California did not really care to view the same information as those in New York; well, that’s when we set out to reverse broadcasting. I know that seems strange or crazy, but we figured - wouldn’t it be neat if you could pick and choose only what information that you would like to see? This has never been accomplished. Let’s take television; we cannot as viewers change the information without changing the channel. We have no control over what the broadcasters decide that we should look at. Our attitude was quite cavalier, but if we could create this pick and choose environment, this could change the way people view televisions. Of course almost immediately there came a lot of critics and yes, the people that thought I was a complete nut case. But let’s fast forward about three years and several million dollars; we did reverse conventional broadcasting as we know it. Our custom information is now being viewed at Madison Square Garden, Yankee Stadium, BAE Systems, 3M Digital Signage, Wrigley Field, Buffalo Airport, Virgin Mobile, and the list goes on. We have immerged as probably the largest information provider for the Digital Signage Industry and nudging into information delivery to cell phones."

CEOCFO: Please explain what you are providing.
Mr. Ammons: “We provide information on your TV screen that you choose what you want to view. Most of your audience is familiar with Bloomberg television. Through our web application and software, you can create your own Bloomberg television.” 

CEOCFO: What is the current status of the business and where do you go from here?
Mr. Ammons: “We are publicly traded now. We have installs in Mexico and Canada. Our information feeds are found in elevators as well as condominiums in New York and Florida. In some applications, you simply touch the screen and pull up live traffic, weather, Doppler radar, live sports scores, and world headlines. We do business with 95% of all the digital signage companies in the country. We also do business with 3M Digital Signage (NYSE-MMM). That alone took over a year and a half to ink that deal. Last week we just introduced our data for the first time ever on the NEC Inaset IP Phone; it is an IP desktop phone. It has a row of assigned buttons on the right; you simply push a button and you get a live traffic in your area or live Doppler radar for your area, or other information from Data Call. That project took us about seven months working direct with NEC, I am quite proud of this project. In fact, we just did a news release last week about it.”

CEOCFO: Who is your target market and how do you reach your end customer?
Mr. Ammons: “Our target market is businesses. Let me give an example: Bank of America Corporation (NYSE-BAC), who shows exclusively CNN inside their lobby. What happens when Wells Fargo (NYSE-WFC) advertises on CNN? Well, that’s not a good scenario for Bank of America. Ditech Funding knows that Bank of America shoes CNN in their lobbies, and Ditech has been blitzing their advertising campaign on CNN for the last four years. Who knows how many billions of dollars they Ditech has taken from Bank of America on refinancing or mortgages. Digital signage applies to every industry out there from shopping malls to department stores. Here’s another example Wal-Mart (NYSE-WMT) who was one of the first major companies in the country to switch over to digital signage. They show the price of services, hours and operations; and, of course, the import of commercials. Digital signage replaces television. Television has not been changed in fifty years; well, maybe the box that displays it; whether it be color, or now they are plasma and LCD. These are large screens as well. Actually, television is finally changing and I am proud to say that Data Call is on top of the industry. Data Call is just going to get bigger and bigger.”

CEOCFO: Why do people have to look at something everywhere?
Mr. Ammons: “Systems are now in place where if you are waiting in line at the doctor’s office, the supermarket, sitting in a lobby fumbling with your cell phone, digital signage is there to entertain and inform you. It is just a unique industry that most of America has just recently accepted without even realizing it. In Las Vegas, digital signage is everywhere. Times Square has digital signage out there on the streets with live information. Digital signage tends to be very entertaining with its infotainment. Department stores or the grocery stores have the ability to advertise, in store, their products and services, and may also advertise for their vendors or other local businesses. Back to Bank of America - their huge, but they still today have this white board that they use a dry-erase to display their mortgage or loan rates. Why shouldn’t they put their products and services and even rates on their TV, which they can do, it makes perfect sense. Digital Signage gives them an opportunity to advertise in their own store; on their own TV, with live data, live information.

We have over 40 types of information feeds to choose from. You can develop your own TV; input your commercials, price and services. Restaurants love it because instead of relying on little table tent cards, their message or special is now on their own TV. They can promote happy hour or dinner specials or maybe they have a band playing this Sunday. Why can’t they use their TV to advertise their own products instead of showing unfavorable dining content like CNN with suicide bombers? TV is the last appliance that has not been changed. The pay phone has gone by the wayside, the travel agency; why it’s even cheaper now to use your cell phone than your landline. TV was the last thing to be changed; well now it has. With the networks, you could never control data on your TV; you were forced to look at what they thought you should look at. With Data Call, and our partners, we have changed that. Utilizing television for the benefit of your business absolutely makes sense.”

CEOCFO: How do you choose your targets?
Mr. Ammons: “We have spent a large amount of money at trade shows convincing people that this is real, one is not simply going to look at advertising content alone, you need something there to keep you coming back to that screen - Like traffic, weather, or even market details.  Previously, the only two choices for information were Associated Press and Reuters, but they push the whole chunk of information to you, you cannot choose what you want. Data Call changed all that. With Data Call, one can pick and choose what info you want on your screens.”

CEOCFO: How do you get your customers?
Mr. Ammons: “I wish I had a million dollars to just exclusively tell people about Data Call, but the venture capitalists would not touch us, they thought I was a nut. There has been no funding by outside sources; I have always knocked on doors and raised the money myself. I wish we had enough marketing capital to let people know we are here. The industry knows who we are, but the American public does not know who we are. If they found out I think we would be the darling of Wall Street. The public just does not know we exist yet.”

CEOCFO: You have had some additions to your management team; what is changing there and do you need to build the team additionally?
Mr. Ammons: “I am quite happy with the management team. I just brought Ed Kessing in as vice-president of operations; he was the former campus director for MTI College of Business and Technology here in Houston. He has been a family friend of mine for well over twenty years. Ed is a top-notch professional. Ed is also an Eagle Scout – if you ever have the chance to put an Eagle in your management team. Do it. Ed brings a lot of structure in the planning and execution of Data Call’s tasks at hand. We have a great top management team and yes, we need stronger growth in our marketing. That takes more capital. We only operate with six key individuals and we have always kept a low profile and overhead. We do not have a large staff of secretaries and assistants. We stay lean. I poured a lot in on my end to get the company public, which we are and we are fully reporting. We did not buy a shell or reverse merge it, we filed an SB2, which is out of the gate clean. The main thing is we have approximately 65 million shares out there and some great shareholders that believe in my dream. Everybody is quite delighted with it.”

CEOCFO: What is the financial picture?
Mr. Ammons: “We are not burning millions of dollars every month; our expenses total is about 45 to 50 thousand per month. Therefore, we are extremely low maintenance. It does not take a large effort to roll out high installs. Take for instance the Subway sandwich shops; we installed the first forty in merely five minutes. We have always focused on perfecting our information feeds - nothing else. It is a simple email and about a three-minute download. Then it’s all about recurring revenue. We are kind of like a cable or phone company. Yet, we do not have customer hardware breakdowns. We have charter customers like Midwest Airlines out of Milwaukee that has been with us for well over a year. 3M Digital Signage has now been a customer for some time. They really did their homework on Data Call when I had my 5 staff members against their what 80,000? And yes, they signed. Data Call is a rock solid company. We do not have executive offices, or company cars. Financially we are not burning millions of dollars. I think in the next four or five months, Data Call will be turning large profits and we will be good as gold.”

CEOCFO: In closing, tell us why potential investors should be interested now.
Mr. Ammons: “Most investors want to go for the next big thing you know. We all experienced the internet boom and bust. Google just came out and exploded everywhere with $500.00 a share, so the internet is back and it will keep getting stronger and stronger. If you take a look at software companies and technology companies, they are back in favor with everyone, knowing that everybody got toasted on the investments. Data Call is just a new kid on the block and yes, it too is just going to get bigger and bigger. If an investor is looking for a short-term growth, we’ve got it; if looking at long-term gains, we’ve got it. Did I mention that we started this company on a kitchen table? The hard work is done. We are already sending feeds to Mexico and Canada. We have a great growth rate every month. Remember, our customers never stop paying us, so if you fast-forward Data Call a year or two years, it will be a monster of a company. If you look at the potential of this company with the technology, internet, software and cutting-edge stuff, Data Call is it.”


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Data Call Technologies, Inc.
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Houston, TX 77060
Phone: 866-219-2025


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“Digital signage replaces television. Television has not been changed in fifty years; well, maybe the box that displays it; whether it be color, or now they are plasma and LCD. These are large screens as well. Actually, television is finally changing and I am proud to say that Data Call is on top of the industry. Data Call is just going to get bigger and bigger.,,, TV was the last thing to be changed; well now it has. With the networks, you could never control data on your TV; you were forced to look at what they thought you should look at. With Data Call, and our partners, we have changed that. Utilizing television for the benefit of your business absolutely makes sense.” - James Ammons does not purchase or make
recommendation on stocks based on the interviews published.